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PLOT- Ash was invited to a fancy restaurant by the New Mafia leaders, they want to strike a deal with Ash so they are throwing a ball, Ash of course doesn't want a war with them but he is hesitant. When he shows up to the ball he runs into someone he will never forget, fate works in its own ways, the new bosses son Eiji just so happens to be fated with Ash.


I walk into the restaurant to see a middle aged Japanese woman holding a little baby sitting at the table far off towards the back, the meeting table, I notice how she glances around waiting, I notice a male around her age walk over and take a seat the both sit and wait, the man's hair is turning grey towards the roots, I see the new Mafia's seal on the womans and man's clothes, they are the bosses I'm meeting up with, hm, they don't seem to be that awful.
I've been wrong about these things before, never judge by looks, people can be hidden snakes. I walk over, I'm here to hear what they have to say, then I leave, that simple.

I am dressed up of course to be respectful, I take a seat at the table and the woman is the first to greet me of course the man follows right after "we would like to invite you to a ball that we're hosting, the last thing we want to do is seem rude in our actions" the man says and I think about it, I don't trust them, I'll test their honest "how many children do you have? I just want to know who the future leaders may be since I may meet them there" I say, it's dangerous to reveal certain things so asking this is just a simple test, most dont pick up on such easily said questions.

The woman speaks up not even two seconds after, her voice is one of a protective mother "three, for certain reasons I won't reveal their names but my two oldest children are in Japan where it is safe, you may not see either of them in the streets of New York" she says and I nod "I was just curious, I will see if I can go. Not to be disrespectful, I will be going now, it was nice to speak to you two" I say and stand up, they pasted the test, I still can't trust them.

She proved that she was trusting but not stupid, it's rare for that, it kind of makes me happy to know she's part of the mafia, she's smart and seems to be caring, not many females make it in the mafia wold, but she clearly does, I'm slightly impressed.

I leave the restaurant thinking through my ideas, if I go I could risk my safety but I feel like I need to go, somethings pulling me there, for such a long time I felt a pull to across the world but now it's so close, I can't give up this chance, it could mean the end of me but the feeling is so strong.

I really shouldn't go alone, I'll get Shorter and see if he'd like to go, I know Skipper will, he's 15 but he doesn't give up the chance to go to these boring events, always wanting to meet pretty girls.

I hop on Shorters motorcycle, I'll give it back to him later, I drive off towards my apartment building. It's run down but home is home, I park the motorcycle and hide it in the ally, if I lose it then Shorter would be defiantly pissed.

~time skip~

I walk up to the large building with Skipper and Shorter, we start at the huge white and gold doors, all three of us are dressed for the ball in amazing suits, it took a lot of convincing to get Shorter to come with me but the moment I mentioned beautiful girls I caught his interests, he left control to Sing, a young man that is Shorter second in command.

My guys are such dogs hah! I guess that makes me the owner, a lynx with pet dogs. How funny. I guess I'm stuck thinking in the older way, I need to think of ne-

I feel a nudge on my shoulder that pulls me out of my thoughts, good thing too cause my thoughts were going off track. I look to the person who nudged me in the first place and it's Skipper, he looks worried "what's wrong?" I ask and he looks at the door "you sure this is a good idea boss?" He asks and I nod "yes Skipper, I have a feeling everything will be fine" I say and open the door walking in.

Skipper and Shorter follow in close behind me, the ball room is packed with so many fancy people dressed in fancy outfits stand around and talk. My chest starts to burn and my eyes widen.

I follow the feeling in my chest, soon I start running not knowing why but I do it, I turn a corner of a doorway and knock straight into someone, I fall on top of them, I go to say something but I get lost in looking at the male I fell on top of "I'm so sorry! I should have been looking where I was going I just got off track" he apologizes quickly, I look at him in awe, he looks amazing, dark deep eyes with dark black hair.

I speak up "Hey it's no problem, I was the one running" I say and stand up getting off of him, he chuckles and stretches the back of his head "I'm not used to this, I uh.." He stops and looks at the ground, my heart is pounding, he is what I was looking for, I don't understand this, I'm so I retested though "uh hey, I'm Aslan, it is very nice to me you 'uh'." I say teasingly, he blushes and looks embarrassed, I don't know why but I used my real name instead of just Ash, strange.. It just happened on reflex. "My name is Eiji, not 'uh' I just didn't know what to say, sorry!" He says and I chuckle "I'm just messing with you, would you like to go dance with me?" I ask hopeful and he looks hesitant but he nods.

Yes! He agreed, I grab his hand gently and pull him with me to the dance floor, we start to waltz "so why are you at a party like this?" I ask as we dance, my hand resting in his and the other on his hip.

He laughs lightly "well, my parents.. Kinda are mafia bosses, they through this party to make friends with this Ash Lynx guy, I have only heard stories of him, I wasn't going to go to this but.. I kinda felt a pulling feeling.. I know it sounds strange.. I just felt it.." He says and my eyes widen .

Holy shit it's fate.


Sorry if this was strange, I'm just testing out ideas, if you liked it then please leave a like, thank you for reading it!

Ash x Eiji (one shots, Including Smut)Where stories live. Discover now