Harry X Reader

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You'd managed to turn your life at Hogwarts into a great one. Being in Gryffindor gave you a lot of opportunities for friendship, especially since most of your Housemates befriended you without a second thought. You became quick friends with the Golden Trio, which offered you a lot of laughs and adventures. During your third year, you developed feelings on one particular brunet boy. You knew you were young, but you couldn't control your crushes. You spent the last half of your third year silently pining. Hermione figured it out rather quickly, watching how you suddenly became very interested in anything and everything Harry had to say, and how you became immediately flustered whenever one of you tripped and crashed into the other, and how your face fell whenever someone asked him if he fancied anyone. There was no point in trying to lie to the smartest witch in school, so you admitted your discovery and she was very sympathetic.

During the beginning of your fourth year, Harry developed his own feelings. He suddenly became very interested in anything you had to say, and he became very flustered if one of you tripped and crashed into the other, and his face fell whenever the girls asked you if you fancied anyone.

He eventually broke down and told Ron about his new feelings for you. Ron mentally slapped himself for not realizing it sooner, and promised to help his friend. He began working with Hermione to get you and Harry together.

Shortly after the Triwizard Tournament was announced, Harry enchanted a note during Transfigurations and sent it to your desk. Hermione grinned at you, urging you to open it. You knew it had to be from Harry – otherwise, Hermione would have turned to glare at the person distracting you and told you to wait until after class.

You unfolded it quietly, hiding it beneath your desk. Your cheeks flushed at the message inside.


Go to the Yule Ball with me?


You turned to look at Hermione with wide eyes and she returned it with a vigorous nod. You chewed your lower lip as you scribbled out a response.

I'd love to.

The night of the Yule Ball, you were a bundle of nerves. You wore a (f/c) dress with off-shoulder sleeves and a skirt that reached your ankles. The torso hugged your curves delicately and the neckline didn't reveal too much cleavage. Your hair was pinned up out of your face, and you were constantly adjusting the pins while you waited for Harry to pick you up.

A knock on your dorm room caught your attention, and you practically ran to answer it. You smiled nervously at the brunet on the other side, whose jaw dropped open when he saw your dress.

"You look beautiful," he breathed, his eyes travelling back up to your face.

"Thank you," you blushed. "You look very nice yourself."

He smiled and offered you an arm. You stepped forward and linked your arm around his, turning to tell Hermione that you'd see her at the Ball. She smiled encouragingly and watched the two of you descend the stairs.

Your nerves were amplified when McGonagall informed you that the participants of the tournament were the first to dance. You completely forgot about Harry's new position, thinking tonight would just be a simple ball. Harry smiled encouragingly and removed his arm from yours so that he could reach down and take your hand. He laced your fingers and gave your hand a gentle squeeze as he led you onto the dance floor. Spotting Hermione dancing with Viktor gave you a small bout of reassurance.

The night went on without a hiccup. All you could focus on was how close Harry was holding you. Your arms were draped around his neck and his hands never left your hips. He drew you in close enough that he could rest his forehead on yours, staring into your eyes. Nothing else mattered as you stood there, swaying softly to the beat, mesmerized by the brunet before you.

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