Fred X Reader

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You woke up to a faint tapping. You crawled groggily out of your warm bed, and walked over to the window that was next to your bed. You opened it slightly, to see a school owl with a letter strapped to its leg. You looked at it in surprise, who would send you anything, let alone with a school owl? With a shrug, you untied the letter and tossed it onto your bed. You stroked the owl for a moment before it flew off and you shut the window. You walked quietly back to your bed, you didn't want to wake anyone, and carefully unrolled the piece of paper. It said:

Hey __y/n__!

Be down in the common room in ten minutes.

See you then!

The person didn't sign their name, and you weren't sure who wrote it. It sounded kind of like something the Weasley twins would write, but you had no idea why they'd want you to be in the common room. You were pretty good friends with them, but it was, you glanced at the alarm clock on your nightstand, one of the only muggle items they allowed at Hogwarts, and saw that it was three in the morning. You sighed, you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep anyway, and got dressed before making your way down to the common room.

You looked around but saw no one, and walked over to the couch. You plopped yourself down, and were just readjusting your position when a voice spoke in your ear.

"You're late __y/n__."

You jumped in surprise and ended up falling off the couch and onto the floor.

"Ow..." You mumbled as you stood up. You saw Fred standing on the opposite side of the couch, and glared at him.

"Was that really necessary?"

" 'Course!" He said cheerfully.

"What'd you need me for?" You asked curiously. Fred grinned, before waving you over. You hesitantly walked over to him and crossed your arms.

"Close your eyes." He said impatiently. You did not, he was one half of the Weasley twins, how could you trust him?

"No. You'll change the color of my hair or turn me into a toad or something." You said and stuck your tongue out at him. Fred sighed.

"If it'll make you trust me, feel free to search me." He said as he held his arms out on either side of his body. You ran your hands along his arms and his legs, and didn't feel anything suspicious. You then ran your hands along his torso, and while you didn't feel anything suspicious, you did feel that his stomach was firm, probably from all the pranking with George. You hastily pulled your hands away, you were getting into dangerous territory. You had had a crush on Fred for as long as you could remember and you didn't want to do something stupid. Fred however, noticed your odd movement, and smirked to himself.

"Close your eyes!" He urged. You reluctantly closed your eyes and waited for whatever he was about to do. A few moments of silence passed and you were considering the likelihood that he had left, when you felt something soft and warm on your mouth. You were about to open your eyes to see what it was, but the weight on your lips vanished and you heard Fred speak.

"Don't open your eyes." He said softly. You nodded slightly and the pressure on your lips reappeared. What was it? Fred wasn't, kissing you, was he? You decided to test this theory by tugging gently with your teeth on whatever was pressed to your lips. You heard Fred groan, and felt the weight vibrate, and came to the conclusion that Fred was kissing you. You smirked and tugged slightly harder on his lips. He groaned again, and you slipped your tongue into his mouth. His mouth was warm and wet, and your tongue explored it cautiously.

Fred growled as your tongue started fighting with his own, but he ended up winning, and you allowed his tongue to explore your mouth. His tongue felt odd in your mouth, but at the same time, it felt good. You growled softly as he removed his tongue, and then his lips. It was then that you realized how long you had been starved for air, and hurriedly filled your lungs while Fred did the same. When you had both caught your breath, you looked at him. He was looking at you too, and you longed to kiss him again, but you refrained from doing so.

"So Fred, is that all you woke me up so early for?" You said teasingly. Fred smirked, and the smile you had been wearing dropped from your face. If a Weasley twin smirked, you were in trouble. Fred stepped closer again, and your __e/c__ eyes locked with his bluey green ones.

"You know __y/n__, I don't think you trust me yet. I think you might need to search me more." He said teasingly. "Or maybe I need to search you..." Fred whispered in your ear. You shivered and flushed at the same time, before Fred pulled away. He grabbed your wrist, and started pulling you out the entrance to the Gryffindor common room.

"Where are we going?" You whispered; it was the early hours of the morning, and if you got caught out of bed, there would be hell to pay. Fred didn't answer, just kept dragging you up flights of stairs and down hallways. Eventually, he walked you past a certain spot three times, and a door appeared on a wall.

Fred grinned, before opening the door and pulling you inside. You glanced around the room; it was pretty small, with just a queen size bed in one corner, and candles spread about the room. You noticed another door, and upon inspection, you saw that it was a small bathroom with a toilet, sink, and shower.

You wondered why you and Fred were in here as you looked around the room, before Fred wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and whispered in your ear.

"Can we finish with the exploring now?"

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