Harry X Reader

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You pounded through the corridors, books clutched in your grasp. You didn't stop as people yelled at you to watch where you were going. You were going to be later to Transfiguration, and a happy McGonagall is what you needed in order to not land yourself into detention . You arrived to the door, panting and hesitantly opening the door. As you step in, the room goes quiet. Heads turn and muttering fills the room due to that your ten minutes late to class and most of the students don't know who you are. Professor McGonagall stops mid-speech and turns toward you. You wait for her to give you three days detention but it never comes. You can hear Malfoy and his retards for friends sniggering. You grit your teeth, wanting to punch him until the devil can see Malfoy's face against his window panes. " I see that you are late also, Mr. Potter. Very well, go sit over there and don't come late to class again... and PLEASE SHUT UP MALFOY!" McGonagall exclaimed. Malfoy stopped giggling and so did Goyle and Crabbe. You slowly turned around to meet the bright emerald eyes of Harry Potter. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of his face. You had had a crush on him since first year. Now was your third year and you still haven't talked to him. Well, you can't really blame anyone for not wanting to talk to you. once the sorting happened and they called your name, everyone freaked out because your last name was Riddle. Yes, you are the daughter of Lord Voldemort. Surprise, surprise. Anyway, you snapped back into reality and made your way to where Professor McGonagall told you two to sit and took out your notes and looked at the professor. Harry followed and did the same. "As I was saying, today we will be transforming into Animagus under Dumbledore's signature and the Ministry is magic. I trust that you learned enough from you studies to know how to transform without majorly injuring yourselves beyond repair. Good luck." and with that she sat at her desk and everyone started. you grabbed a textbook at the same time Harry did, his hands brushing against yours. " You know, I think she's crazy, telling us that we have to do this at the age of thirteen." he said. You shake your head. " not Really crazy if you know how to do it. Can you pass me the other textbook so I can put them over there?" Harry hands me the books and you put them on the empty desk in the back of the classroom. when your back is turned, you can feel someone's eyes on you. you turn back around to find Malfoy staring at you. You go back to your table and sit down. " Okay so all we have to do is..." Now a Great Stag is in front of you. You laugh as you pat the stag's head. "Well done Harry! Lemme try now!" You stand back, take a deep breath, and concentrate hard. you didn't open you eyes until you heard "OOOOOOooooooh!"s and "Ahhhhh."s. Suddenly you felt scared due to the fact that you were on fire and you were high up in the air. But the next second you realized you were some kind of majestic bird. Gaining confidence that you weren't going to fall, you soared across the room, looking at everyone's faces. Your heart gave a leap of joy of freedom. You have never felt like this, not when you were living with your father and Bellatrix isn't a help either and that's why your mom took you away. You landed softly on your feet as your human self  and gasps spread in the room. You have forgotten that many people don't know who you are and for a moment all your friends (not very many) went up to congratulate you. " Congrats Miss. _____ and Mr. Potter! A plus for you for successfully turning into an Animagus!" McGonagall announced. " Wait! I can do it better than them!" Malfoy stepped up with a smirk. He stood there for a moment and slowly his top half of his body turned into a possum but his bottom half stayed the same. Everyone laughed. McGonagall hurried out of the room with Malfoy and the bell rang. You packed up my books when Harry went up to you and gave you a pat on the head. "Well done! The phoenix you are is beautiful by the way." he said. You blushed. "T-thanks Harry! You did well too!" you stuttered. You checked the time and gasped. "What's wrong?" Harry asked. "We are going to be late that's what!" and with that, you hurried out of the class room and off to your next class, Defense of the Dark Arts.

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