Harry X Reader

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(Note: ______ = your name. ------ = your last name)

You walked down the halls of Hogwarts. It was your fifth year, and you arrived at Hogwarts two months ago; your first class of the day was Potions. You weren't really fond if it since you were in Gryffindor and "Potions Master" Severus Snape didn't like Gryffindor.
You walked into the classroom and sat down. You were early and the only person in there was your enemy; Draco Malfoy.
"Hello ------! What are you doing here so early?" Malfoy smirked. You growled at Malfoy.
Then then love of your life came in. The famous- Harry Potter.

Malfoy smirked and tripped Harry when he walked by. You glared at Malfoy. If looks could kill, you'd be more deadly than Voldemort right now.
Draco leaned back when he noticed you. He gave a small gulp and went back to writing down notes.
Harry smiled and got up. He sat down next to you and you blushed, "Hey ______." Harry smiled at you. "Hi Harry" You replied.

The room soon filled with students. You were siting between your friends Ron and Harry. Professor Snape burst through the doors like normal. "Open your books to page fifty. Today, we'll be learning about a transforming Potion." Snape said coolly.
Ron leaned over to you and whispered "Let's hope he can make himself less ugly" you tried keep from giggling, then Snape wacked Ron in the back of the head with a cluster of papers. "Silence Mr. Weasly..." Snape said in his normal cold tone.

After class you walked down the halls, you had free time and you wanted to spend it outside.
As you walked you heard a voice go off. You saw speakers and a female voice came out. "I am reminding students to NOT be late for class. Thank-you."
You growled at the voice. "Umbridge" you growled.
Outside, you saw Harry siting under a tree studying. You walked over, "Hi Harry!" you greeted.

Harry looked up and smiled. "Hi ______. Oh hey, I need to talk to you." Harry said standing up.
You nodded and he grabbed your hand and led you to an area with no one there.
"______... Ever since I first saw you... I had this feeling... I..." He sighed.
Harry then gently cupped his hands around your face and gazed into your eyes. "I love you ______" then he kissed you tenderly on the lips. Your heart fluttered and you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back.
You suddenly heard laughing and the two of you pulled apart. When you looked over you saw Malfoy and his two friends; Crabbe and Goyle.
They howled with laughter. "Looks like Potter has a girlfriend" Malfoy laughed.

You looked at Harry and smiled. "Hey Harry. Do you know any good transformation spells?" you asked.
Harry caught on to what you were thinking. "Why yes! I do." He smiled.
Malfoy gulped. He and his friends ran as fast as they could. You and Harry laughed and chased after them.
"You wait until my father hears about this!!!" Malfoy called back. You laughed as you replied "I'm not afraid of an old man!" Harry laughed with you and you both pulled out your wands to give Malfoy a scare.

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