Harry X Reader

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You smiled at your reflection in the mirror as Hermione completed the finishing touches of your make up. She smiled at you excitedly, looking at your face to review her work.

"You look absolutely beautiful," she gushed, beaming at you. You blushed, letting out a giggle.

"Thank you, Hermione," you replied, giving her a hug.

"So, are you nervous?" she asked. You wiped your sweaty palms against your perfect dress, taking a deep breath as your heart raced a mile a minute.

"Yes," you admitted. "I just want everything to go perfectly. This is such an important day before both of us; I can't have anything going wrong."

"You need to stop stressing out," she replied bluntly. "I promise you, as long you are both together, there's nothing you can't do. Everything will go smoothly without a hitch, no matter what Ron and I have to do to make it happen."

"I don't know where I'd be without you guys," you smiled.

Ron and Hermione had been by your side since your first year at Hogwarts. You had worried initially that your crush on their best friend would put a wedge between you, making it an awkward group rather than the four Musketeers you'd become. But Hermione was nothing but supportive, and Ron admitted that he'd been trying to convince Harry to ask you out for months. It didn't take much after that for you and Harry to begin your long-lived relationship.

That was back in your fourth year, and you were now in your early twenties, ready to walk down the aisle with the love of your life.

People marveled at you when you told them you were marrying your childhood sweetheart. Some people asked if you were sure; how could you know you wanted to marry him if you'd never tried dating someone else? You would smile and nod. You knew Harry was the one for you. The fact that you never wanted to date anyone else was kind of a big clue.

One of the biggest details of your wedding was setting the date. Both of you had plenty of dates that were dark days, like dates of deaths or attacks on the school, or other bad things relating to people you cared for. About a month after Harry proposed and you began planning the big day, the date dawned on you – the day you started dating. You would get married on your tenth anniversary.

Once you set the date, everything else fell into place. You decided to set the wedding in the field of the school, so that all of the staff you'd grown to love could attend. You sketched your perfect dress, and Hermione crafted a spell to bring it to life. She agreed to do your makeup while Ginny did your hair. Neville offered to make the flower arrangements, his knack for herbology coming in handy when choosing meaningful plants to decorate the event. Your mother was baking the cake and Minerva McGonogall would be performing the ceremony. Hermione, Ginny, and Luna even threw you a bridal shower.

"This is it," your father murmured as he stood beside you at the beginning of the aisle. He offered you his arm and you linked yours around his, taking in a breath. The music began to play, courtesy of Filius Flitwick. All eyes turned to you, causing heat to rush to your cheeks at all the attention. Off to the side stood Hermione as the maid of honor, Ginny and Luna as the bridesmaids, Ron as the best man, and Neville and Seamus as groomsmen.

When you approached the altar, your father kissed your cheek and took his seat. You handed your bouquet to Hermione and stood to face Harry. He took your hands in his, smiling softly at you from behind his glasses, which had stayed the same after all these years.

McGonagall spoke loudly and elegantly, giving the whole ordeal an extra air of importance. No one ignored McGonagall. When the time came, she handed you both your wands.

"Recite your vows and aim your wand at your partner's ring finger. Your love and magic will forge a ring unique to their personality and your relationship," she explained.

"(y/n), I've loved you since fourth year," Harry began, gazing into your eyes. "I knew there was something special about you the moment we met, but I had no idea how special you would become in my life. I can't imagine a second of my day without you in it; thinking of you, talking to you, being with you. You're the air I breathe and you make my heart sing. We've been through a lot, but I know that we can get through anything as long as we're together. Every obstacle life has thrown at us has only made us stronger. I love you, (y/n). Forever and always. I will always be by your side, just as I know you'll be at mine."

He aimed his wand at your hand and a small beam of light emanated from it, similar to when he cast his Patronus charm. A beautiful silver ring appeared on your finger, the band made up of intertwined lines and your birthstone set in the center. Your named were engraved on either side of the stone.

"Harry, I love you more than anything. You've always been there for me. Even when you were overloaded with your own problems, you found time to help me with mine. I can never thank you enough for everything you've done for me. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you, and I don't ever intend to find out. I love you, now and forever. I will always stand by you, even if the whole world is against you. You'll never have to do anything alone." You aimed your wand at his hand and a black and silver ring appeared. It had an intricate design and your names were engraved along the top and bottom.

McGonagall closed the ceremony, instructing the two of you to kiss. You giggled softly as Harry wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you against him. You kissed him sweetly, earning a chorus of cheers from the crowd. When you pulled away, he grabbed your hand and led you up the aisle, smiling as your friends tossed flower petals at you. When you reached the end of the aisle, Harry muttered a spell and flicked his wand. A cloud of smoke enveloped you, whisking you away to a romantic honeymoon.

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