Draco x Reader

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When Draco Malfoy asked (Name) (Last Name) on a date, she was a little more than surprised.

They both went to Princeton University. She was a major in Interior Architecture and Draco in Business Administration. They were two very different things. She had seen the blonde passing by on campus sometimes but never paid much mind to him.

Most people tended to go out of their way to keep their distance from him. His father was the former administrator for the school, and it was heard that he had connections...

(Name) was too busy rushing back and forth to classes, practices, and friend's parties to be able to get in the man's way.

She had only talked to Draco twice in the whole two years she had been at Princeton, if you could even have called it talking. The first time, (Name) was (well, still is) the team captain for the University's volleyball team. One of Draco's friends, Astoria (Name) believed her name to be was also on the team.

They had been going head to head in the championships. The game had been brutal, two girls already had nosebleeds, one with a broken ankle, and (Name)'s wrist was definitely sprained.

It was game point and one of the girls spiked it. Without hesitation, (Name) dove for the ball, just managing to keep it off the ground, but not without wincing from the contact of the ball on her injured wrist. It allowed Astoria and opening to run forward. (Name) immediately got onto her hands and knees, letting Astoria use her as a stool before she spiked it to the ground on the other side, winning the game.

(Name) sighed as everyone began cheering and swarming onto the court. Someone ripped her off the floor. It was the captain of the other team. "Hey, good game." (Name) said, holding her good hand out for a shake.

A punch to mouth was not what she expected.

She flew backwards into Draco Malfoy's arms who caught her out of instinct when passing by. "Are you al-"

"You wanna play that way?" (Name) spat, pushing herself back up. "Fine, let the games begin." She smiled with a bloody grin, sweeping the girls legs out from under her.


The second time was in the on campus library a week before finals began.

(Name) and her friend Hermione had decided to rent out one of the rooms there to study. (Name) had gotten up at one point to grab a book she needed for a certain question.

Despite it being one of the best school in the country, Princeton's library was disastrous. Almost all the books were not where they should be because twats kept slacking off.

(Name) ending up finding the book in the Business aisle. Her sudden butterfingers caused the sleek hardcover to slip between her fingers and onto the floor.

She reached down just as someone else did, knocking their heads together. Both flew upwards, hands pressed to their heads. "Oh, I'm sorry." (Name) said, rubbing at her skull.

"It's fine, here-" Draco leaned down to pick up the book and placed it back in (Name)'s hands. "Thanks." (Name) smiled.

She made a move to go back and finish studying with Hermione, but Draco's voice stopped her. "Go out with me." He blurted.

"What?" (Name) asked with wide eyes, glancing back at him. Draco cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. "I mean, will you go on a date with me?"

(Name) stared for a moment before chuckling and flashing Draco a soft smile. "Yeah, I'd like that."


That weekend, (Name) met Draco outside a movie theater. She was all bundled up from the cold of New Jersey. Draco was waiting for her near the ticket booth when she arrived. He smiled at her, and (Name) was blown away. She hadn't recalled seeing Draco full on smiles before, it was...it was beautiful.

They both agreed on an action movie, and Draco paid for the tickets and any snack (Name) wanted. He even held the door open for her.

After they sat down in their seats, they started talking, instead of it being awkward and clumsy, it was enjoyable and fun. The previews rolled they chuckled about already eating most of their popcorn.

Halfway into the movie, (Name) noticed Draco's fingers twitching, but said nothing of it and turned back to the movie. A few minutes later, she felt a comforting weight around her shoulder and glanced at Draco who held a straight face.

(Name) was a little less than shocked. In this time, she thought he'd try to get her to give him a blowjob, not sneak his arm around her. She smiled and leaned into his side, feeling him relax. This boy was something else.


"I had a great time." Draco informed as he walked (Name) back to campus. "I did too, it was fun." (Name) replied. "Would you want to do it again sometime?" Draco asked. (Name) smiled and took his hand. "I'd love to."

They finally arrived back at (Name)'s dorm and Draco watched as she pulled out her keys to unlock it. "Thanks for everything tonight." She smiled. "You're welcome, have a good night." Draco said. "Thanks, you too." (Name) replied and went inside.

Draco lingered for a moment before turning and walking away. The fast succession of footsteps made him turn around and then he had an armful of (Name) who pressed her lips against his.

This girl was something else.

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