Draco X Reader

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You had just arrived at Hogwarts for your sixth year when Filch comes over and tells you that Professor McGonagall wanted to see you in her office.

You glance back at your best friends, Harry, Hermione, and Ron, apologetically, then headed to the headmistress' office.

Someone else seemed to already be meeting with her because the stairs behind the gargoyle were already there.

Wondering why on earth Professor McGonagall would be needing you this early in the year, you slowly climb up the staircase only to find that your meeting with the Headmistress is accompanied by someone else.

"Malfoy... " You hiss through your teeth.

The blonde shot you a look of loathing but then turns back to Minerva. You brush your emotions aside and turn your attention to the headmistress.

"You may be wondering why I called you in, Mister Malfoy and Miss (Y/N)."

You nod.

"Well, I feel that you two have earned your position as Head boy and Head girl."

Shock runs through you. What?! Head girl? This was too good to be true.

Professor McGonagall must have noticed your expression because she said, "Yes, Head boy and girl. You two will be sharing living space. It is on the fourth floor, behind the portrait of Salazar Slytherin. The password is 'Felix Felicis'."

You stand there gaping at Minerva. You are overwhelmed at the thought of being Head Girl, but at the same time, bitter for having to be with Draco. He had tormented your friend in you years at Hogwarts and you just couldn't bring yourself to forgive him.

The Headmistress dismisses you and Draco.

Standing there feeling awkward, you decide to leave the office to check out your dorm.

There is a homely living room with two cush chairs, a small coffee table, a lit fireplace, and two rooms(plus a bathroom). The flames softly dance on the wall, casting shadows into the corners of the room.

"I'd assume that you would prefer the Gryffindor decorated room," you hear someone sneer.

Turning around, you see Malfoy, who had just climbed through the portrait.

Anger bubbles in you as Malfoy strolls into the Slytherin decorated room and slams the door. He is definitely pissed at the situation.

Feeling livid, you walk over to his closed door and shout, "I actually like the green more than red, Malfoy, thanks for being so considerate and asking for my opinion!"

Malfoy is such a jerk. You think, while entering your room. You sigh. Everything was covered in shades of red. You loved Gryffindor, but green was your favorite color-it's just much more relaxing compared to the [eye-scorching] color that filled your room. Taking a quick scan around, you see that your belongings were already there, including your snowy owl, Snowflake.

The four poster bed was neatly made and inviting. Fatigue suddenly fills you so you fall onto the soft bed, then drift off the sleep.

You wake up the next morning, change into your robes, and curl up on the couch with Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The fire had died out, you observe, and Malfoy is not up yet.

Happy for the moment of peace, you start reading.

A while later, you hear the door of Draco's room creak open. Hastily grabbing all your things, you dash out to the Great Hall.

As soon as your friends see you, they beckon for you to join.


You slide into the seat and tell them about your situation. They sympathise with you and Harry even offered to punch Malfoy in the face if he ever does anything to you.

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