Neville x Reader

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You were one of the few well-known Hufflepuffs in Hogwarts. While the others were nice and calm, you were just a bit different. You were weird. In every sense of the word. Your voice was almost far-out, but it was soft and sweet all at once. You loved to smile, and make others smile, and did it often. You were ultimately friends with everyone. Even a few Slytherins. But, what really made you stand out: You were never put down. You didn't care if every single student in the school hated you, you would still smile. You were sarcastic at times and gave the best witty comments. But, at the same time, you were kind and sweet about it. It often took people a moment to realize what you actually said. They just figured with your smile and sweet tone, they were being complimented. The exact opposite, actually. You knew how to stand up for yourself. You knew how to stand up for others, too. Like Neville Longbottom. Neville wasn't exactly Mr. Friendly. Nor Mr. Popular. Everyone picked on the poor guy. He never had a good chance, honestly. But, that was why you were his friend. And you were glad you were.


It was a Saturday. Your favorite day. It allowed you to explore Hogwarts and its grounds. There was always something new behind some corner. You had explored so much these past four years, you even found the secret passageways the Weasley twins often used. You knew because of the dead and used fireworks lying around. Everyone was either at Hogsmeade or out and about. Leaving you and Neville to roam the halls. You were smiling, your arm linked with his, going on about some crazy subject. He was barely listening though, too intrigued by you. Your (h/l), (h/c) hair was tied in a messy ponytail. Your (e/c) eyes glittered with content and amusement. Like always. Your (s/c) skin gleamed under the light. You were beautiful. Maybe not completely sane, but beautiful none the less.

"You know?"

The boy shook his head a bit, shoving those thoughts to the back of his mind.

"Yes! Yes, of course..."

You shot that warm smile at him before you walked off to the broom-closet a little ways up the hall. Neville stopped walking and watched as you searched for something you most likely hid in there.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Longbottom."

He was so focused on you, he barely even noticed Malfoy and his two tag-alongs approach him from behind. The boy cowered a bit. He was never good with insults.

"What's the matter, Longbottom? Afraid Professor Snape is going to get you?"

Neville slightly whimpered at the words, the three boys laughing. Draco walked a circle around him, his two 'friends' following, before he stopped in front of him.

"What's a coward like you doing in Gryffindor? You pathetic blood traitor."

Draco and his friends laughed as Neville's face fell. Why were they so keen to pick on him? Draco's laughs were cut short, however, as he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning to look at you, you gave him a small smile. You handed Neville the apple in your hand before looking back at Draco, still smiling sweetly. The boy scoffed, glaring you down. He was taller, of course.

"What do you want, Mudblood?"

You didn't even flinch. Your smile didn't falter. In fact, it grew. You just smiled sweetly at him. Until you suddenly raised a fist, punching him right in the face. Draco gasped as he clutched his nose, blood spewing from it as he stumbled. You knocked his legs out from under him, watching as he cradled his face on the floor.

"Leave him alone!"

Neville, Crabbe and Goyle watched in shock. Nobody had ever seen you like that. Your smile was gone and you almost looked mad.

"What is going on here?"

You all turned to see Professor Snape, looking at the situation. Your sweet smile returned as you looked up at him, not intimidated in the slightest. You never were.

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