Marauders X Reader

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"The Forbidden Forest? James, have you gone mad?!" [Name] nearly shrieked, trying not to catch the attention of other students. This was a bad idea. A very bad one. In fact, all the schemes that James (and Sirius) have thought are always up to no good. They would just get in trouble, get scolded by some Professors, and go to detention.

"James, it's called the 'Forbidden Forest' for a reason. It's strictly forbidden." Remus pointed out, putting down his latest new book on the side. [Name] nodded in agreement. At least there was a sane person in this group. But even with Remus' and [Name]'s protest, James still wanted to go to the Forbidden Forest. He didn't tell why, exactly. But he wanted to.

"I think it would be fun," Sirius finally had said. "don't you think so too, Peter?"

The poor boy nervously fidgeted and nodded his head slowly. "Y-Yes.. Of course!"

Sirius looked towards both [Name] and Remus, a smug smirk plastered on his face. "See? Peter agrees too!"

Both Remus and [Name] only sighed to themselves; no matter how many protests they did, they knew it was completely pointless. For they knew that there was no other option other than to give in. Oh no, both of them were still very against it. It was dangerous there. Far too dangerous that you could get killed! But they didn't really have a choice. They would only come, in hopes that they would make it out alive.

"Then it's decided! To the Forbidden Forest we go!"

And here they were in the Forbidden Forest. It was already past curfew; the night was completely dark. Luckily they had lamps with them. Though, it wasn't enough. It was still too dark for them to see.

"I really have a bad feeling about this.." [Name] shuddered. Why did she even go here in the first place? Ah yes - because she was far too worried for them. There some times where she had truly regretted befriending the infamous Marauders.

"Fear not, Lady [Surname]!" Sirius had suddenly exclaimed; nearly giving [Name] a heart attack. "For I, the handsome Sirius Black, will save and protect you at all costs!"

"Gee.. I already feel safe."

A wink was sent towards [Name], which she immediately turned down. "Anytime, babe!"

Remus let out a silent chuckle - [Name] jumped. She had almost forgotten that Remus was there, too. It was funny; she hadn't noticed his presence at all. Well, that was odd. Maybe Remus was just sneaky? Or maybe because he was so quiet that she didn't even notice him?

"Don't worry, [Name]. We haven't reached that far in the forest, anyway. I doubt there would be anything dangerous around this area. Then again, this is still the Forbidden Forest. You don't know what could happen. So, I would advise to keep your guard up."

"W-Why are we even here in the first place, anyway..?" Peter inquired from behind. Remus shrugged. That's right; why were they even here in the first place? They agreed coming with James without even knowing the reason!

"Dunno'. James said something about wanting to see something. I don't know all the details, though." Sirius replied.

"Hush, you all!" James hissed. The quartet immediately shut their mouths and stopped. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"I heard rustling."

"I really think that we should go back.."


But the noise had became louder - and the quintet immediately froze. That wasn't good news at all. No, they could die here and right now. [Name] gulped and gripped Sirius' sleeve.

"The last one to make it outside here is the loser!"

They didn't give it a second thought of it at all as they all ran for their lives. Luckily, they weren't too far at the school at all. Which was a relief. They didn't had to do much running as they had expected. But still, they ran out of breath, beat out and extremely tired.


The boys (and girl) looked up to see a rather furious Professor McGonagall. [Name] let out a small smile and stood in front of her.

"Good evening Professor McGonagall. You're probably wondering why we were out past curfew roaming in the Forbidden Forest. You see, I can explain!" The teacher motioned for [Name] to continue. Oh, she knew that their explanations were pointless. But hearing their silly reasons were always fun.

[Name] pointed towards James. "James forced us to go with him to the Forbidden Forest."


Minerva sighed; although she was happy that they made it out safe, she was still quite angered by them. Just a little bit, though. Not like she would tell them. She somehow quite enjoyed the troubles they would always do. It seemed to brighten up the school a bit.

"That's 15 points for Gryffindor. Now, off you go. Your detention will be decided tomorrow. Honestly, you five. When will you ever stop?"

"Probably never." Replied both James and Sirius.

Ah, that was right. Because the five of them were the best known troublemakers in school - and they were quite proud of that. Even when they grow up, they'd still be the best troublemakers ever known.

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