(1) Severus/Lupin X Depressed Reader

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The world seemed dull around you, as you sat alone in your train compartment. The train rides to Hogwarts were far from the worst thing in your life and you found it comforting to be able to be alone for a while. The other compartments were full of loud students that couldn't wait for the first Quidditch match.

You saw that Harry Potter and his friends had entered the compartment next to you. Not that you really cared, it was interesting to see what normal people did in their lives. You turned your head to watch the rain droplets slide down the window. Everything suddenly went colder than usual and you could swear you could hear some screaming. Outside you could make out the image of a ghostly figure dressed in black robes. It was graceful in the way that it moved, that enchanted you.

A bright light suddenly glowed from the compartment that Harry Potter was in, you knew that somebody had conjured a patronus. Many times you had tried to conjure one, all your classmates had already achieved one, but you just couldn't seem to find the right memory. Now you had given up hope and decided that you didn't have the ability to perform this spell. Still, a small flicker of jealousy burned in your stomach.

A tired looking man then walked down the corridor outside your compartment. He had long scars running down his face. You automatically put your hand on your left arm and then running it up the arm all the way to the neck. Some of these scars were your fault.....some weren't.

You tried to put that out if your mind and to focus on something else. You found yourself remembering what your older sister used to say to you, "I promise Y/N, there is good in this world somewhere." Mary would say this whenever things were bad, it was like she thought if you believed this it would be true. But you had to hand it to her, Mary sure did have a way of making everything positive.

A tiny smile crossed your ever so dull face but if vanished as soon as you thought about why Mary isn't here anymore. It was an accident, you were only 7 at the time but it was all your fault. Your parents were devastated, their perfect angel...dead...because of their little excuse-of-a-living-being. Tears were forming in your eyes, a regular occurrence to you, so you lifted your feet onto the seat and curled up into a ball. You sat there crying as the train continued on it's trip to Hogwarts.

~Time Skip-at Hogwarts~

You waited until everyone was off the train and then made your way out. Ahead of you, you could see a few other girls from your house. You didn't bother to catch up to them, all the other Slytherins thought you didn't deserve to be in their house anyway. Once you had finally made your way to the chariots, you went to got pat the Thestrals. You could see the because of the 'Mary incident'. You didn't even notice that someone had approached you from behind.

"You can see them?" Asked a kind voice.

You turned around in surprise. It wasn't everyday that someone went out of their way to speak to a 'stupid little brat' like you. You stared, not knowing what to say, to the man who had spoken to you. You realised that this was the same person who walked past your compartment.

"I...um.....yes?" You answered.

The man smiled at you, it wasn't one of the fake smiles that other students occasionally gave you. This smile was true, he ment it. You could see it in his eyes, they lit up when he smiled.

"Come on, we better get going to the castle," he instructed.

You both went into the same carriage and sat in silence for the whole ride. You found it comforting that he didn't ask you any questions even though you could see he was curious. When you got of the carriage he told you his name was Remus Lupin and he was the new DADA teacher.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N," you said quietly.

He waved as he headed to the teachers and you entered the great hall. You saw that the others were already there. Nobody took any notice of you as you limped, quietly to your seat. It was good you got there when you did because the sorting was just about to begin. You watched and clapped when a student got Slytherin. Even though you didn't really care, you still wanted the child to feel happy and appreciated.


Professor McGonagall had just called your name and you were about to stand up. You closed your eyes and tried your best to smile. You pictured Mary's lovely smile, she always smiled, she was always happy. The thought made tears dwell in your eyes.

McGonagall called your name again, impatiently. You stood up quickly and limped over to the stool. You didn't care what house you were put into, as long as they accepted you. Then I can start a new life, you thought. The hat was placed on your head and you wondered what house Mary would've gotten. She was only 10 when she died and didn't have the chance to got to Hogwarts.

Probably Hufflepuff, she was the happiest person you knew, she was able to be happy even when your parents were fighting. When anything was happening, Mary could be happy. You weren't even paying attention to what the Sorting Hat was muttering inside your head. You were too focused on Mary.

Just as the Sorting Hat yelled Slytherin you burst into tears because of your memories of Mary. Unfortunately, the other Slytherins thought it was because of getting into that house. They all thought you were ungrateful. You lowered you head and limped over to the Slytherin table.

~End of Flashback~

While you were remembering your sorting, Dumbledore was already doing his speech. You didn't pay attention and it surprised you when everyone started eating. You joined in and ate a little bit but kept the food to a minimum. You weren't hungry at the moment and you were sure no one would mind if you ate an apple in the dorm.

Finally it was time to retire to your common rooms, so you headed to the dungeons with a group of other Slytherins. You sat in your normal corner and listened to the conversations of the others. You could hear Draco Malfoy, the third year, talking with his gang. There was nothing better to do than listening to them so you hum a tune to yourself as you listen.

It is the tune Mary used to sing to help you fall asleep. Sometimes you would sing it together when times were hard. It helped you to forget about problems. Ever since Mary's death you haven't sung any songs, only hummed the tunes.

Soon enough everyone had gone to bed and you were the only one in the common room. You let out a huge sigh and stood up. You quietly entered your dorm, that you shared with two other girls, and slumped down on your bed. You closed you eyes for a minute, enjoying the pitch black colour.

After that you went to get changed, carefully removing your clothing so that it would get stains from your scars. Your parents would get so mad if they found out that they spent money on something, only to have it be ruined by a blood stain. Once you were changed, you folded your clothing and put it on the end of your bed.

You then curled up into a ball under your bed sheets and thought about everything that was going to happen this year. It could all get worse this year. People could be even meaner, the Hufflepuffs could start being mean to you (all the other houses already were), the teachers could try to make you tell them things, your parents could call the teachers and tell them. For all you knew, this could be the year everyone would find out about your deepest, darkest secret. You had only ever told Marie this, but your parents also knew. It was part of the reason they hated you so much.

Tears formed in your eyes once again. You tried to think of something else and you remembered how kind Professor Lupin was to you. That was the kindest thing anyone had done in a long time. You started to cry and the last thing you could remember in the morning was whispering: "Please don't let them find out.......don't make them hate me even more...."

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