Chapter 1

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Rena stayed seated like that while crying until she fell asleep. She finally woke up after hitting her head on the floor when her body fell on the ground. "Ouch!" She said as she touch her head. She looked around and found that it's already dark. She slowly got up and went to the bathroom to take a bath. After taking a bath and changing her clothes, she took out the medicine kit to clean her wounds.

"Ah, there are no more bandages." She said when she noticed that the bandage left in the medicine kit is not enough for her wounds. She tried to look for some spare bandages but she found nothing. "Looks like I have already used them up." She thought. She got up and gets her jacket and wallet and went out of their house to buy some bandages. But on her way out, the guards at their house stopped her. "Move away." She said. "We're sorry Miss but Master ordered us not to let you out." The guard said. "I'm just going to buy something." Rena said. "We're sorry but we cannot let you out."

Rena sighed in defeat but then an idea came into her mind. "Alright, here's the deal, since you told me that my dad told you not to let me out, why don't you guys just accompany me?" She said. The guards looked at each other with confusion. "Just accompany me. Promise it won't be that long. You can guard me at the same time." She continued. After contemplating for some time, the guards finally agreed.

They went to the pharmacy to buy the bandages. "You guys can wait for me outside. I'll just be quick." She said. Rena also bought some ointment to replenish the contents of her medicine kit.

After paying for the things that she bought, she peeked outside to see if the guards are still there and then she decided to use the side door to go out of the pharmacy without being noticed.

"Yes!" Rena said when she finally managed to escape her guards. She decided to go for a walk and look for something to eat since she didn't have her dinner.

She has found a ramen shop nearby and decided to have her dinner there. When she got out of the shop, the rain is already pouring hard once again. "This is why I don't trust weather reports." She said as she started running in the rain.

As she was running, she passed by an alley and saw a group of guys ganging up on a school girl. Rena stopped and walked towards them, picking up a piece of wood from the ground.


"Yo miss, it's pretty dangerous to go by yourself in this alley at night." One guy that looked like a thug said as he slowly approach the young girl who looked like a high school student. The girl took a step back as the guy walked towards her. She yelp when she bumped onto something as she moved back. She looked back and saw another guy grinning at her. "My friend over there is right. It's really dangerous here. But we can accompany you until you reach your destination." The other guy said as he moved forward.

"N-no thanks. I can manage." The girl said as she hold onto her bag tightly. She tried to walk away from them but one of the guys grabbed on her shoulder, making her automatically hit him with her bag.

"Argh! Oi! You should not go around hitting a person like that!" The guy said angrily. "We're just trying to be nice to you. Why are you so hard to get?" The other guy said as they move closer to her.

"D-don't come near me!" The girl said as she moved backwards but the guys weren't listening to her as they kept on moving closer to her, with filthy grin on their faces. She kept moving backwards until she stumbled upon a plastic drum. She looked back and to her horror, she's already on a dead end.

"What are you going to do now?" One of the guys said. "You should've come with us nice-" the other guy said but was cut off when he felt a can hit his head. "Ouch! Who the hell was that?!" He said angrily as he looked back and saw someone standing behind holding a piece of wood and a plastic bag.

"Oi! When she said that she doesn't want to come with you, you should've let her go in peace!"

The guys laugh upon hearing those words. "So it's just a girl! Oi miss, you shouldn't stick your nose on other people's business!" One of the guys said as he walked towards her. Before he could touch her, she already hit him with the piece of wood that she's holding.

"Oi! What are you standing there?" She said to the school girl who stood there frozen as she watch them fight. "Huh?" "You should go now!" She continued.

The school girl tried to run but her hair was pulled by one of the guys. "Not so fast." The guy said but he was hit in the head by the wood that Rena's holding. The guy groaned in pain as he tried to get up but she kicked him in the face. The other guy tried to hold her from the back but she elbowed him before kicking him to the curb. "You bitch!" The guy said as he pulled out a knife and tried to attack her but she managed to dodge it. She grabbed the school girl's hand but she was hit at the back with a piece of wood.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" She started to laugh crazily as she kick him back. She picked up the piece of wood and she hit him back. The other guy tried to stab her but she the knife from its blade and pulled it away before head butting him.

She grabbed the school girl's hand once again and they started to run away from them. When they reached a park, they took shelter to one of the sheds there.

"Ano," the school girl said, making Rena look at her. "Thank you for saving me."

"It's alright. I just happened to pass by." Rena said then to her surprise the girl held her hand. "Your hand, it's bleeding." She said then she took out her handkerchief.

Rena just watched her as she tied the handkerchief on her hand. The girl then looked at her watch. "Oh no! It's this late already?" Then she turned to Rena. "Sorry but I have to go now. Thank you again for saving me." The girl said with a smile. A bright smile that Rena has never seen before.

The girl wave her goodbye and Rena just watched her walk away then she looked at her hand which is now wrapped with the girl's handkerchief. She noticed something embroidered on the handkerchief so she looked at it closely.


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