Chapter 24

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One and a half year later

Rena took a deep breath, feeling the air as she walked outside of the facility where she stayed for the past year.

"I'm back."


Jurina was humming to the song that she's listening through her iPod when she accidentally trips over a hump on the street.

"Ah!" Suddenly she felt a pair of hand hold on to her arm and waist. "Thank you." She said as she removed her earphones. "Jurina, are you alright?" She smiled upon hearing the familiar voice. "Ah Sakura, thank you. Yes, I'm alright. Don't worry." She said as she hold on to her.

"Seriously, Jurina, can you please stop going around the city by yourself? Your mother and Mayu-san will kill me if something bad happens to you." Sakura said as she lead her back to their family restaurant. "Hai~" Jurina said like a child, giving off her cat like smile.


Rena decided to drop by the ramen house owned by Jurina's mom. It's been a year and a half that she hadn't seen Jurina. Since that day that she got discharged from the hospital, she didn't get a chance to see her nor did she try to meet her. Though there was never a time that she didn't stop thinking about the younger girl. Jurina has always been inside her mind.

Now, standing not far from the restaurant, Rena stood, waiting for Jurina to come out or come home. She really had no idea. It's just that just for once, she really wants to see her, even just from afar.

Rena stood there anxiously, unconsciously biting her nail due to nervousness. She still doesn't know what she would do if she sees her.

Finally, the moment that she's been waiting for has finally come. A smile drew on her face when she finally saw Jurina.

"She grew up a lot and looked more mature." She said to herself as she watched over her. Indeed, Jurina has changed a lot over the past year. Her once short hair, has already grown longer she now has a sided bangs with her now blonde hair. Rena might not want to admit it but Jurina looked more beautiful right now, though she still misses the cute young girl that she has saved more than two years ago.

As if having a mind on its own, her feet started to move but she stopped when she noticed that she was walking with some girl and she was holding on to the girl's arm and was talking happily with her. Rena felt a sting on her heart when she saw them.

"She looked so happy." She said as she watched those two getting near towards the ramen house. She turned around, wiping the tears that has fell from her eyes.

Jurina then took out the foldable cane from the pocket of her coat and she straightened it out and used it to feel the road that she's walking on too.

"We're here, Jurina." Sakura said then she lead Jurina inside the shop - guiding her so that she won't hit on a table or trip herself on the uneven parts of the floor.

"Careful." Sakura said as she have her sit on a nearby chair.

"Thank you." Jurina said once she's already seated.

"Jurina! Where have you been? I told you not to sneak out again." Her mother said worriedly as she run towards her.

"I just walked out for a bit. I didn't notice that I already went too far." Jurina replied apologetically. "Sorry if I made you worry." She continued.

"It's alright now. Good thing that Sakura-can has found you." Jurina's mother said before turning to Sakura. "Thank you."

"It's alright auntie. Anything for you. I still haven't repaid you for all of your help. Anyways, I have to go back to the hospital now." Sakura said then she bowed down and bid her goodbye before going out of the shop.

"And you," Her mother said as she turned towards Jurina. "Please don't go out on your own. You don't what will happen if you get lost on your condition. If you want to go somewhere, just tell me or Mayu or Sakura. We can always accompany you. Just don't go out on your own."

"Alright. I promise." She replied.

"Good. Now let me help you go to your room so you can change. I'll bring you something to eat later."

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