Chapter 16

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"Get ready now Rena. We'll be leaving in ten minutes."

Rena was still lying on her bed. She doesn't feel like going out of her room let alone go out of their house to go to the branch opening that her parents want her to go to. She let out a sigh as she pulled out the handkerchief with Jurina's initials embroidered on it. She hasn't got the chance to return it to its owner and after what happened yesterday, she doesn't think that she'll ever be able to return the handkerchief to Jurina.

As she was staring at the handkerchief that she's holding, her phone vibrated.

From: Black Yukirin

I heard you didn't come to school today. Whatever your reason for being absent today, don't think too much about what happened yesterday. Oh and by the way, Jurina was looking for you earlier.

"Jurina... Was looking for me?"


Jurina was walking alone along the riverside, thinking about the conversation that she had with Yuki earlier.

"Rena wasn't like that to begin with. Believe me because I knew her since we were kids. She used to be cheerful little girl until she and her older sister got kidnapped twelve years ago. Her sister died in front of her while the two of them were trying to escape from their kidnappers." Yuki said as they were seated by the bench on the rooftop.

"She blamed herself for what happened to her sister and her father started to change as well after the incident. He has focused his attention to their company leaving Rena alone by herself most of the time as she grow up. Fighting has become her outlet but sometimes her emotions go out of hand when she fights just like last year when she almost killed a Gekioko student during a fight that's why she was held back for a year."

After hearing Yuki's words, Jurina has finally understood Rena more and now all she wants to do is to talk to her about what happened yesterday. While she was contemplating about this, she didn't notice a group of Gekioko students in front of her until she bumped on to one of them.

"Argh! I... I'm sorry." Jurina said as she bowed in front of the student that she bumped on to. "Hey! Watch your step! You-" the girl said angrily but she was stopped by another girl beside her. "I'm really sorry I didn't notice you." Jurina said again.

"It's fine. By the way, you're the girl who's always with Gekikara right?" Said the girl which made Jurina looked at her in confusion. "G-Geki...kara?" She replied hesitantly. "Yes. Gekikara or shall I say Matsui Rena?"

Jurina stepped backwards as the girls move closer to her. She tried to escape but the girls already surrounded her. "W-what do you want?" She asked. "We just want to 'play' with you for a while. You know, Gekikara still have an unpaid debt to us so we would like you to come with us peacefully so you won't get hurt."

"N-no. I'm not goi-" Jurina said as she tries to get away from them but one of the girls hit her at the back of her head, making her lost her consciousness.


Rena walks out of her room after receiving the text message from Yuki only to be stopped by the guards that her father placed in front of her room. "We're sorry Miss, but you cannot go out." One of the guards said. "Let me through!" Rena said angrily.

"Stop being stubborn Rena. You're going with us today whether you like it or not." She heard her father said as she saw him walk towards her together with her mother. "Please, just for today Rena." Her mother said. "You're presence is important so you need to come with us." Her mother continued.

"Why? Your presence used to be enough whenever there's a company event right? Why the sudden need of my presence?" Rena asked.

"Because you're going to be introduced as the successor of the company. Now you know the reason, so go get changed and we will be leaving now." Her father said.


Jurina slowly opened her eyes, the pain from being hit earlier suddenly kicked in as she becomes fully awake. "Argh!" She tried to touch the back of her head but she found herself unable to move as she was tied up on a chair. "What the...? Where am I?" She thought and looked around her surrounding and realized from the looks of it that she's inside an abandoned warehouse.

"So, you're finally awake?" She saw a short haired girl walked towards her. "Who are you? Where am I?" Jurina asked.

"I am someone your friend Gekikara has some unpaid debt and today I am going to make her pay for it." The short haired girl said as she lightly taps her face.

"I see that you are quite close to her, am I right? You don't know what kind of monster your friend is." The girl continued. "Rena-chan is not a monster!" Jurina said angrily. "That's because you do not know her that well. Today I'm going to show you what kind of a monster she is!"

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