2.06 | Turned Reaper

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Disclaimer: I (sadly) don't own The 100, which was created by Jason Rothenberg. GOOD JOB, Mister Rothenberg.
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- 06 -- Turned Reaper -

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- 06 -
- Turned Reaper -

When Coralie thought of Finn, she thought of the little boy with long hair that got on her nerves as a child. She thought of the boy she learned to befriend and she thought of the boy who only did things to benefit anybody else. He was selfless. Or he used to be.

Earth has had its take on Finn, morphing him into something you would've never expected years ago. First came his undying lust for Clarke, which soon grew into an entirely different story, but all the whilst he was in a relationship with Raven. Then came the grounder in the bunker that he had shot without a second thought.

And now Coralie's being told that Finn Collins had mindlessly injured and murdered eighteen innocent grounders.

She wished she couldn't believe it.

It had been two days since the incident, and every time it was brought up, a phantom ring took place in her ears.

Clarke had convinced her mother to let her and a group of others head to Mount Weather after discovering that their radios have been tampered with.

Luckily, Coralie was allowed to join the expedition. She ditched her crutches and hiked beside Octavia, the pain that was once unbearable in her calf, now tolerable.

"I can't believe they let Finn come," Octavia murmured.

"He's the best tracker we've got," Bellamy shrugged, making his way between Coralie and his sister. "Don't forget to look up. The Grounders use the trees," he informs everyone. "That's how we lost John Mbege."

Coralie's eyes dashed through every bush and branch, hoping that luck would kick in once again and they find Ace along the way. She couldn't help but continuously wonder where he was and what he could possibly be doing.

"Hey, now's the time," Bellamy muttered, nudging both Octavia and Coralie. The three had purposely fallen to the back of the line, stealthy turning and making their way out of sight of the guards.

Clarke had requested them to scout around for another entry into Mount Weather, and without hesitation, the three had accepted.

After making it far enough from the others, they slowed down.

"According to Clarke, before the bombs, there were buildings everywhere," Bellamy informs the two. "I'm guessing some of them had access to the bunker. So we're looking for ruins. Anything that's man-made, okay?"

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