4.03 | How to Save a Life

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Disclaimer: I (sadly) don't own The 100, which was created by Jason Rothenberg. GOOD JOB, Mister Rothenberg.
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- 03 -- How to Save a Life -

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- How to Save a Life -

"You need to go rest," Raven directed towards Coralie, who had spaced out for a moment.

"What?" Coralie came back to Earth. "No, I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."


Raven rolls her eyes. "You space out every few minutes and your face keeps scrunching up in pain."

"Just small headaches," Coralie diminishes. "They're no big deal." She wouldn't admit that she had thrown up twice that day and almost fell in the shower when an erratic wave of nausea hit.

"I won't let you drain yourself. At least sit down."

"I agreed to take charge of distribution and rationing. You know what I didn't agree to? Everyone babying and treating me like I'm a porcelain plate," she retorted, turning back to the shelves behind her so she could transfer the pills from the cart to the racks.

"You don't look after yourself so we have to."

Coralie merely shakes her head, ending the conversation at hand. She was pregnant and with pregnancy comes changes and sickness.

"Two meals a day for people working as hard as ours," Bellamy's voice grows with depth as he enters the storage room. "We won't make any friends."

"Well one thing our people understands is rationing," Clarke replies as she pushes a cart of preserved meat behind him. "Besides, once we close those doors, it'll be one meal a day for the next 5 years."

"Try one meal every other day," Coralie interjects, both Bellamy and Clarke's faces dropping in disbelief. "Hunting parties are coming back with less and less."

"Thanks to Niylah, we're preserving more meat than ever, but it's still not enough," Raven steps down from the ladder that brought her high enough to mend the ceiling. "Without a way to make water, growing our own protein like we did on the Ark is not an option."

"We're just running into a lot of walls, aren't we?" Coralie dully hums.

"Did you make the list?" Raven asks Clarke, who immediately grows tense.

"No," she briefly responds. "What about drinking water."

"Clarke, don't change the subject," Raven pleads. "We need to know who's gonna be on the inside of these doors when the radiation comes."

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