4.07 | His Choice

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Disclaimer: I (sadly) don't own The 100, which was created by Jason Rothenberg. GOOD JOB, Mister Rothenberg.
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- 07 -- His Choice -

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- 07 -
- His Choice -

Coralie had just managed to pack her most important valuables in less than an hour. She had two bags packed with clothing, three of her favorite books and a few small essentials. As she made her way out of the station, Niylah stopped her.

"These are for you," Niylah announces, lifting the bin in her hands.

"What is it?" Coralie asks as Niylah places it on the ground. She removes the lid and Coralie's eyes instantly water at the sight of small clothing. They were children clothes.

"It's for the baby," Niylah smiles at the look of joyous shock on Coralie's face, the both of them kneeling over the bin. "These were mine and Leah's. I got it a while ago after finding out about your pregnancy. Didn't know if we'd make it or not, but now we know we are."

"Niylah this is unbelievably sweet," Coralie cooes, reaching in to grab a pair of small brown boots. "Are you sure you want to give it to me?"

"I'm not having children," Niylah laughs. "And it'd be my honor to have your child parading around in my old clothes."

"Thank you so much," Coralie gives Niylah a tight hug. "I don't even know why I'm crying."

"Hormones," Niylah presumes. "You can just pick out a few things so we don't have to take the entire bin over. It'd be too much of a hassle."

"I'll get on it," Coralie beams, to which Niylah reflects.

Coralie brought the bin to the hangar bay and made her way to the side of the large area, kneeling on the ground. She dug through the contents and dug our her favorite items. Tears fell from her eyes as she held up a swaddle.

"Baby clothes?" Ace walks up to her. "Where'd you score those?"

"Niylah gave them to me," she hums.

"That's sweet."

Coralie looks up and narrows her eyes. "You're drunk again."

"I'd give you a sip but don't want the baby to come out looking all weird," he giggles to himself.

"Why are you messing around? We're leaving soon," she stands up.

"You're leaving soon," he shakes his head, losing his balance just standing there.

"What are you on about, now? We're heading to the bunk-"

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