The Starks

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Skylar's P.O.V

"How does it look?" Pepper asked.

"Just like Christmas but with ........ more me." Tony said.


"Alright. Alright! You too Skylar. You too!" Tony said.

"Good to know you finally remembered  that Stark is also my name." I said. Annoying my older brother was one of my best traits.

" Haha. Very funny." Sarcastic Tony is back.

"You guys are so cute. Serious sibling goals." Pepper said looking at the monitor, checking the energy levels.

"We've got to go wide on the public awareness campaign. You both need to do some press. I'm in DC tomorrow, i'm working on the zoning for the next three buildings....."

"Come on Pepper, you killed me. The moment, remember. Enjoy the moment." Tony cut her off.

"Then get in here and i will." Pepper whispered.

"Oh boy, that's my cue." I said , teasing them.

"What? Where are you going?" Tony asked.

"I'm not just going to stand here and watch my brother and best friend get down and dirty." I said earning a glare from Pepper. I just smirked and winked at her which made her roll her eyes.

"Okay then, you can go Skye. I would love some privacy." Tony said and I knew he was smirking behind that mask.

"NO NO. You're not going anywhere." Pepper looked at me. "She's not going anywhere, Tony. Now get your ass back here." She scolded him causing him to laugh.

"Alright mommy." Tony said and landed on the paddock and walked in as his suit got taken off.

"Sir, Agent Coulson of SHIELD is on the line." JARVIS's voice came through.

"I'm not in. I'm actually out." Tony said.

"Sir, I'm afraid he is insisting."

"JARVIS grow a spine. I have people to entertain." Tony said and walked inside.

"You finally made it without dying." I said.

"I could've used a hand out there, you know." Tony said.

"I thought Iron man didn't need any help." I said.

"Well that's true." He said.

"And I am not a sidekick. I could kick your ass." I smirked.

"No you can't." Tony said.

"Yes I can." I repeated.

"No you can't." Tony argued back.

"Yes I can. And out of the two of us...." I said pointing at him and me, ".... which one knows how to box?"

"Just coz you might know how to box doesn't mean I can't."

"I never said you can't box because I can box but I said you cannot box because you simply cannot."

"Your logic is impeccable. Beautiful even. But it makes no damn sense." He said and rested his hand on his hips. Ooooooo sassy Tony on its way.

"Okay guys that's enough. Aren't we supposed to be 'celebrating'?" Pepper cut me off before I could come back at Tony.

"Oh no no Pepper, she's not getting off the hook that easily." Tony said.

"Off the hook? When was I on the hook?" I looked at Tony with narrow eyes.

"Yes you were and..... you know what I'm letting you off the hook this time because that's what smart people do. And because I'm Stark number one." He smirked.

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