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Few days later

I was driving through the city, on the way to seeing off Thor. He was taking Loki back to Asgard and the Tesseract as well. I sped through and saw people cleaning up the mess created during, what they were calling, the Battle of New York. It is hard to believe that just a week ago we fought an army of aliens and won. Now we call ourselves 'The Avengers', a group of the most elite warriors. Wow, that sounds even worse than 'superheros', ugh. But never did I think I would be a part of something like this but here I am. When I thought my life couldn't get anymore thrilling and dangerous, it just went up a notch.

I reached the destination and saw Nat, Clint, Dr. Selvig and Cap had already arrived. I stepped out of my car and got greeted by Dr. Selvig.

"How's the head?" He asked.

"Much better. I barely feel the pain anymore." I said.

"That's great. We wouldn't want to lose one of the smartest minds in the world." He smiled.

"Oh doctor, didn't you hear? I'm a vampire. I'm gonna live forever." I said causing him to laugh out loud.

"Well someone's in a good mood." Nat said and hugged from the side.

"Well, that son of a bitch is finally gonna be put in check and I'm about that." Dr. Selvig said.

"Yeah." Nat breathed out.

"You know, being mind controlled is not a pleasant thing." He said.

"How are you holding up?" I asked him.

"Fine. I'm just fine." He replied. Suddenly someone hugged me from behind causing me to yelp.

"How's my favourite Stark?" Clint asked hugging me.

"Much better now that you're here." I laughed.

"Oh, always so flirty. That's why I like you."

"That's the fun, isn't it." "Yes it is." He said and I saw Steve walking towards us.

"Clint, my dear friend, I love you, but you gotta let go. I can't breath."

"Oh no no no. I'm not letting you go."

"You're not?"


"You sure about that?" I smirked.


"Alright. Last time, are you gonna let me go?" My smirk grew wider.

"Choose your next works wisely, Clint." Nat said, letting out a small laugh.

"My answer is still no." He said.

"Alright, you said it, not my fault."

"Wha..." Before he could finish what he was saying, I flipped him over my head and tackled him to the ground.

"Ouch. Ouch .Ouch Oh my god. Ouch."He winced.

"Told you to choose wisely." Nat said while helping me up.

"Where did you even learn that?" Clint asked while trying to getting up.

"Nat taught me. One of her special moves." I said, fist bumping her.

"That was a good move." Steve complemented.

"I know, Cap. Thanks" I said.

Steve P.O.V.

"That was a good move." I complimented her. I wanted to converse with her but I didn't know what to say. My brain goes completely blank whenever she is in front of me. I wanna slap myself when that happens but she has that spell on me. I just cannot get away from it. I don't know what I am feeling. I don't know what this feeling is. I felt this only once in my life before. I felt this with Peggy. I didn't know what it was then and I still don't know what it now.

"I know, Cap. Thanks." She said with her perfect smile. Oh god, that smile. That damn smile.

I smiled back and couldn't stop it. I feel like an idiot but I still couldn't stop.

"Steve, you're gonna hurt your cheeks if you don't stop smiling." Nat said with a smirk. Oh great. Now she is suspicious.

"Got a problem, Romanoff?" I asked, challenging her, which was not the best thing to do.

"No, no problem. I just find it amusing." Her smirk grew.

"Find what amusing?" Clint asked, finally getting up. Oh god, I hope she didn't figure out. But... why am I scared of what she figured out. I don't even know what this is, what I am feeling.

"Nothing too special but who am I to judge." Natasha looked straight into my eyes with her most infamous smirk. Ugh, I just wanted her to shut up.

"Are you gonna beat around the bush or are you gonna spit it out?" Skylar asked. Oh no! Why did Skylar have to do that? Don't encourage this.

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet." Natasha looked at Skylar.

"Now you're making it personal. Just say it." Skylar laughed and jokingly punched Natasha .

"Alright, since Steve actually challenged me, I'll spill the beans." She said, "Have you seen the way he acts around you?" Natasha asked her. Why Natasha, why? What have I ever done to you? I cannot even do anything to shut her up.

"Uhhh no... no..." Skylar looked at me with questioning eyes. "Do you hate me?" She asked out of nowhere.

"Wha... N-No..." I stammered. I could never hate her. I hate myself for being such an idiot.

"I think it's the opposite of hate." Clint smirked and I sent him a death glare.

"Eh?" Skylar looked annoyed. Oh god. She doesn't like me. I knew it. She was way to good for me.

"Somebody is crushing hard on my favourite Stark." Clint laughed.

"Barton, cut it out." This is just too embarrassing.

"Why? Let them finish." Skylar said. "This is very... intriguing." Skylar said.

"So as I was saying..." Clint said, looking at me, "Our beloved Captain here has a crush on you."

"Woah... okay." Skylar said with a smile, which she was trying to hide. Oh god. I can't even look up now. Ugh, this is embarrassing.

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