It's happening

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Skylar P.O.V.

Captain America has a crush on me? Uhhh... I don't know what to think. I don't know what to say. Why is this happening to me? This has never happened to me before. I have never been speechless in front of a man before. Oh this is new.

"Woah... okay." was the only thing that came out of my mouth. Even though I am shocked beyond measure, I am way too happy. The person I like, likes me back. Does this ever happen? This is amazing.

Before anyone could say anything, we heard a car come to a stop. Tony arrived with Bruce and out of nowhere Thor and Loki popped out. We all would've gotten a jump scare if we weren't already accustomed to it.

I wanted Cap to think I wasn't too phased by the news I heard. I didn't want him to thin I was a creep.

"It was good to hear that, Cap." I looked at Cap, flashed him a smile and walked towards Tony and Bruce with a huge grin on my face. Thank goodness Cap couldn't see me now.

"Well you're in a good mood." Tony looked with a smile and came in for a hug.

"Oh yes, I am happy you're here." I said hugging him back.

"No no no, this is something else. This is a different kind of happy. Not the happy to see your brother type." Tony said.

"Oh, so there are different kinds of happy as well." Bruce remarked.

"This happiness..." Tony waved his hand all over my face, " is because of a boy. Her cheeks are red."

"Ah... very observant." Bruce laughed.

"I have to look out for my sister." Tony shrugged his shoulders.

"If you two are done...' I said, gaining their attention, " Thor and Loki are waiting. They gotta go." 

"Yes, yes. We'll come back to it later." Tony said and walked towards everyone else. Bruce followed but I stopped him causing him to give me a confused look.

Once Tony was at a distance from where he couldn't hear us, I said, "Cap."

"What?" Bruce asked and we started walking towards the group.

"He indirectly confessed."


"That he likes me." The moment I said it out loud, I realised how stupid I sounded. "Oh boy, that sounds so stupid. I sound like a hormonal teenager." I shut my eyes in embarrassment.

"Hey, hey that's amazing." I looked at Bruce and he gave me a genuinely bright smile.

"Thank, Doc." I smiled back and he gave me a half side hug and walked towards Dr. Selvig. I made my way towards the group and stood in between Nat and Clint.

"Hey." Nat said.

"Hi." I smiled at her. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bruce take the Tesseract out with a pair of tongs and put it in a device which Thor was going to use to get back to his planet.

Thor started walking towards the center but I called out to him.


"Yes." He replied politely. He had Loki in chains and he held the leash to it. Even Loki's mouth was shut. I looked at Loki suspiciously, then turned my attention towards Thor.

"Please make sure he doesn't do anything like this... ever again." I said.

"I will make sure of it, Lady Stark. You do not need to worry." When Thor said 'Lady Stark', it made me smile and frown. I liked the sound of it but it made me sound... old.

"'Lady Stark'? Heh. Skylar will do, Thor." I smiled at him.

"Alright, Skylar." 

"Thank you, Thor." I said. "And... be safe out there."

"I will, good lady." He said and took my hand and kissed it.

"Okay, wow." I could swear my cheeks were completely red. His lips were so soft. Hehe. Why couldn't all men be like him.

I gave him a small nod and rejoined the outer circle and resumed my place.

"Girl, you're winning today. First, Cap's got a crush on you and now you get a kiss from Thor." Clint bumped my shoulder with his fist.

Well, I always win. " I shrugged my shoulders and smirked.

"Oh you, bitch." Nat whispered in my ear.

"I love you too, darling." I whispered back causing her to let out a laugh.

We looked back towards Thor and Loki. Loki looked like a pouty kid, who got in trouble and he's gonna get into more trouble because his parents found out. Well technically that is the exact case with him. I could've tried to help him if he had not done what he did. Thor looked at everyone and gave us a nod before turning on the device and turning into blue wisps and getting launched into the sky. We all looked up and they were gone.

"You should've seen Steve's face when Thor kissed your hand." Nat said.

I turned towards her, ignored her statement, and said," Don't go too far. Come back quick I'll miss you too much." 

"Oh don't you worry, I'll always come back to my best friend." She said with a laugh and hugged me.

"Nobody care about me but I love you both so 'Group hug'!" He said and squished us both under his bear hug causing us to laugh out loud. Once he let us go, they made their way towards Nat's car and I made my way towards Bruce.

"Talk to him." Bruce said.

"Who?" I played clueless.

"You know who. Steve!"

"Ugh. What will I say?" 

"Just tell him that you aren't all uncomfortable after the revelation or else it'll get awkward." He said.

"Look at you. Mr. Perfect advice giver." I was surprised by what he just told me.

"Just speaking from experience." He smiled and Nat walked over to us and handed him a bag.

"Take care, Doctor." Nat said with a smile and I saw Bruce melt right there. Nat noticed it too and just smiled. Bruce was totally unaware of the fact that Nat was totally aware of his little crush on her. And if I  am not wrong, she is into him too.

"Y-you too." He said and Nat gave us a nod and walked away. I saw Cap talking to Tony and realised I might not see him for a while. I gotta talk to him.

"Alright, I'm taking your advise. I'll talk to him." I told Bruce, who gave me a warn smile, and walked towards Dr. Selvig. I was dropping him off to him house because I couldn't leave him alone in his condition.


"Yeah?" He turned to look at me.

"Give me five minutes and then we'll hit the road." I said.

"Oh don't worry dear, take your time." He smiled and I made my way towards Steve. 

"Hey, Cap." I called out. He was on his way towards his motorbike but stopped and turned towards me.

"Oh hey." He looked at me. " Hey umm... listen..." He stopped and waited for me to get a bit closer so that he wouldn't have to speak loudly.

As I closed in, he spoke again and with a low voice this time.

"Hey umm... whatever Barton and Romanoff said... umm... it doesn't mean anything... please I don't want you to feel uncomfortable..." He went on speaking but I didn't hear any of it. All I could think of was how his lips moved. How painfully soft they looked.

Before even comprehending anything or even acknowledging the presence around us, I wrapped my hands around his neck and interlocked my lips with his.

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