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"Alright, answer me truthfully... do you like Nat?" I asked.

"Wha... wh... what? No... no no no... no" He blurred out.

"Then why are you stuttering?" I smirked.

"Hey Skye, don't do that." He whined causing me to laugh.

"I take that as a yes." I said.

"Wha... NO NO." He argued.

"Don't worry, Brucey. Your secret is safe with me." I patted his back and started to walk back inside.

"Okay, listen." He called out and I stopped at my tracks.


"Since you get to keep my secret, I should know one of yours."

"Why? You think I am going to blackmail you."

"Haha. No. I believe in equality." He gave me a sly smile.

"Oh really." I raised my eyebrows and he just shrugged his shoulders. "Alright, ask me."

"Hmm, let's see..." He acted to be in deep thought causing me to smile. "Well..." He continued "Do you like Steve?"

"What!? No! Not you too." I whined.

"Oh come on. It's obvious. Tony sees it. I see it."

"Is it too obvious?" I got genuinely concerned.

"Well, not that much. I just know because Tony teased you in front of me, so yeah."

"Oh thank god."

"So you do like him." He smirked.

"I mean, yeah. I might have generated a tini mini crush on him." I smiled like an idiot.

"Ohh. Look at you. Getting all red cheeked over your crush." He smiled.

"Yes, I get it. He was my childhood hero, you know." I gave him an innocent smile.

"That's nice." He smiled.

"Alright, Bruce, listen. You better not open your mouth about this in front of Tony. Or anyone, as a matter of fact. I will ill you if you do."

"Scout's honour." He saluted causing me to laugh.

"Hey." Someone called out. We both turned around to see Steve standing there and my heart stopped. Oh boy! Did he hear everything? Oh shit!

"Yeah?" Bruce spoke up. He saw me tense up. Oh shit, I was freaking out. 

"Uhh... we're going to the shawarma place now. You both are coming, right?>" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah. We are. We'll come in a minute." Bruce said and Cap walked out with a nod.

"Do you think he heard?"I asked Bruce hurriedly.

" I don't think so." Bruce said.

"Oh boy!" I thumped my head on his shoulder causing him to laugh.

"Alright, let's get back before somebody else comes in." He said.

"Yeah." And we headed back in. He walked towards Tony and I made my way towards Nat, who was lying on the floor.

"Hey get up, let's go." I extended my arm for her.

"Oh you're back from your little rendezvous." She took my hand and I pulled her up.

"If you call it that." I laughed and put my arm around her shoulder and we walked out.

"Hey, how's your head?" Nat asked.

"It's not paining... yet."


"I did take a heavy dose of adrenaline, so yeah that is stopping the pain."

"Oh my, you're going to feel it tomorrow." She said.

"I know."

"Hey boys." I called out and got the attention of all the guys in the room. "Are we going or not? I'm starving." I said.

"Yeah me too. Let's go." Clint jumped up and we were on our way to the shawarma joint.

As we walked out, Tony came next to me and said, "So... are we still gonna deal with me?" He let out a small laugh.

I looked at him with mixed emotions in my eyes. I was angry, happy, sad, scared, relieved, everything at the same time. "Are you serious?"


"Do you seriously think it is funny?"

"I don't."

"Okay. Then why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"You know damn well what?"

"Skye... I couldn't let you die." He said with a small voice.

"And you thought I could let you? Did you think I could live with the guilt?... Forget me... did you wait to think about Pepper, about Happy, about Rodhey? Did you think about them?" Tears were forming in my eyes now.

"Yes I did."

"Then why wou..." I started saying but Tony cut me off

"And I knew you all would've been better off without me." He said and looked into my eyes. Did he really just say that?


"Face it, Skye. You guys can take care of yourselves. You all know what to do and you guys can literally run the world but me I can't even take care of myself. I'd be dead if it were not for you guys. You all are ones that actually take care of me and if I was gone that would mean one less burden on your shoulder." He said and before anything, my hand collided with his face . I slapped him. The voice echoed causing the others to stop and look at us. I was shaking with anger but tears were pouring out of my eyes.

"You take that back RIGHT NOW." I said with a low growl. Tony looked at me with wide eyes. He looked a little scared. "You think you're a burden. Are you fucking kidding me? Do you even know what you mean to me? Do you even know what would happen to me if you're gone? Do you even know who you are? Do you even know what will happen to the little sister if her big brother doesn't return to her? Do you know what will happen to her if she lost her only family?"

"Skye, I-" Tony started but I stopped him.

"Don't say anything. You might not have any regard for your well being but I do. I fucking do! And mind you, Tony, You're not getting rid of me that easily." I said causing him to let out a laugh. He pulled me in for a hug and gave me a big bear hug.

"You know, I did think of you, Pepper, Happy, Rodhey..." He spoke into the hug, "...but I also thought of all the innocent people living here. I couldn't let them die."

"Neither could I and I don't blame you, but if you pull another stunt like this... going solo trying to save me and kill yourself..." I said and pulled apart," I will literally kill you!"

"Yes, ma'am." He laughed and we looked at the others.

"You guys heard it, I will kill him. Remind me if I forget." I said causing them to laugh.

"Don't worry, I'll help you." Nat smirked.

"Thanks, Romanoff." Tony remarked sarcastically causing everyone to laugh out.

"Okay, the tender moment if now over. Can we go now? I'm really hungry!" Clint whined. Second later he was holding his stomach and groaning in pain because Nat elbowed him. 

"Alright, alright let's go." I said in between my laughter and we all made our way towards the shawarma joint.

Found You . Steve Rogers Where stories live. Discover now