Back in the game

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"Miss me?" I asked with a smirk.

"You're an idiot, you little..." Tony's voice came through first. As expected. 

"Save it." I cut him off. Nice way to greet you little sister after she almost died. "No tell me, are they the alien army?" Nice work on starting a conversation.

"Yeah. What else does it look like?" Tony snapped at me.

"Quit snapping at me and get to work!"

"You're way in over your head." Natasha's voice came through. She was down on the ground with Clint and the Star spangled man. Oh man he looked so cute in that suit. Like a little pumpkin pie. Well a blue pumpkin pie. Haha I'm a retard. 

"Yeah I missed you too, Nat." I said and I knew she was smirking.

"You better be careful, Skye!" Tony warned.

"I will be." I assured him. "Now lets do this!" And with that Tony and I flew towards the portal, blasting off the aliens in my way. I reached where the device was active and saw Dr. Selvig unconcious on the floor.

"What happened to him?" I asked blasting off three aliens at a time.

"Who?" He shouted.

"Dr. Selvig." I said, calmly.

"I uh... tried to turn rhe device off but it didn't work out as I expected and the blast echoed back, knocking Selvig off." Tony said while killing a bunch of aliens.

"Alright. Tony walk me through it." 

"This cannot be shut off by any external force. And it is running on self sustaining energy, so we do not have a way to cut off the power." 

"Oh god." I breathed out.

"Well, keep fighting and try to think of ways to stop it."

"I've never been too good at multitasting." I said.

"Well time to step up you game." He said and we resumed to kicking some alien ass.

Fast forward to the nuke scene

"Stark, there is a missele headed towards the city. Do you copy?" Fury's voice came through the comms.

"I copy." Tony and I said at the same time.

"J, track it." I told JARVIS to get a lock on the nuke's location.

"Here you have it." He displayed it on the screen.

"How much... time do we have?" Tony asked.

"Three minutes tops." Fury replied.

"Alright." I said and flew towards the nuke.

I flew towards it and saw Tony had already caught up with it. I flew over it and got a firm grip on it.

"Skye, let me do this one." Tony said.

"Tony, if you go down, I go down with you. We are a team." I said.

"Please, Skye. I can't live with myself if something happens to you." He pleaded.

"And you think I can?"

"Skye, please lis..."

"Tony, I am not letting you do this alone. Plus remember I am not a sidekick. I do what I want." I cut him off.

"Ughh, fine. But if you die out there, I am going to kill you." He threatened. He said 'out there'. Alright, I know what he is thinking.

"Tony, you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked.

"If you're thinking about puttin this in that hole, then yes. We are on the same page." He said.

"Great. Let's do it." 

"I can close it!" Natasha spoke. "Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down."

"Do it." Steve said in a hurry. 

"No wait." I almost screamed.

"Skylar, these things are still coming in." Steve said.

"We got a nuke coming in and it's gonna blow in less than a minute." Tony said.

"And we know just whwere to put it." I said as we closed towards our tower.

"You know that's a one way trip, Stark." Steve said.

"I know." Tony replied. The moment we took a steep turn towards the portal, Tony said,

"J... disable her suit."

"As you wish, sir." JARVIS's voice came through and I realised what was happening.

"No, JARVIS, no. Don't! NO!!" I screamed but my system shut off and I started falling. I saw Tony fly into the portal. I fell on hard ground sooner than I expected. My suit opened up and I screamed,

"NO! Tony, why?"

"Skylar! Oh my god. Are you okay?" Natasha came in front of me and I realised I was on top of my tower, right next to the device.

This was always Tony's plan. He was never going to let e go out there. I should've seen it coming.

"No, I am not okay." I answerwed truthfully.

"I know, sweety." She put a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh god." I let out a sob. We were all looking at the portal, hoping to see Tony fly in any second, instead we saw an explosion coming towards us.

"Oh god... no..." I breathed out. "Come on, Tony, come on." I pleaded.

"Close it." Steve said.

"I'm sorry, sweety but I have to." Nat said and thrusted the Scepter into the energy field. With one last wave of energy the portal stated the close.

I closed my eyes and pictured Tony. I tried to glue his happy face in my memory because I was never goignt o see him again. His laughter, that I am never going to hear, played in my ear. I was never going to see my brother again. He was my life and he's gone.

"Skye. Skye!" Natasha broke my thought chain. I looked at her with watery eyes. My vision was foggy because of the tears in them.

"Look." She pointed at something above us. And I followed her instruction.

Oh my god! It was Tony. He made it.

"Oh... oh my god. He's here, Nat. He made it." I started crying with joy.

I looked at him and he passed us and kept falling. His thrusters weren't on. Oh no.

"He's falling dead stick. His suit isn't working." I said in a hurry.

"OPh god. Can you catch him?" Natasha asked. "Can you get your suit to work?" She looked at me with expectant eyes.

"Not in two seconds. Oh my god." I ran towards my suit to restart it. It's gonna take too much time.

"Skye..." Nat called out.

"What?" I snapped still working on my suit.

"Hulk's got him. I mean Bruce. He's... he's caught him." Natasha said and my eyes widened . "They're on the ground." She said and I ran towards the edgee, where she was standing and dropped to my knee.

"Oh thank god." I breathed out a sigh of relief. Suddenly we were taken aback by the mighty roar of the Hulk.

"Okay, why did he do that?" I asked.

"Maybe because we won." Nat shrugged.

"Yeah, we won." 

Found You . Steve Rogers Where stories live. Discover now