Conference room

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"Go on, JARVIS." I said.

"Extraction in Chemistry is a separation process consisting the separation of a substance from a matrix. It includes liquid-liquid extraction and solid phase extraction. The distribution of  solute between two phases is an equilibrium condition described by the Particle Theory." JARVIS said. "That is what Dr. Selvig's notes are solely based on."

"Why does he need the Tesseract? What are it's characteristics?" Tony asked.

"The Tesseract is a massive energy source which can get heavy ion fusion on heating it at a very high temperature." JARVIS said.

"Okay, let's just say he heats it up and then what? Most of the elements will not stay stable after a certain point. He'll need a stabilizing agent." 

"Barton took an element from Stuttgart." I pointed out. " JARVIS check news, which element did he take.?"

"Iridium." JARVIS said.

"Iridium will stabilize the entire reaction and each atom will get a tremendous amount of kinetic energy considering the amount of heat they'll get." Tony said.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"But there is one thing I don't get. Why Iridium? There are other stabilizing elements." Tony pointed out. "He could've used Palladium, Neodymium, Yttrium. Hell even Dysprosium will be more stable than Iridium."

"None of them will open a portal. It will close in milliseconds." I said under my breath.

"What now? A portal? What?" Tony heard me.

"I mean think about it. Iridium is the only element on earth with similar properties as the Tesseract. The base structures are so similar that one might say Iridium is the core element of the Tesseract." I said while showing him their holographic structural images. 

"How is the similar structure going to help? And what is this about a portal?"

"Consider the amount of kinetic energy Iridium's atoms are going to posses when projected at a very very very high speed. And then once the Tesseract's energy is released, it will collide with those atoms making their kinetic energy ten times the previous one. This will lead to a huge energy surge." I completed.

"Earth's atmosphere won't be able contain this energy. It will level the entire planet." Tony said.

"I don't think it's about leveling the Earth or even containing the energy. I think it's about using the entire goddamn thing to create something. And by something I mean a portal." I said.

"They're gonna use the damn cube to fold the universe to create a damn wormhole." Tony breathed out.

"Now it makes sense why they need Iridium. It's atoms will hold the energy causing the portal to be open for as long as they want." 

"Jesus! A portal between Earth and space. A doorway for everything on the other side." Tony said.

" We need to find that cube!" I exclaimed.

"And we need to do it ASAP." 

Tony and I continued to go through Selvig's notes. Tonight is gonna be along night. But there was one thing that I couldn't get off my mind. Why does SHIELD suddenly want us to help them and work for them? Why didn't they want us to work with them before? Were they trying to hide something from the world?

"Tony?" I called out.

"Hmm?" he turned his attention towards me from his screen.

"There is something that's bugging me."

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