Death is what gives life meaning.

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Tony P.O.V.

"Cap, hit the lever." I said.

"I need a minute here!" He screamed. Oh shit!

"Cap. Lever! Now!" And that's it. "Uh oh." I went under the turbine. It hurts! Ouch ouch ouch! I am literally going to get shredded to bits if I don't get out now. After a few more seconds of almost getting shredded into pieces, I got out. I got a little unsteady at first but then I got stable again. I flew towards where Cap was and saw a man shooting at him. I flew into the man, instantly knocking him out.

"Uhh..." I breathed out. My entire body was hurting.

"You alright, Stark?" Cap asked.

"Never better. You?" 

"Yeah. I am fine." He breathed out and stood up.

"Got shot?" I asked.


"That's a pitty." I joked, casing him to glare st me.

"Agent Coulson is down." Fury's voice came through the comms.

"The paramedics are on their way." The moment Hill said paramedics, Sky;lar came into my mind. The thought had completely left my mind. Oh god! I hope she is okay. I cannot lose her! I got pulled out of my thoughts when Fury spoke again.

"They're here." He paused. "They called it." He sighed.

A fear grew inside me. A fear I always felt. The fear of losing her. Losing my baby sister. I won't be able to live without her. She's my rock. Even when she was very young, she was my rock. She helped me get through mom and dad's death, even though she was just 10 years old.

I can't lose my rock. My world will come crumbling down if she's gone. No no no. She can't be gone.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"What?" Cap asked. I didn't realise he had already come down.

"Fury, where is Skylar?" I completely ignored Cap. I am sorry, but answering him is not my priority right now.

"She's in the med wing." Agent Hill's voice came through.

"Where is it?" I was getting impatient.

"Sub level 3. Sector 26. Emergency room." She said.

I didn't waste anymore time. I ran towards the weapons vault, oh well fleww and got my suit off.

I ran out of there. Doing so, I banged into someone.

"I helped her up and asked "Fastest way to get to sub level 3?"

"Why do you want to go to the med wing?" She asked.

" I need to. Now tell me." Why are people so annoying?

"Take those stairs. Two floors down." She pointed out.

"Thanks." I said and ran towards the stairs.

I sprinteed down the flight of stairs and made my way towards the emergency room.

Cap was already there. He saw me and gave me a grief filled look.

"What is it, Cap?" I asked, fear struck me again. I raced inside the room with him coming shortly behind me.

There she was. Her eyes where closed. She had a huge cut on her forehead and her nose was bent in an unusual way. Oh god! What happened to her beautiful face.

There were two doctors working on the cut, while the others were scrambling around in hurry.

"Wha-what's going on here? Is she okay?" I asked.

Two of them looked at me but didn't say anything.

"Stark..." Cap breathed out. I turned around to look at him.

"Come outside with me." He said.

"No Cap. Wh... what's going on?" I turned my attention back around. " WHAT'S GOING ON?" I screamed.

Cap grabbed me by the elbow but I yanked it out of his grip and made my way to Skylar. I pushed the two doctors aay and bent over her. I gently touched her face, afraid that I'll hurt her even more. That's when I realised she was not breathyer. The oxygen wasn't woking.

'H-hey!" I called pot for the doctors. "She isn't breathing! Hey! She isn't breathing! DO SOMETHING!" I shouted.

"We're trying our level best." One of them said.

"Evidently it's not enough!" I snapped and turned my attention back to her.

"Sky... Skylar. Please come back. Don't leave me." I whispered and a tear rolled down my cheek.

Someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Cap shaking his head slowly.

"I am so sorry." He whispered.

"No, Cap. She's not dead. She can't be." I said.

" I know."  Suddenly the beeping of the heart monitor went static. It displayed a straight line.

"No no no no no no no........ Skylar! Skylar! SKYLAR!" I screamed her name, shaking her vigourously.

"Sir, step away." One of the doctor pushed me aside and preped her to restart her heart. They charged up the defibralator to 140 joules and applied a gel on her chest. They went once, it didn't work.

"Take it up to 240." O ne said and the othere increased the charge.

 "On three. One, two three." They went again. Her entire upper body shot up but her heart still didn't start.

"Oh god." Cap breathed out next to me. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My sister was dying in front of me and I couldn't do snything to save her. I've never felt this helpless in my life. I couldn't hold back the tears.

"We're so sorry, Mr. Stark." One of the doctor said.

"Ch-charge it up tp 340 and g-go again." I said, chocking up.


"It won't kill her because she's already dead, so I don't think there is any harm in trying." I cut him off.

"Sir, it might damage her lungs and heart." The doctor insisted.

"She is DEAD! It won't kill her!" I raised my voice.

"But sir..."

"Just do it." Someone said. I turned around to see Fury standing at the door and Natasha was standing beside him.

"O-okay sir." He said hesitantly.

They charged up the defibrilator upto 340 and went again.

There was no change in the heart monitor. It still made the static sound with chgange in the life line."Stark..." Fury said and came next to me.

I couldn't process anything at the moment. I walked upto her lifeless body and bent down.

" I am sos sorry." I whispered. ' I am sorry I couldn't protect you." I was completely broken. Now I have to live without the one I can't live without. We should've never agreed to come on this damn helicarrier. I was getting angry.

I heard a sniff behind me and knew it was Natasha. They had become quite good friends when she came dressed as our assistant. Natasha was not one to show emotions but losing Skylar for her was like losing a sister and I know how she is feeling.

"I am so sorry, Tony." She breathed out.

"Why are you sorry? You are the reason she got to live a litlle more." I said. She drew out the Hulk, that's why Skye lived a bit more. I got to see her before she died.


I looked up at the screen. It did not show a straight line anymore.

"Oh my god."

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