Chapter 2 || Sequel

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Tris's POV

I finally arrive in San Antonio. I'm still in my wedding dress, but I took my hair down, and my shoes. I start looking for an apartment, just driving around. I find apartment buildings that look nice. Once I find one that I like, I buy it. It's weird that no one has recognized me yet.

I go into the new apartment. I realize I don't have any clothes or anything. I have clothes for Ashlynn in her baby bag. I change Ashlynn into her clothes. I smile at her sadly. She will grow up without a father.

I drive to target to get clothes. I buy enough clothes for me and Ashlynn. I buy some decorations too. I go to home depot and pick out furniture. I ask them to send it to my house. I also bought paint in the colors maroon for the living room, dining room, and kitchen. I but a royal purple for my room. I buy a bright yellow for Ashlynn's room. I but a blue for both bathrooms.

My apartment consists of a living room, a small dining room, and a decent sized kitchen. A master bathroom with a bathroom, and a smaller room. We also have one guest bathroom, which will probably be Ashlynn's.

I drive back home and put all my clothes in my closet. And Ashlynn's in hers. The furniture comes a few minutes later and they help me set everything up. I already painted walls, so my apartment smells of paint. I set up all the decorations I bought too. I go to Ashlynn and pick her up.

"Daddy is gone sweetie, I'm so sorry you're not going to have a daddy anymore. You probably won't remember him when you're older, but that's okay, you don't need to remember the man who left us," saying it aloud to her makes it all real.

He is gone. Tobias is gone. He isn't coming back. All I have left is my baby girl. I need to move on. I know it will take a long time for that to happen. I will probably be scared forever. I will be ruined forever because of a stupid choice he made. He ruined my life forever, and I will never be the same.

I need a job. I can't be a singer anymore, or I could easily be found. What do I want to do? I've always loved cooking, maybe I can get a job at a restaurant. That is probably the best choice.

I drive around until I find an open job at La Madeline. I apply, and apparently, I did pretty good, because I get the job immediately. They tell me its full time. I guess I need to find Ashlynn a babysitter.

Time Lapse

I find Ashlynn a babysitter, I got the job, I have an apartment, I can start a new life. I decide to make one more song. I'll just make a YouTube channel and post it there.

I think about what I could write. I write to let my feeling out right now. Right now I feel broken. But I will be strong for Ashlynn, and for myself.

After about hour, of thinking, writing, erasing and everything in between, I finally have a song, that I hope expresses my feeling enough. I grab my phone and use the camera. I cover the camera so no one can see me, even if I am using an anonymous YouTube channel.

I take a deep breath.

Skies are crying, I am watching

Catching teardrops in my hands

Only silence as it's ending

Like we never had a chance

Do you have to make me feel like

There's nothing left of me?

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