Chapter 6 || Sequel

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Tris's POV

He walks into the room with my little girl. In the back of my mind, I know she is partly his. I mean, he was the other half to creating her. Even though I know that I still want her to be mine. I raised her, I turned her into the beautiful young girl she is today, and I don't want him to take the credit for that.

I walk downstairs to see everyone whispering, once they note my presence, it all goes quiet. I go and fall onto the couch with a sigh. I put my head in my hands and close my eyes.

I wish I could just tune everything out and forget about everything that's happening. If only this didn't happen. I know that isn't true. Somewhere deep inside me, I am thrilled that's he's back. Hoping we can fall back in love again. Hoping everything was just a big misunderstanding, but I can't let him see that. I can't let him see me weak. If he knew how vulnerable I am, he could break me just as easily as before, if this is all a fake. I really hope it isn't. He is still the love of my life and I need him back in my life.

I know he can't see any of these emotions or it could ruin me. So, I put my walls up. Ever since he left I have learned to put walls up, hide my feelings. That one thing we have in common. We put up our walls. Mine are up because of love. His are up because of our father. We usually take each other's walls down. Not this time. Because right now the walls I have up are the only thing keeping me together. I know once they come down I will break. I can't let him see me break. I can't let him see how much an effect he's had on my life.

I can't.

Then he walks down the stairs and I shoot up. He has a small smile on his lips. He better not have ruined my daughter and be happy about it.

"Tobias, what happened?" I yelled he keeps walking. I huff. "Answer me, what the hell happened, what did you do to my daughter? Tobias, for god's sake, answer me." I let out a frustrated scream as he walks out the door.

Everyone is staring at me. He has to listen. I run out the door after me. I hear footsteps behind me, and somehow I know they are Ash's. I see him and walking across the yard. I run up to him and grab his arm to turn him around.

"Mom!" I hear behind me. Then once I see those mesmerizing blue eyes. I break down. Somehow he broke down my walls with just a stare, with just a look. That's all it took. I fall to my knees and start crying. I feel strong arms wrap around me. I know they're his. One part of me wants to push them off because of all the things he's done to me. But there's a bigger part of me that just want to stay in his arms forever. I've missed his arms around me so much, so I just let him.

"Tris, do you want to talk," I hear his gentle words in my ears.

"Mom?" I hear Ash's voice.

"Go inside," I'm still on my knees, his arms are still around me, and somehow she hears me, and she obeys. I'm about to get up when I feel him pick me up bridal style. I don't resist it.

I know we're going into his house. I'm glad about it too. Once we walk in I hear the man's voice that answered the door the first time I came over here.

"Finally got over that other chick, and got a new one," I honestly want to punch this guy.

"Get the fuck out of my house Josh," I hear Tobias' voice rumbling.

"Calm it, dude,"

"I'm serious, get the fuck out and don't come back,"

"You said I could live with you until I found a job,"

"I don't want to live with dick,"

"Come on-,"

"Leave," I hear a door open and close. Then I feel him walking upstairs. Finally, I feel him sat me down. I feel him sit next to me. I look up and see him smiling.

"Don't think I'm going to forgive you unless you have a hell of a good reason," I say, he nods "Go ahead," he takes a deep breath and so do I.

"Okay, you have to listen to me no interruptions," he says

"Okay," he nods after I say this.

"It was the morning of our wedding day and I was really nervous. I was about to marry the love of my life in a few hours," I smile at this "I walked past an alleyway and someone pulled me into the alley. I looked up and I saw him standing there. Tris, Marcus was there, the man I was so afraid of I left you. I lived on the streets because of him, I have everlasting scars from him. I ran away so I would never have to see him again and there he was right there in front of me. Honestly, I was terrified.

He wanted me to come back with him. Tell the Congress and all his friends that I was kidnapped and I finally found my way home. Make it seem like I didn't run away. He told me I ruined his reputation and this is the least I could do for him. I laughed in his face. The least I could do for him? He beat me, he broke me and now he wanted me to help him and go back to the beatings. He wanted me to leave Ashlynn and all my friends and my career. He wanted me to leave you. I couldn't do I refused.

He didn't give up there. He knew my weak spot. Somehow he always knew my weak spot. He said if I didn't come with him he would hurt those around me. He would kill Ashlynn first my baby girl, just to make you miserable. Then he would kill each one of our friends, so you would feel like we had nothing left. Then he said he would kill you when you were at you weakest. I couldn't let him kill those around me to spare myself. I couldn't let him kill you.

I rather get beat every day by the man I loathe than you be dead. I couldn't let him end your life when you had so much more to live for just so I could continue mine. I rather lose everything I have and know you're alive because of me than know your dead because of me. Either way, my life would be over. Tris my world did and still does wrap around you, therefore if I lost you my life wouldn't be worth living.

So I went with him. I made a speech about how I was kidnapped that was full of crap. I got beaten every day like expected. I had to give up my career. I hid from the world. I was miserable, but at least I knew you were safe. Tris I left you so you could live, I never wanted to hurt you," he finishes but I keep a straight face. Inside, I was screaming at myself to run into his arms and forgive him. But I knew there could be a downside.

"How do I know this isn't just bullshit," I say, my voice slightly trembling.

"I have new scars that I can show you," I nod. He slides off his shirt and I can't help but stare. He is still so muscular. He turns around and I see so many new scars that I cringe. I slide my finger across them.

"Where's Marcus now, how'd you get away," I ask

"He had a heart attack and died. That son of a bitch deserved it. I left, and now I'm here with you." He turns to me, but I'm still shaky.

"Maybe," that's all I say before I walk out of his house.

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