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In all honesty, I was afraid of moving out. Especially into a big house like that. I've gotten so used to the idea if living with 18 soon to be 21 men that I don't remember what it's like to live in a house with a lesser amount of people. Silence always meant someone's up to something. But now it would just be normal. I was scared to tell Johnny how I felt about moving out especially after he went through all that work to get the place. And he was thinking of us and our future together. I guess I can get used to it. But not now though. I had a plan. On inviting the members over for dinner as a 'house warming party' and keep them there late so they have no choice but to spend the night. I'll even cook, so they're persuaded to come.

"Why don't you guys come over after we move in. It'll be like a house warming."

"I don't know. We don't want to intrude" Taeyong tells me.

"I'll cook~" I sing.

"I'm in" Lucas jumps up and Laila pushes him down. "What you don't cook for me." He whines and she sends him a look telling him to shut the hell up. There such a cute couple.

Johnny pulls me to the side for a group huddle. "What's all this talk about a house warming? You didn't tell me anything." He whispered."besides, I was hoping, we could celebrate by ourselves, in a different way" he pulls me closer by my waist.

"Come on. It's only one night"

"Fine" he whines and walks back to the group.

"We're all in" Mark answered for everyone.


I've been cooking for about 45 minutes now and I'm still not done with anything. I have to cook enough to feed 21 people. Should I just ordered take out and play it off as my own cooking? Nah they'll notice.

I hear the guys come knocking on the door and I rush over to open it. They immediately come in and take a seat.


*Half an hour later*

"When's the food going to be ready?" Mark asks.

"When it's ready!" I bark at him.

"You sure you don't want me to help you? You look tired" Johnny comes up behind me.

"I got it, just go sit do-" my legs grow weak and I almost fall over but thankfully Johnny was there to catch me. Everyone else comes rushing to my side.

"You okay?"

"Im fine"

"The foods still not done?" Mark questions and I send him a glare.

"You're going to sit down. I'll finish up here." Johnny says bringing me to sit on the sofa then going back to the kitchen to finish what I started.

I felt bad for doing this to him. That he always has to come save the day for me. But I guess if I didn't have him I wouldn't be where I am today. How did I get so lucky.

Everyone had finished eating, we played games and everyone was ready to go home.

"I think it's time we head back" Taeyong stretched getting up.

"It's so dark out why don't you just spend the night here?"

"Don't be ridiculous. It's your first night here, we don't want to intrude anything. Besides the dorm isn't that far." He says opening the door everyone else following behind him bidding us goodbye before leaving.

Mission: failed.

Johnny and I clean up and get ready for bed since I was really getting late. We lay down and I turn off my bedside lamp. Johnny keeps his on and scoots closer to me placing his lips against my shoulder kissing up my neck.

"Not in the mood." I say and I here him pout.

"Fine." He says, turning out his lamp and wrapping his arms around me. "Night" he says before falling asleep and basically snoring in my ear.

Fatigue- Johnny Seo Adrenaline Ff SequelWhere stories live. Discover now