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"Does that mean you'll take me back" he asks holding my hands in his much larger ones.

"It does. I'll come back" I surrender, and he immediately pulls me in a hug, as soon as I give my answer. I felt warm and safe in his embrace. I push him away for a moment. "that bitch Irene, didn't come by while I was gone did she?"

He stayed silent for a moment "she did, but I kicked her out immediately, you can even ask Jaehyun or Taeyong"


"Johnny oppa" Irene ran into the house.

"What do you want?" Johnny asked pissed

"I heard what happened, are you okay?"

"What does it look like?"

"I knew that slut was no good for you." She scoffed.

"Slut? Thats my wife you're talking about. We may not be on good terms right now but that gives you no right. That's the love of my life, watch what you say!"

"I'm sorry oppa"

"You know what, she never liked you anyways,and I don't think she'd want our here. I'm tired of your bullshit so why don't you just get the hell out" Johnny points to the door.


"Jaehyun please get your girlfriend"

"She's not my girlfriend anymore" Jaehyun answers

"Jaehyun?" She asks confused

"The one you wanted was Johnny not me, now you've lost both of us." He leads the girl out

*Flashback over

"I believe you" I put myself back into his embrace.

"I missed this" he breathes pecking the top of my head.At that moment, Noah started to cry. For God knows why. "He's just like you, he begs for attention" he laughs.

"Don't worry, he's still got your big ass forehead" I push his forehead back. "Only difference is, Noah makes it work"


"What" I yell back

"Nothing" he whimpers. He walks back behind me wrapping his arms around my waist, and his chin on my shoulder. "Let's renew our vows" he suggests.

"Really?" I ask and he nods. "Okay, if that's what you want." I agree and he nods again. He grabs my face and turns it towards himself, placing his lips against my cheek. When he retracts, Noah who was in my arms tried copying his actions. But had his mouth open in an 'o' shape putting his mouth against the same place his father did, leaving saliva on my cheek.

"Hey, only I can do that to mommy" Johnny whines going to my other cheek copying the infants actions, and soon they were both in a...
Kiss war? I guess you can call it, covering my cheeks with saliva.

"You guys are having fun, aren't you?" I ask and they both nod. I sigh in defeat.

Can you guess which is the child and which is the adult? I didn't think so.

It was mid afternoon and there was something off. I just didn't know what. Until it hit me. There was no one slobbering at my feet and tackling me down.

"JOHNNY!" I yell from the front of the house and he came running from the back.

"What's the emergency?!" He asked.

"Where's my baby?!"

"In his crib sleep... Where you left him" he responded confused, worried the mom brain was getting to me.

"Not that baby, the other one, where's Scooter?!" I ask.

"Ohh, he's with Lucas"

"Why is my baby with him?" I ask clenching my jaw.

"After you left I couldn't even take care of myself, so Lucas offered to take care of him for a while."

"Go. Get. Him... Now!" I huff. "You're so lucky it was for the better or you'd be dead right now." I threaten and he runs out the house carrying his shoes.

Tsk leaving my baby with him? Is he crazy.

Fatigue- Johnny Seo Adrenaline Ff SequelWhere stories live. Discover now