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My relationship with Johnny was stronger than ever and I couldn't be happier. I guess I was being a little dramatic, I can't stand being away from the live of my life. Our relationship has been through ups and downs, the good the bad and the ugly, but we wouldn't be where we are now today if it hadn't.

The day had come where Johnny and I renew our vows, we agreed for some reason to make them funny.

Everyone was together, my family,his, all the members our kids. My life may not be perfect to anyone else but it's my idea of perfect.

"And now the couple shall receive the vows they wrote each other" Kun said. We had no one else to to it last minute but we had a Kun, so next best thing.

I unfolded a piece of paper I pulled from my back pocket.
Plot twist: it's blank.
I take a deep breath and look at Johnny.
"I love you biiiiiitttccchhh, I ain't ever gonna stop loving you biiiiiitttccchhh" I exaggerate, and put the sheet back in my pocket and everyone started laughing.

Johnny grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes. " I love you so much, and words can't even describe how much. I know I'm not the best husband, but I wanna do right by your, I wanna be by you every step of the way. Be by your side. When we first got married it was ' until death do we part' but even in death I will still love you, forever and always, I will follow you into the next life." He finished.

I pout and tear up at his words, playfully hitting him. "You said to make them funny"

"I tried but couldn't, cause my love for you is no joke." He admitted.

"I want a redo." I proclaim.

"Nope, I love it, we're keeping it." He pulled me into a hug whispering to me. "Forever, and always"

"Well sorry to take the moment from you.... Again" Lucas stood. Interrupting yet another sweet moment like when Johnny first proposed to me.    "I have an announcement to make" he went over to Laila and grabs her hand, pulling her out of her seat. He gets down on one knee and reaches into his pocket.

"Yes!" Laila screams without hesitation.

"I didn't even ask you anything yet"

"I don't give a fuck. I'm saying yes you asshole!" She yells at him and he stands up after putting the ring on her finger.

Today marked the day of the best to come....

And also the worst.

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