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I was on my way to the dorm, to see if my old room was still available for the night. Just until tomorrow when I see Laila and buy my plane ticket.

Yup you read that right. I'm going back to New York. Just for a little bit. Just until the situation sorts itself out.

I knock on the door to the dorm in which I once lived and oddly missed.

The door opens revealing the one an only Jaehyun.

"Y/n? What are you doing here so late?" He asked.

"I need a place to stay for tonight. Is my old room still available?"

"Actually one of the new members took it, sorry"

"It's fine, I'll just go stay with Laila tonight." I go to walk away.

"Did something happen?" He stops me.

"Don't worry about it. Just please don't tell Johnny where I'm going"



"Fine, but whatever is going on resolve it soon, okay?" He says but I just walk away.

I get a taxi and tell them Laila's address. On my way there I call to warn her that I was coming, I didn't want to walk into something I wasn't supposed to. I Walk to her front door, lugging around two bags and a sleeping Noah, she immediately opens the door before I even make it completely down the pathway.

"What happened my child?" She came up to me and grabbed my bags.

"It's Johnny" I tell her as she brings me in the house.


I catch her up on everything that happened, while Noah was sleep in Jack's room (Laila's son).

"I'm gonna kill him" she stands and i pull her back down.

"Stop, I just need a break. Tomorrow I'm going to file a leave of absence the company and I'm getting on the next flight to New York" I explain.

"You're really going back home?"

"Just for a little bit... Maybe, my mom was right.  Maybe I did marry too early" I say doubting all my life decisions.

"Come on don't say that. You guys love each other, this is just a rough patch you guys are bound to get through" she tries to convince.

"Maybe. I just need some time away from him to think about things"

At that moment Lucas came out of Laila's room in nothing but underwear rubbing his eyes. "What's goi-oh" he says as he spots you. "What are you doing here so late, y/n?" He asked.

"None of your business. Go back to bed or put some clothes on!" Laila scolded while tossing a throw pillow at him.

"Fine" he walks away.

"Just sleep on it okay?" Laila patted my shoulder. "You guys are too perfect for each other for you to be like this. But just let me know if you want me to kill him" she said going to her bed when I laid on the sofa covered in sheets.

Tomorrow-New York

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