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"In love!?" Johnny and I ask in sync

"Yup"  he sings

"With who?"

"Just someone. You'll meet her soon."

"When did you two meet?" I ask


"Yesterday!?" Johnny and I ask in sync again. "And you're dating her?"

"Well not yet, but I will be soon. As soon as I build up the courage to ask her out"

We both stay quiet for a moment.
"Jaehyun don't you have anything better to do" Johnny asked

"Fine I got the message, I'll be leaving" jaehyun got up from his spot on the sofa and leaving the house.

"How did we have more privacy in the dorm that we do here?" He asks and I facepalm.

My phone went off. When I checked the screen laila's name was displayed.

"What do you want rat?" I answer

"I have big news."

"What is it?"

"Are you ready for this?"


"I don't think you are"

"Laila if you don't spit it out I'll hang up on you."

"And I'll spam your phone, so try me bitch."

"Just tell me the news"

"I'm pregnant"

"Pregnant? As on having a baby? As in you and Lucas becoming parents?"

"Yup" she says. I stay silent for a moment before squealing into the phone.

"Bitch how far along are you?"

"2 1/2 weeks"


I was awoken out of my sleep by a bump in the night. The sound seemed to have come from the kitchen, so I figured it was Johnny making a late night snack, but when I felt his weight shift behind me, rolling over, that thought was dismissed.

"Johnny" I whisper trying to shake him awake. "Johnny wake up"

"What is it?"

"I think there's someone in the house"

His eyes widened and it seemed he blinked the tiredness away.

"Stay here, I'll go check it out" he stands up.

"Here. Take this with you" I throw the object at him

"Why do you have a switch blade?"

"For protection" I say and he walks out the room taking small steps, trying not to make noise. I see the lights turn on from the front of the house.

"Drop the knife!" The sound of a stranger echoes through the house as I hear the sound of the blade dropping. I quickly grab my phone. But instead of calling the cops, I text the NCT group chat, knowing someone is awake, not wanting to make a sound and bring awareness to me.

Someone's in the house, send police over.

On it.

I hear the sound of glass breaking and I drop my phone.

"I know there's someone back there, tell them to come out!" The strangers voice yelled again.

"Okay, okay, please just don't hurt her.
Y/n! Can you come out here please? "

"With your hands above your head!"

I do as they both say, not wanting anyone to get hurt. I walk in the kitchen, hands above my head and stand next to Johnny but he pushes me behind him.

"Wait, you two are those idols, from that group, NCT."

"Yeah, so" Johnny answers and I could still hear the fear in his voice. He was afraid but still protecting me.

"So, you're rich, give me everything you've got. Your wedding rings, your jewelry, cash."

We do as he says and give him our wedding bands, and I give him the necklace Johnny gave me as he gives the bracelet.

"I said cash too!" The intruder said waving his gun around.

"It's funny that you think our company pays us" I joke forgetting this isn't exactly the best environment to do this.

"You think this is a joke!" He yells and I shake my head. "I'm really robbing you so give me your money!" He pints the gun and Johnny pushes me further behind him.

"She wasn't joking, they don't pay us."

"You really want me to believe that?"

"Believe what you want but it's true."

"Okay, since you won't give me your money, I guess I'll just have to take something else" he says looking straight through Johnny. I feel Johnny grab my arm in a defensive position.
"You! In the room now!" The robber raised his voice but I shook my head. "I SAID NOW!" He changes his aim of fire to me. I look at Johnny and start to walk away and the man grabs me by my arm. As soon as his hand touched me I feel it being ripped off and the sound of a punch. I turn around to see Johnny throwing punches at the intruder, but the unwanted guest was able to get behind him and pistol whip him in the back if the head.

"JOHNNY!" I scream running towards him as I see his figure hit the ground. Blood started to decorate the floor little my little as he lyed there unconscious. I try to tend to him and stop the bleeding, but the stranger kept pulling me telling me to get up. I couldn't leave Johnny's side especially when he's like this. Tears we're running down my face, and I was in panic. Just in time there where pounding knocks on the door.


"You called the cops?!" He says grabbing me holding his arm around my neck and the gun to my head.
The cops bust through the door whose lock was already broken from the person who was holding me at gunpoint.

"Put your weapons down, or I'll shoot her fucking brains out!" He held the gun closer against my temple and I flinch.

"Please don't worry about me, just take him to a hospital" i plead referring to Johnny.

I hear the sound of his finger starting to press against the trigger. I close my eyes and wait or my life to end. To meet my maker and my older sister. I hear the sound of the gunshot, the sound of the afterlife. I open my eyes expecting to see white or black or whatever you see after death. But instead I see one of the police officers in front of me holding a gun, and the grip against me gone.

I look around to still see Johnny on the floor so I run over to him and so does one of the officers as the call for an ambulance.

"Can they save him?" I ask, tears still in my eyes, praying g for the love of my life.

"We'll try our best" he says and at the moment the rest of the members come in pushing their way through the door.

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Did they hurt you?" I was bombarded with questions.

"I'm fine, but they're taking Johnny to the hospital." I say.

"You're not staying here. You're staying at the dorm tonight" Taeyong insists.

"No I'm not. Im staying at the hospital, I'm not leaving his side"

"Then we're coming with you. You can't be alone at a time like this." Taeyong comforts me as they carry Johnny out on a stretcher.

"Taeyong? Will he be okay?"

"Of course he will. He has something to live for: you" he tells me

I hope he's right. I can't live without him.

Fatigue- Johnny Seo Adrenaline Ff SequelWhere stories live. Discover now