"i can't believe you guys skipped practice. For something as dumb as going to watch a movie. What do I even pay you for?"

"Sir, you don't pay us" Johnny cut in.

"Don't get smart with me or I'll find a way to deduct your lines"

"Sir, nobody gives him lines" I defended him.

"Okay one more thing from you two and I'll fire you both" he threatens and we both go silent."I've been so lenient with you two for a long time. And you're so lucky cause I've been dating a little myself" he says sounding way to proud of himself.

"That's great sir. She must be a lucky girl" Johnny says awkwardly.

"Yup he's so lucky- I mean she. She's so lucky" he 'corrects' himself.

"Umm well that great...... Can we go now?" I ask dying to leave the awkward space.

"Yeah,get out of here" he shooed us away. We left the room and broke out into fits of laughter which really wasn't appropriate at the time since we almost lost our jobs.
We went home and decided to take a quick nap before having to go out for a performance with the 127 unit.

"Y/n" I hear in my unconscious state. "Y/n" I feel Johnny trying to shake me awake.

"What is it?" I ask with my eyes still half closed in a groggy voice.

"What is this?" I hear him ask and I heard a pissed tone in his voice.

"What is what?" I ask sitting up.

"This!" He waves a card in my face frantically. I grab his wrist to stop him from waving it around so I can see it clearly. I noticed it as the card Jisung gave me for my last birthday.

The words of the card appeared in my head again

'happy birthday. We have one more year together before I graduate from the the dream unit. I'll be leaving you with new people. But you'll be okay.

Today was the first snowfall. I wanted to tell you how I feel but couldn't build up the courage to tell you face-to-face. So I'm writing it instead of being a coward and not saying anything at all

I like you. That's why I was crying in the closet at the Osaka showcase. I knew about your relationship with Johnny before everyone else did. I don't expect you to return my feelings. I just wanted to tell you instead of being a wimp. Please don't show anyone this card. ESPECIALLY JOHNNY! HE'D KILL ME. Anyways...

Happy birthday and have a blessed day and enjoy your time as and 18 year old I wish I did.'

"When were you going to tell me about this?!" He raised his voice.

"It's not a big deal" i answer putting a little base in my voice

"It's not a big deal? It's not a big deal when Jisung pretty much confessed his love to you, after we started dating?"

"Yes exactly, it's not a big deal he knew we were dating and that I loved you" I defend myself.

"If it's really nothing, why'd you keep it?" He questioned.

"I keep all the cards people give me. You know that"

But he wasn't letting up. " Then why aren't they with the others? Why is it in your drawer?"

"Because I never took the $40 out" I grab the cash and put it on my nightstand. I grab the card from his hand. "This really means nothing and I'll prove it" I say putting the card through the shredder. "See. Nothing... I married you, didn't I?"

"Whatever" he says getting up to go in the bathroom and turning the shower on.

Oh lord, why must relationships be so difficult.

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