Chapter 1

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My alarm clock started blaring into my ear. I groaned and rolled over to stop it. Once I turned it off I sat up in my bed and stretched. Running a hand through my hair and looked over at the time. 5:40am, I sighed and swung my legs off my bed. I walked to bathroom down the hall. Once my business was done I walked back out to change into my workout clothes. I changed into a black Nike sports bra and navy blue sweat capris. I strapped my arm band on and put my phone inside. Time for my morning run. I plugged my headphones in and put on my shoes. I made my way out of my room and out the front door. About 2 miles in I stopped and sat at a bench for a break. I looked out to the peaceful park. Since it was so early no one was outside or awake for the most part. I took my headphones off and hung it around my neck. Leaning back I looked up into the sky and sighed, getting up I stretched quickly and went to continue my run. Another 4 miles and I made my way back to my best friends house.

I walked in and saw her parents Mr. Grayson and Mrs. Grayson eating breakfast. I waved at them and went to take a quick shower before Victoria woke up and leave for school. When I got out of the shower I changed into a pair of tan jeans and a navy blue T-Shirt. I grabbed my moon necklace, phone, backpack and left the room. I walked down the hall and saw Victoria grab her keys and say to her parents that we were leaving. I grabbed a banana and waved at Mr. Grayson and Mrs. Grayson. I walked out with Victoria and I got into the passenger seat of her white Volkswagen jetta. I turned on the radio and made our way to school. I hummed along to the radio while Victoria sung along quietly. We didn't have to say anything for us to be comfortable. We parked in the school parking lot and Victoria's boyfriend was standing by the front doors of the school. Victoria immediately smiled and said to me while turning off her car "Faith we have to get you someone." I shook my head and started to get out of the car "I don't need anyone right now. They'll just distract me. I don't have time for that." With that said she seemed to get it and went to kiss her boyfriend.

When they pulled apart he smiled at me and said, "Hey Faith." I smiled back at him and said back, "Hey Jonathan." Jonathan was a good guy he took care of Victoria and everyone else. He is faithful and I know that he would never hurt Victoria for his pleasure. Which I was incredibly grateful for, she deserves the best. We all walked inside and immediately I was greeted with Brady, the school's jock. Everyone knows him and all the girls want to be with him. He has been trying to go out with me since freshmen year. I say no everytime but he still doesn't get the hint. The girls always glare at me because Brady only has eyes for me. Which makes no sense because he has probably hooked up with every girl in school. "Hey Faith how about we hang out this Friday in the back corner of the movie theater." I crossed my arms and looked him in the eyes, "For probably the 200th time no, I won't go out with you for you only to tell your friends that you finally slept with me." His smirk fell and he angrily walked away. I heard Victoria and Jonathan start laughing next to me. I sighed and started walking again. I have been boxing for 6 years, I knew that it sculpted my body. The workout does wonders to your body, especially if you kept at it.  My point is, I know that I have a body others would kill for.

I continued walking down the hall to go to my locker. The locker next to mine suddenly slams shut and I roll my eyes. I looked over and saw Lexy with her signature smirk and her 2 followers behind her. A little backstory, Lexy has been messing with me since 6th grade. Which is why I joined boxing, to protect myself from her and her little followers. I don't really know why she started picking on me in the first place. It's just been going on ever since. I leaned against the lockers and asked her in the most monotone voice I could muster, "What do you want Lexy?" She walked right up to my face and said, "Ready for your daily beating?" She some how smirked even wider and backed away, "You know where to meet us. See you then Faith." She smirked and then walked away. I shook my head and looked at Victoria and Jonathan. They had sad expressions on their faces and I shook my head at them silently saying it's okay. I let them beat me knowing well enough I could easily take them out. I let them have their moments and I have mine in the ring. Then the bell rang signaling that it was time for first period. At my school we have 8 classes. For me it feels like I blank out until the end of the day. I go behind the school so Lexy and her followers can beat me up before I leave to go home. The first 3 classes flew by and now I am at lunch sitting at Victoria, Jonathan's, and I's lunch table. They usually talk while I look around the room at everyone. It's amazing what you can see when you simply look at your surroundings.

I spotted Lexy with the jocks in the corner of the room laughing with them. I shook my head and looked at my hands that were on the table. Then Victoria asked, "Hey Faith please tell me you stopped doing those illegal underground fights so you can make money." I looked at her and said, "But then I would be lying." She gave me a disappointed look and said, "You're seriously going to get hurt if you keep at this." Jonathan nodded next to her, "It's a big risk Faith." I waved them off and said, "They can never get close enough to get a good hit on me." They both shook their heads and before they said anything more there was a loud thud and then I heard Lexy, "Watch it newbie you don't want to mess with me. I can't make your life a living hell with the snap of my fingers." After that she chuckled and walked away with her followers. I shook my head and got up. Victoria asked me where I was going but I ignored her. I walked over to the person on the floor and saw that she was a girl. She looked about my age maybe a little younger. She was brushing off the remainder of food that spilled onto her shirt from her tray. I squatted down and asked, "Hey are you okay?" She quickly whipped her head up and we locked eyes. She had the most unique colored eyes I had ever seen. They were blue, green, and brown in little areas. I smiled at her and she seemed to be broken out of her trance. She cleared her throat and said, "Yeah I am okay. Thank you for asking." Her voice was raspy but just enough to where she didn't sound like she smokes 6 packs of cigarettes everyday. I put everything on her tray and threw it away in the trash can next to us. I offered my hand out to her and she smiled taking my hand. I helped her stand and felt eyes on us so I offered, "Want to come sit at my table with my best friend and her boyfriend?" She raised her eyebrow and asked, "Are you sure?" I nodded and stuck my hand out, "Hi my name is Faith." She smiled and took my hand, "Hello my name is Luna."

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