Chapter 6

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When we all got to the house we went into the backyard to hangout and talk. Mr and Mrs Grayson weren't home. I figured they were going to work late today. At the moment we were all talking about how the movie was. "Not gonna lie I loved it when he said mask on and then Venom showed up that was so cool." They nodded and started talking about their favorite parts of the movie. After a couple of hours Victoria's parents came home and then everyone started to get up. They said they wanted to walk home so Victoria and I walked them to the door. Victoria kissed Jonathan and I hugged Delilah and Luna goodbye. I then realized that I had no idea where Delilah lived. "Hey Del where do you live?" She raised a eyebrow at me and smirked. I raised my eyebrow not understanding what she was trying to hint at. It was until I thought about it and shook my head. "My gosh Del you are ridiculous. I meant because I know where Jonathan and Luna live but I have no idea where you live." She chuckled and said, "I live about a mile or so down the road that way." She pointed to the right and I nodded my head. "Do you need a ride I can drive you home." She shook her head and said, "Nah it's fine I can jog. I've done worse." We both chuckled and I waved to them.

Delilah started jogging away and Jonathan and Luna started walking in the opposite direction to go to their houses. I closed the door and Victoria went to the kitchen to talk to her parents. I went to my room to get ready for training. I changed into a navy blue tank-top and black basketball shorts. I put my hair in a pony tail and slipped my sneakers on. I grabbed my phone off my bed and texted Marcus to come and pick me up. He said he would come in 20 minutes. I locked my phone, grabbed his jacket, and left the room. I went down stairs and went to say something until Mrs. Grayson stopped me, "Faith before you say anything, you know that we are officially your new parents now right. That means you call us mom and dad not Mr and Mrs Grayson. Got it?" She pointed her finger at me and raised her eyebrow. I nodded my head and swallowed, "Hi mom and dad." She nodded her head approving my answer. I smiled nervously and I asked Victoria, "Hey are you coming with me tonight?" Victoria's parents help pay for me to continue to workout and train at the building I go to. They don't know I fight for real but they support me doing boxing. Every once and a while Victoria comes and trains with me. She shook her head and said, "Got homework, can't tonight." I nodded and heard a knock on the door. "That's probably Marcus." Mrs. Grayson said, "Oo ask him if he wants some food."  I nodded and went to the door to let him in. He walked into the kitchen and hugged Mrs. Grayson and bro-hugged Mr. Grayson. I smiled at the action and Mrs. Grayson asked, "Marcus would you like to eat before you go workout?" He politely shook his head and said, "No thank you but we should get going it's going to be a long night tonight."

I sighed and nodded my head. I looked over at Victoria and said, "I guess you picked a good night to not go." She chuckled and I waved to everyone, "See you all later." They waved and said bye to Marcus while we were walking outside the door. I gave Marcus his sweater back and he shook his head. "You keep it, it doesn't fit me anymore. There's no point of me keeping it." I nodded and wrapped it around my waist. Marcus and I rode in comfortable silence to the building. We got to the building 30 minutes later and went to the counter to pay. Well for Marcus to pay I have a membership because like I said the Grayson's pay for me. I waved at Mike who was behind the counter. Marcus and I walked in and saw a couple of other people working out and training. They waved at me or gave me a head nod if they were busy. Since I come here every day, pretty much everyone knows me. We made our way to our usual corner and I went to my locker that held my stuff. I put in my combination and grabbed my wraps and gloves. I started wrapping my hands while Marcus did the same with his. Once our hands were wrapped we went to stretch and then shadow box. After our warm up Marcus and I went to the punching bags and worked on foot work, hits, and dodging. About an hour later we switched to Marcus using the pads in the ring. We worked on more foot work, attacks, more dodges, hits, and thinking about tactics that would end the match sooner. We spent an hour practicing in the ring until we stopped for a break. I was still in the ring when someone ran in. I choked on my water and started coughing like crazy. When my coughing fit stopped we locked eyes and mine widened. He marched over and went through the ropes.

I was frozen with fear and when he realized I wasn't going to do anything he raised his hand to hit me. I closed my eyes and braced for the pain but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw my real father being tackled to the floor by Marcus. Marcus looked back at me for a second and yelled, "Faith get out of here!" I was frozen in place unable to move. My mouth was still open and I was watching Marcus hold my dad down to the floor. My dad kept swinging and trying to move but Marcus fought back. I was broken out of my trance when Mike came over and got me out of the ring and took me to the back room which just held supplies. I went in the corner of the room and sat with my knees against my chest. Mike gave me a worried look and said, "Stay here I am going to go help Marcus." I nodded and as soon as the door opened for him to leave I heard my dad yelling. "WHERE DID THAT PIECE OF SHIT GO! I'M NOT DONE WITH HER!" The door shut and I started to cry. Flash backs of when my parents first started beating me came back. When they gave me all the bruises I started wearing big clothes and hoodies all the time. Which started the bullying so I could never escape the hate that I got. I have no safe haven.  My breathing started getting heavier and my hearing started going out. The more time that passed by it was harder to breathe. I am having a panic attack. I tried calming myself down by trying to take deep breaths but it wasn't working. I started crying harder and I officially couldn't hear clearly. I squeezed my eyes tighter and started rocking myself. The memories kept flooding in. All of a sudden I felt hands on my arms which I immediately flinched at the contact and moved away. I heard muffled voices and wheezed out, "Vic." I heard more talking and then I buried my head more into my arms.

What felt like forever later, I felt hands on my feet. I flinched at the touch again and heard a voice. It was much softer like a girls voice. They put their hands back on my feet and slowly raised them to my arms. The hands were soft but I couldn't stop myself from shaking or crying. I felt the hands then go onto my head. I slowly raised my head and opened my eyes. My vision was blurry because of the tears. I could make our a very concerned Victoria. I wheezed out, "C-can't b-breathe." Victoria came closer and held her hand out. I shakily reached my out and she placed it against her heart. I flattened my hand and felt her calm heart beat. I looked into her eyes and saw she was taking deep breath's in and out. I tried to copy her the best I could and focus on that. I could feel my hearing going back to normal very slowly. I started to pull her slightly closer to me. She shuffled a bit closer while I closed my eyes to help me focus more. I had stopped crying and was now trying to even out my breathing. At that point I could hear Victoria clearly, "Faith I am right here just keep copying what I am doing."  I kept taking deep breaths and focused on Victoria's heartbeat. When my breathing was back to normal, I opened my eyes and fully pulled Victoria into me. She sat next to me while I wrapped my arms around her neck and buried my face into her neck. She wrapped her arms around my waist and held me tightly. I closed my eyes again and relaxed into Victoria. Maybe an hour later I opened my eyes again. Victoria was running one of her hands on my back soothingly. I sighed and Victoria asked, "Are you alright now?" I nodded my head and let go of her to sit up. Victoria stretched out her arms and said, "Well I can't feel my ass so can we please stand now?" I laughed lightly and stood up. I helped her up and we both walked out of the room. We were met with the sight of everyone. They all rushed to me and pulled me into one big group hug.

I quickly hugged them back and then I looked around and saw that my dad was gone. Once everyone let go of me I said out loud, "Where did my dad go?" Marcus walked towards me and said, "The guys and I kicked him out, quite literally. You are safe now Faith." I sighed and said, "How did he find me in the first place?" Victoria walked up to me and shrugged, "Who knows how he found you. I am just glad that he is gone now. Now come on lets go home it's been a long night."  I nod my head and put an arm around Victoria's waist.  Victoria chuckled and put an arm over my shoulders.  I leaned into her and rested my head on the inner part of her shoulder.  Marcus nodded as well and said bye and thank you to everyone.  I said bye to everyone and Victoria and I made our way outside.  Marcus walked with us because he doesn't really trust that my dad was actually gone.  We all walked to Victoria's car and I hugged Marcus as a silent thank you.  He held me tighter and I whispered, "Thank you Marcus for not leaving and protecting me from him."  He pulled away and said, "I won't ever let him hurt you."  I nodded and hugged him again before I got into the car.  I closed my door and turned on the radio since Victoria had the car running.  I looked through the window and saw Marcus and Victoria talking.  It only lasted for a couple minutes before they hugged and Victoria walked to the car.  I leaned my head against the window and lazily smiled to Victoria and she smiled back.  Victoria pulled out of the parking lot and started driving home.  I looked out the window, I was so tired I started falling asleep.  How did he find me after hiding for so long.

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