Chapter 7

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The next day I slept in and woke up alone in the house. I ran a hand through my hair and looked around my room. I swung my legs off my bed and stood up. Walking to my dresser I brushed out my hair and walked out of my room. I went down the hall and got some cereal and a bowl so I could eat. I thought to myself while I was pouring the milk into my bowl of cereal yesterday was a mess. I still don't understand how he found me. If he finds where Victoria lives I have to leave. I can't get them more involved then they already are. I sighed and turned on the T.V. I ate my cereal while watching 'Hocus Pocus'. After the movie I heard the front door unlocking. I got up to put my dish in the sink when I was almost knocked over from someone hugging me from my left side. I looked over and saw Victoria smiling at me. Then she started to get shorter and I raised my eyebrow in confusion. When I realized what she was doing it was too late, I was already being lifted into the air and spun around. I started yelling, "VIC STOP! PUT ME DOWN!" We both started laughing while I held onto her so she wouldn't drop me. I heard laughter come from some direction that I couldn't tell because I was still getting spun. "Victoria set her down you're going to make her throw up," Mrs. Grayson said while she set down the grocery's on the counter. She huffed and stopped spinning me. She then slowly lowered me and held on because we were both incredibly dizzy. We both started laughing while trying to get our bearings back.

Mr. Grayson walked in holding other bags and smiled at us. At this point we were both fine and able to stand on our own. I asked them, "Do you guys need help with the grocery's?" Mrs. Grayson waved it off and said, "It's fine Faith we got it." I nodded and walked around to go back up to my room. Victoria turned to me and asked, "Hey where you going?" I simply said while I kept walking, "To go change." I walked to my room and locked the door. I grabbed a T-Shirt and black jeans, I let my hair go lose, grabbed my phone, and unlocked my door to go back to the kitchen. I walked over to Victoria and asked her, "Hey Vic want to go on a walk with me?" She looked at her parents and they shooed her. She shrugged and walked with me to the door. I yelled out, "We'll be back later!" They yelled back have fun and I closed the door behind us. Once we started walking down the street Victoria asked me, "So where are we going?" I shrugged and said, "I'm not sure, anywhere I guess. I don't have a destination in mind. Do you want to go somewhere specific?" I looked over at her and she shook her head, "Nah I'm good." I chuckled and we continued our walk. A couple blocks in I realized we were in Jonathan's and Luna's neighborhood. Then I saw something in the distance. It looked like a person but I was too far to tell for sure. I nudged Victoria's arm and pointed to where I was looking, "What is that? It looks like a person." She nodded and squinted like she could zoom in, "I can't tell who it is, they are too far." I nodded and we kept walking towards the person sitting on the curb. When we got closer my eyes widened, "Wait that's Luna!" I started sprinting towards her and kneeled right in front of her. She was sobbing into her hands. Victoria ran next to me and I slowly reached my hands out to touch her arms.

She flinched at the touch and looked up. Once she realized it was me she jumped straight onto me wrapping her arms around my neck and her head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist and moved her to where she was straddling me on the road. Victoria joined in the hug as well and we let Luna cry it out. After who knows how long Luna had stopped crying and loosened her grip on me. Victoria pulled away and I pulled away to look at her. I slowly asked, "Hey what happened?" She sniffled and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, "My parents aren't exactly supporting me being bisexual. So they kicked me out while they are thinking about what they are going to do." Victoria started rubbing her arms and gave her a sympathetic look. My eyes showed the pain and sadness she was feeling. Knowing the feeling of not being loved by parents was a feeling I was very common with. I fixed her hair so it wasn't in her face and said, "Staying here isn't the best idea right now. Come join us on our walk." I waited for Luna's answer while Victoria had already stood up. I looked up at her and she gave me a knowing look. I looked back at Luna who was still sitting in my lap. She turned to look at her house then back at me. She then nodded and started to get up. Victoria helped her up and I got up. I put my arm over her shoulders and she hugged my side. We all continued our walk to nowhere.

Couple minutes later a park came into the distance. We all looked at each other and then looked back. I yelled out while sprinting towards the park, "BEAT YOU THERE!" I heard laughing behind me while I was running. I ran straight to the swings while I kept looking back. Both Luna and Victoria where right behind me. I made it to the swings first and Luna made it to the other. Victoria started pouting and I said, "Hey you snooze you lose babe." We all started laughing and Victoria leaned against the pole next to me while Luna and I started swinging. Luna was smiling and laughing which was good. I looked over at Victoria who was talking to Luna and she smiled and nodded seeming to already know what I was noticing. After about an hour when it was starting to get dark and I could faintly make out someone was coming down the street jogging. From the distance you could tell that it was a girl but I was unable to tell who it was. When the person got closer Victoria and I heard a gasp and a thump next to us. The person who was running was Delilah and she ran faster to Luna who had fallen off the swing in surprise. I jumped off my swing to help, but Delilah already had her standing by the time I got off the swing. Luna was blushing hard core and brushing the bark off of her clothes. Delilah chuckled and said, "Are you okay Luna?" Luna ran a hand through her hair to brush it out and nodded. Delilah smiled at her and said, "Good I don't want you getting hurt." She got a piece of bark out of her hair and tucked the strand behind her ear. My heart hurt seeing how cute they were together. Victoria patted my arm and Delilah looked over at us. She asked, "What are you guys doing here?" From the corner of my eye I could see Luna checking out Delilah.

I smirked and said, "Oh nothing much just hanging out a bit. Want to join us?" She looked over at Luna who quickly looked up and answered, "Sure why not." Luna glared at me when Delilah turned back around. I smiled and stuck my tongue out saying, "Race you guys to the top of the playground." Everyone took off running towards the playground. This time Delilah made it to the top first with me right behind her. Victoria and Luna were a bit out of breath and Victoria said, "Screw all of your athletic bodies." Delilah and I high-fived and waited for them to get their breath's back. When they did we started messing around on playground for about an hour. When it was fully dark we all decided to head on home. Victoria and I offered to walk everyone home because it was late at night. Victoria had told her parents what we were doing and they told us to stay safe. They know that I would always put Victoria's safety over mine so they really trust me. Luna and Delilah were walking next to me on one side while the other side was Victoria. I asked Victoria, "Hey are you going to my fight on Friday night?" Victoria sighed and said, "You know how I feel about the fights Faith." I looked straight ahead and nodded slowly. "Yeah I know exactly how you feel about them. But It doesn't hurt to ask right?" As soon as I said that we had made it to Luna's house.  We all stopped and Luna looked at her house.  I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.  "Lu you don't have to go if you don't want to."  She took a deep breath and said, "No I have to.  I can't avoid them forever."  I slowly nodded and removed my hand.  I pulled her into a hug and whispered to her, "If you need anything you know where we are."  She lightly squeezed me as if saying thank you.  She said goodbye to the rest of us and hugged Delilah a little longer.  She walked to the door and waved at us one more time before going inside.  I ushered for us to go and so we started walking again. 

A couple minutes later I asked Delilah, "So you and Luna huh."  I looked over to see her blushing.  Delilah smiled and looked at me, "Honestly I am so glad I caught her that day at the end of lunch.  She is so beautiful and has a great personality."  Victoria wrapped an arm around my waist I threw mine over her shoulder, "Well look at you, Ms lovestruck."  I chuckled.  Victoria then said, "Just ask her out already Delilah.  It wouldn't hurt to try."  She shrugged and said, "Yeah your right I guess.  I just don't want to scare her away.  What if it's too early?"  Victoria and I both shrugged as a response.  A few more steps and we were in front of Delilah's house.  She then said, "Alright this is my stop.  Thanks for the walk back to my house.  See you guys tomorrow at school."  We hugged her and she walked towards her door.  Once she was inside Victoria and I started to back track to her house.  She leaned her head on my shoulder while we kept walking.  Out of nowhere and breaking the comfortable silence Victoria said, "I'll go to your fight on Friday."  I looked at her surprised, "Are you sure?  You really don't have to go, I was just wondering."  She shook her head and said, "No I want to go."  I didn't respond to that we just continued or walk in silence.  When we made it back to her house her parents were already asleep.  I separated from Victoria an went to my room.  I changed into my PJs and climbed into my bed.  I turned off my light and stared at the ceiling for a bit.  Is this going to be a good idea?

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