Chapter 13

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Lexy started walking towards me and Luna was quick to stand in front of me. I quickly grabbed her and put her behind me. She started wrestling against me trying to get back in front of me. When Lexy was in front of me she slapped me hard. I looked at the floor and everyone who was around looked at us. Once the shock wore off for Luna she started fighting against me harder. She started yelling at Lexy while I continued to look at the ground. I looked back at Luna and whispered, "Luna please." She looked at me and seemed broken. She stopped fighting me and stopped yelling at Lexy. When I looked back Lexy she punched me in the stomach making me lurch forward but continued to hold onto Luna. The last thing I wanted to happen was I leave Luna for a split second and then she gets hurt by Lexy or her followers. I stood back up and Lexy got in my face, "I hope you're ready for later. I don't think you'll be able to leave after." I said nothing to her and continued to look over and past her shoulder. She huffed and then walked away with her followers close behind. I then let go of Luna and she was quick to walk in front of me.

At this time the bell had just rang. We were late to class. Luna said, "Come on lets go to the bathroom we are late anyway." Without an answer she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the bathroom. I just followed her while looking at the floor. Once we were in the bathroom she stood in front of me with her hands on her hips, "Why Faith? I'm not going to say anything else. Just why?" I shook my head and continued to look at the floor. "Why do you let her run you over like that?" I adjusted my backpack and looked up at her, "Because I'm nothing anyway so it doesn't matter." With that said I turned around and left the bathroom to go to class. Luna didn't have a chance to say anything before I left. Actually I don't want to go to class. Lets go home. I went to the side door on campus and made sure the coast was clear. When I didn't see anyone I ran to the car and realized I didn't have the keys. Looks like I am jogging home. Need to stay in shape anyway. With that I started my jog back home. Once I got home I went to my room and dropped my bag at the edge of my bed on the floor.  Then I flopped onto my bed landing on my back and sighed. I got my phone out of my pocket and texted Marcus.

To Marcus: "Hey want to train?"

I waited for a response from him and about a minute later he replied saying that he would pick me up in about 5 minutes. I got up and started changing into a sports bra, tank-top, and some basketball shorts. I put my hair into a pony tail and heard a honk come from outside. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to the door. I went out the garage because I didn't want to carry my keys. When I got in the car Marcus leaned over the console and hugged me. I hugged him back and we were on our way. Once we were parked at the building we got out and greeted Mike who was behind the counter. "Hey Faith have fun alright." I nodded and winked at him saying, "You know I do." He chuckled and Marcus said, "Go wrap your hands and I'll get the pads." I nodded and went to the backrooms with the lockers. I opened my locker and got my wraps out and started wrapping my hands. Once they were wrapped I grabbed my gloves and closed my locker. I headed out to the ring and saw Marcus shadow boxing. I put my gloves on and got into the ring. We immediately started training as soon as Marcus saw me go into the ring. It was about an hour before Mike had run over to us stopping us. I was sweating like crazy and breathing heavily. "Faith you need to leave now!" Confused by what Mike said I was going to ask him but then I heard him. "Where the fuck is she! I know she had to of come back!" My eyes widened and Marcus quickly started taking off the pads. "I'm sorry Mike," is what I said to him running to the back room.

I took off my my gloves and unwrapped my hands quickly. Marcus took off the last piece of the pads and went to the door. "He's being held back from Mike and a couple of other people. Now's our chance to go out the back door." I closed my locker and nodded my head. I walked behind him and he grabbed my hand. He looked around and I could hear my dad yelling, "I knew she would come back. Give her to me and I won't hurt anyone." Marcus pulled me out of the room running to the back door. The last thing I heard was, "HEY GET BACK HERE!" Marcus and I were running to the front of the building to his car. "Shit Marcus he saw us." He just held my hand tighter and we made it to his car. We heard footsteps running behind us. "GET IN!" I let go of his hand and ran to the passengers side. Marcus hopped into the drivers seat and quickly started the car. My dad had rounded the corner and was running towards the car. "Marcus lets go!" He backed out of the parking space and sped out of the parking lot. He drove me back to Victoria's house and on the ride back we didn't say anything. Once we were in the drive way I said to Marcus, "I'm sorry about this, I'll see you tomorrow for our fight." I opened my door and was about to get out until I was stopped from him holding my arm. "This is not your fault Faith." He opened his arms for a hug and I went to hug him. Once he let go he said, "I'll see you tomorrow Faith. Sleep well." I smiled at him and nodded my head. I went to the front door and Marcus drove out of the driveway. I rang the doorbell and Victoria was there. "Where have you been Faith? Luna said she didn't see you in class. What happened?" I didn't say anything I just simply pulled her into a hug and buried my face into her neck.

I held onto her tightly around her neck. She was shocked at first but wrapped her arms around my waist holding me just as tightly. She didn't say anything more but slowly walked us inside. I heard the door close behind us and footsteps coming. I knew that it was Mr and Mrs. Grayson walking over. I just held onto her tighter and I was turned so my back was to them. "Hey is that Fa..." Mrs. Grayson stopped midway when she saw us. I felt Vic shake her head against me. I then heard them walk away. "Are you okay Faith?" I sighed and let go of her. "To be honest no I'm not. Lexy came back and hit me in front of Luna. That's why I left school then I go with Marcus to go train so I forget what happened. That doesn't work because my dad decides to show up again. Apparently I can't escape anything. Life likes to taunt me because when I think things are going good it takes a turn for the worst." Victoria just stood there shocked from what I had just told her. I sighed and walked around her going to my room. When I got inside I locked my door and started changing into my pjs. I unlocked my door and went to my bed to fall asleep and escape this world. I heard my door opening at some point at night. I squinted trying to see who it was in the dark. From me just waking up my eyes wouldn't focus on the figure. Then they came into my room and closed the door behind them. I propped myself onto my left elbow and groggily said, "Vic?" When they stepped closer the sliver of the light coming through my blinds hit their face.

It was Victoria and she whispered, "I wanted to make sure you were okay." I sighed and flipped over onto my back. I whispered back, "Better yes, but not completely gone as per usual."  She nodded and asked, "Care if we cuddle?"  To answer her question I opened my arms.  She took the cue and climbed into my bed.  She got under my blankets and snuggled up next to me.  Her head was on my chest next to my shoulder while her arm was draped over my stomach.  I put my left arm around her lower back.  I rested my head on hers and looked up at the ceiling.  I whispered so quiet that I didn't think Victoria heard me "Why does life go out to get me."  What I didn't know Victoria did hear me but chose not to say anything.  I sighed and closed my eyes falling back asleep.  The next morning I woke up with Victoria still asleep on me.  I nudged her and she groaned.  I smiled and nudged her again with my shoulder.  She groaned again and tightened her hold on me.  "Vic come on we have school."  She mumbled into my shoulder, "I don't want to go. Can't we be late."  I chuckled and thought she's not going to get up.  But I have other ways.  I started moving my arms and started tickling her.  She immediately moved away from me, "Faith stop!"  She said while laughing.  I kept tickling her until I knew she was about to pee.  She was panting and said, "Alright you win."  With that said she left to go get ready while I did too.  We quickly ate and took my car to school.  On the drive there we were singing and dancing along to the radio.  Victoria parked the car by the front of the school but still more towards the back.  We both got out of the car and started walking towards the doors.  We were happily talking until I saw Victoria being pushed to the ground and me being pulled to the side of the building.  I was immediately met with the face of Lexy and her followers behind her holding a unconscious Victoria in their arms.  "You never met with us Faith, you know what that means." Only one thing was running through my mind Fuck.

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