Chapter 26

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Luna and I texted until Jonathan showed up. I quickly replied to her and got up to let Jonathan in. I opened the front door and he smiled "Hey Faith." I smiled back and we hugged. He then came inside and I said, "She's in her room asleep." He nodded and started to go down the hall but stopped. He looked back at me and said, "Faith are you going to be okay being alone?" I walked over to the couch and said, "Yeah I'll be good." He nodded and went to Victoria's room. Once he was gone I sighed and laid down on the couch. There is so much going on at once. I closed my eyes and let everything go. After a couple of hours I woke up to pans being moved. I sat up and rubbed my eyes so I could see clearly. I looked over the back of the couch and saw Victoria's parents. Mrs. Grayson greeted me first, "Hey honey." She chuckled and Mr. Grayson looked over. "We heard you both weren't at school today. Care to explain?" I swung my legs off the couch and walked to the kitchen. "Vic didn't exactly feel too great." They both nodded their head and Mrs. Grayson said, "Where is she?" I grabbed a fruit and ran a hand through my hair saying, "She's asleep with Jonathan." They nodded again and I said, "I am going to go to my room." Mr. Grayson gave me a thumbs up and I turned walking to my room. I pulled my phone out of my pocket while continuing to eat.

To Marcus: "Hey can we train today?"

I put my phone back into my back pocket and closed my room door. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out.

Marcus: "Yeah for sure I'll be there soon."

I didn't reply and ate the rest of my fruit before changing. I put on a tank-top and some mid-thigh workout shorts. A couple minutes later the doorbell rings and I can hear Marcus talking to Victoria's parents. I quickly put my hair in a ponytail and went to meet Marcus leaving my phone. I walked next to Marcus and looked at Mrs. Grayson, "If Vic asks where I am tell her please, I am leaving my phone here." She nodded and we left going into his car. On the drive to the gym we both listened to the radio to get us in the mood. When we got inside we were greeted by Mike. "Welcome back guys." We both smiled and Marcus said, "Of course Mike you know we always come back." He chuckled and nodded. Marcus and I then walked to the back to the lockers to get our stuff out. I wrapped my hands and we went out. Marcus then said, "We are going straight into it. You are going to spar with me." I nodded and he put my gloves on while he put the padding on himself. We got straight into it when he put his hands up. After about an hour and a half we stopped to take a quick break. Marcus was chugging his water and I laughed at him. He lightly hit me on the arm saying, "Hey don't laugh at me. Also I'll be back just shadowbox while I'm gone." I nodded and he walked away. I shadow boxed for a bit when Mike walked over. I looked over and he smiled at me, "Hey Faith I am going to take a quick bathroom break." I nodded and went back to my shadowboxing. A couple minutes later I had stopped for a quick break. I hopped back and forth on my feet and shook out my arms. All of a sudden I heard the front doors open and someone fast walking. I then saw my dad come around the corner. My eyes went wide and he walked over to me. Seeing that I was all alone I had no one to stop him from getting close to me. From panic I didn't scream or yell I just watched him get closer to me. Stop being afraid. This is your house. He is just another opponent.

He stomped over and had his fists clenched. "No one to save you now. Come on bitch we are leaving." He walked over and raised his hand ready to hit me. Before he had the chance to strike me I hit his arm with my left arm making him stumble to my right. It left his whole left side open which I quickly hit him with a hard right jab into his left eye. He stumbled back holding his eye. He is going to have a black eye now. He looked up at me holding his left eye with his left hand. He looked shocked that I had fought back. He quietly said, "Did you just hit me?" Then he stood up straight and said louder, "Did you just hit me bitch!" He then ran over and tried to throw a right punch at me. I quickly dodged it and went behind him. He whipped his head around which I threw a left jab into his jaw making him instantly fall to the ground. When he fell I didn't catch him, he was out cold on the floor of the ring. I put my hands down and started breathing heavily. Fuck did I just do that. Fuck I really did. Oh my gosh I knocked out my dad. I can't breathe. I started hyperventilating and stumbling back. I then heard footsteps to my left and I looked over. It was Marcus, at first he smiled at me then looked at my dad knocked out on the floor then back at me. My legs then felt weak and and my eyes closed. The last thing I saw before I fell was Marcus running over. I felt something cold on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes and started blinking. At first everything was blurry so I continued to blink. I looked around the room noticing that it was the room I sleep in when I go to Marcus's house. I lifted my right arm to touch whatever was cold on my forehead.

I grabbed it and looked at the towel. I set it on the right side of my body and rubbed my eyes. I pushed myself up so I was leaning back on my arms for support. The door then slowly opened showing a Marcus holding a peach. Once he looked up and realized that I was up he smiled. "Hey Faith you're up." He walked over and handed me the peach. He sat on the bed next to me and I reached over and hugged him. He hugged back and then Doctor Perry aka Stephanie, walked into the room. I smiled to her over Marcus's shoulder while we continued to hug. She smiled and walked over. She put her hand on Marcus's back and he let go and leaned into her. I smiled at both of them and she said, "Hey Faith how you feeling?" I ran a hand through my hair and said, "Good." I moved so I was leaning against the headboard of the bed. I then asked them, "So did last night really happen?" Marcus held Doctor Perry's hand and nodded slowly. Marcus was hesitant to ask me what had happened with my dad and I last night. "I punched my dad and knocked him out. I started hyperventilating and then passed out." They both looked at me, Doctor Perry with shock and Marcus with sympathy. I asked Marcus, "What happened after?" Marcus took a deep breath and then said, "I just managed to make it to you before your head hit the ground. I laid you on the floor and I looked over to your dad. He was out cold with a black eye on his left eye. Mike had came back and saw him on the floor. He quickly offered to take him to the police. I said take him and they both left. I carried you to my car and called Stephanie to check on you. And here we are the morning after. Which by the way you are late to school but your health is more important then school. Plus it's Thursday you have a day left of school anyway."

I nodded and took the blanket off of me. I then said out loud, "What about Vic?" I heard a chuckle behind me and I heard Marcus talking, "I knew you would ask. She's at school.  I called her last night telling her what I saw.  She wanted to see you but I had to force her to go to school." I smiled and nodded. "Can you take me home Mar?" He nodded and stood up holding Doctor Perry with one arm. "Meet in the living room in about a minute." I laughed and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and they both left the room. I put my shoes on and walked to the living room. I sat on the couch eating my peach while Marcus and Doctor Perry walked in. "Come on let's go Faith." I got up and we all walked to his car. Once we got home I thanked them and went inside to change. My phone was on my dresser from where I had left it yesterday when I had left to train. I took a shower and then changed into Jean's and a T-shirt. I looked at the time and saw it was only noon. Do I feel like going to school? Not really. Not knowing what to do I got out my phone to text Victoria.

To Vic: "How's school?"

It took about 2 seconds before she responded.

Vic: "Oh my gosh you're awake. Marcus forced me to come to school. Otherwise I would of stayed with you until you woke up."

Me: "Oh I know you would of."

I laid down on my bed and sighed. I still can't believe that I hit my father. I can't imagine how they are going to be when they find me. "I can never let them find me otherwise I don't think I'll make it to the next day." I sat up and ran a hand through my hair sighing. Everything is falling apart.

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