Chapter 4

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We had stayed in front of his car hugging for who knows how long. Once he realized how late it was we went to his house instead of him dropping me off. We ate, talked, and watched a movie before we both went to sleep. I stayed in his guest room while he went to his own room. Even with how old Marcus is I still trust him with my life. Him and Victoria are the only people who I have let completely in my life. The next morning, I didn't have my phone so I couldn't tell Victoria that I would meet her at school. I went downstairs and saw that Marcus was already eating while scrolling through his phone. I asked him, "Hey can you text Victoria to meet me at school with a shirt. I don't exactly have one with me." We both chuckled and he nodded. He then said "I have a pair of your jeans that you left here once, it's in the guestroom dresser." I nodded my head and left back to the room. I closed the door and changed out of my black spandex into my jeans and walked back out again. I grabbed a banana and asked, "What exactly do I do about the shirt situation? I doubt any of yours fit me." He stood up and said, "I think I have an old hoodie that might fit you hold on." I ate the rest of my banana while he left. He walked back out and held it up. It was a black hoodie that said Miami state university on it. He gave it to me and I realized that it still might be too big for me.

"I think it's still too big for me but it'll work until I get my shirt from Victoria." I slipped it over me and said, "Alright we have to go or I'll be late to school." He nodded his head and grabbed his car keys. When we were in his car he passed me his phone. Victoria had texted back and was waiting for me at my locker. I had a feeling that I was going to be scolded from her. I swear sometimes Victoria is my mother. We pulled up to the school and I hugged him over the console. I thanked him for everything and got out of the car. I walked through the front doors and ran straight into Luna. She chuckled and said, "Dang Faith I would rather not recreate my first day in the cafeteria again." I pulled her into a hug and apologized. She had told me that she was actually looking for me. Then she noticed the sweater and wiggled her eyebrows, "Who's the guy?" I playfully punched her in the arm and rolled my eyes. We both walked to my locker where I saw Victoria leaning against it. When I got closer she looked up and we locked eyes. I gave her a shy smile and then she dropped her things and ran towards me. She jumped and I caught her after she wrapped her arms and legs around me. I held the bottom of her thigh with my right hand and her lower back with my left hand. She held onto me tightly and I can only imagine the weird looks that we are getting but at that moment I didn't care.

I held her just as tightly and she whispered to me, "You're okay." I said back to her, "I told you I would be okay." I lowered her down and then she punched me in the arm. "I told you not to go last night Faith. And you still fucking left." I held her shoulders and said, "I need the money you know that Vic. And I told you I always come back." We walked closer to my locker and on the way there I got pushed and fell. I turned around and saw that Luna and Victoria were walking towards me ready to give Lexy and her followers a piece of their minds. I put my hand out in a stopping motion and looked up at Lexy. "Will you look at that Faith actually found a guy who doesn't care about how she looks. Now tell me how did you get him to like you. Did you offer to sleep with him? Did you beg him? You know what I think it is, I think he felt sorry for you." I could see a fuming Victoria behind her and I just slowly shook my head. Which earned me a slap across the face that echoed through the hallway. "Don't you shake your head at me! Who the hell do you think you are! Oh that's right," She kneeled down to my face while I held my cheek, "You're no one. And you'll always be a no one." With that said she stood back up and walked away. Victoria and Luna quickly walked over to me. Victoria helped me up and turned my head to look at my cheek. I knew my cheek was bright red and had a hand print on my face. We walked the rest of the way to my locker and Victoria grabbed one of my shirts out of her bag. The 3 of us walked to the bathroom so I could change.

Luna who was angry about the encounter said, "Why do you let her do it Faith?" I went into one of the stalls and said, "Because if I don't she will target you all instead. I don't want that for you." I stepped out of the stall with Marcus's hoodie and my t-shirt on instead. I looked at myself in the mirror and lightly ran my hand over my red cheek. I sighed knowing that it was going to stay there all day. I turned on the water and put it to the coldest it could go and stuck my hand under it. After my hand was feeling numb from the cold I put it directly on Lexy's hand print. I winced for a second and said to them, "Come on, class starts soon." I walked out first and walked to my class. Victoria walked in with my backpack in her other hand and sat next to me in the back of the class. I got my bag from her and started taking all my things out. My mind then started to wonder how would my life have been if Lexy never chose to pick on me in 6th grade? Would I had been different personality wise? Would my family have disowned me if I wasn't bullied? Would they have cared enough? I sighed to myself and leaned back in my chair. I whispered quietly to myself, "Thank God this year is almost over." I looked up at the ceiling and waited until the day was over. Fast forward through my classes until it was lunch. Victoria and Jonathan were sitting across from Luna and I at the table. I hadn't really been paying attention until Victoria was trying to get Luna's attention.  I looked up from my food to look at Luna.

She looked frozen but not from fear, it was more from awe.  I followed her line of vision and saw Delilah Cooperson.  The only bisexual and proud girl at our school.  Sure she got shit about it every once in a while but she never let it bother her, she would always ignore it and continue her day.  I smiled knowingly and looked back at Luna.  I guess she hadn't seen her until now.  I mean I don't blame her if I swung that way I would be gawking over her as well.  She was about 5'6, light brown hair, toned because she plays softball, a good tan, and has grey eyes.  I nudged Luna and she shook her head asking what happened.  Victoria said, "I have been trying to get your attention but it seems like something or someone caught yours by the drool coming out of your mouth."  She smirked and Luna quickly wiped the side of her mouth.  I held her arm and said, "Calm down she was just kidding Lu.  But seriously good eye."  I winked at her and she blushed and looking down.  I high-fived Victoria and she went back to her conversation with Luna.  The bell rang and we all started going out the doors when Victoria had a plan.  I knew this because of the face that she made towards Luna.  Luna gave her a confused look and then Victoria shoved her making her stumble and almost fall until someone caught her.  She looked up and saw that it was Delilah.  She helped her up and asked, "Hey are you alright?  You almost fell on your ass."  She chuckled and I realized that Luna was frozen.  To save her from more embarrassment I walked over taking Luna's arm.  "Jeez Lu watch it next time."  She nodded at me and gave me a 'save me please' look.  I smiled at Delilah and said, "Hey Del thanks for saving Luna like that."  She smiled back and said, "Yeah no problem Faith although you might want to tell Luna here that I won't always be there to catch her.  Though I wouldn't mind it."  She winked at Luna and I swear I thought she died.  I chuckled and waved at Delilah, "See you later Del."  She waved and then we walked away.

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