Chapter 8

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Monday started off pretty normal. Delilah still didn't have the guts to say anything to Luna. Victoria didn't bring up the fight again. And I was texting Marcus to see how we could get Victoria into the building in the first place. He brought up the idea of disguising her somehow but realized that plan wouldn't work. Then there was that we could just straight up ask the building manager and see what he says. That option seemed like the best one so far. I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone was in front of me waving their hands. I quickly sat up and looked around. The class room was empty except for us two. "The bell rang everyone already left to go home." I quickly packed my stuff up and said a quick thanks to the guy before I left the class room. I went out to the parking lot and saw Victoria leaning against the front of the car on her phone. I noticed she hadn't seen me until she heard my bag making noise from me jogging over. She crossed her arms and glared at me, "So what's the excuse Faith?" I shook my head and said "So sorry Vic I was totally spaced out and didn't hear the bell." She raised her eyebrow and said, "Lets just go home."

I sighed I knew she was upset so I have to give her space. I got the keys out and went into the drivers seat. Victoria turned on the radio on the drive back home. As soon as I parked the car in the garage Victoria got out without a word said. I ran a hand through my hair and took the keys out. I got out of the car and walked into the house. Setting the keys on the counter I made my way to my room. I closed my door and took off my bag and leaned it against the wall. I walked over to my bed and face planted on it, after a couple of seconds I rolled over so I was on my back looking up at the ceiling. I pulled my phone out and started texting Marcus.

To Marcus: "So what did Mark say?"

Marcus: "He said it was okay since you are his best fighter he'll let it slide. But I recommend having some way to cover her face even a little bit."

Me: "Yes I agree, although what are we going to use?"

Marcus: "Hm maybe we can use a hoodie to cover her face. And maybe we can get one of those phantom of the opera type masks. It would cover half of her face like we would like."

Me: "Okay it's a plan then. See you then Mar."

Marcus: "Okay see you then Faith."

I locked my phone and set it down next to me on my bed. I sighed and closed my eyes. I ended up falling asleep and didn't wake up until the next day. Victoria and I were on talking terms again as I expected. The rest of the day and week flew by. Before I knew it, it was Friday. Tonight was the fight and for the first time Victoria was going. Marcus had texted me that he had gotten the mask and I had told him that I would give her the hoodie that he gave me. We were all set for tonight's fight. It was already around 9:30ish and the fight didn't start until 11. Victoria and I were hanging out in my room watching videos until her parents opened the door. "Hey you guys we are going to go to sleep. Don't stay up too late." We both nodded and they closed the door. We continued watching videos until it was 10:20. Marcus had texted me saying he would pick us up in 20 minutes. Victoria went into her room to get ready while I got ready in mine. I changed into my black spandex and my red sports bra. I started to wrap my hands when Victoria came back into my room. She asked, "Want me to put your hair in a pony tail while you wrap your hands?" I nodded and she walked over starting on my hair.

Once everything was done I had gotten a text from Marcus saying he was outside. I grabbed the hoodie that he had gave me and gave it to Victoria, "Here you're going to need this." She grabbed it out of my hands and I turned off my light and said, "Lets go." She nodded and we made our way down the hall as fast and as quietly as possible. When we got outside we sprinted to Marcus's car. Victoria got in the back and I sat in the front. Marcus then asked, "We ready?" I nodded and put my contacts in and my mask on. I got my mouth guard out and I noticed the mask for Victoria and gave it to her, "Here put this on then put the hood on." She nodded and put the mask on. I put my mouth guard in and we pulled into the building. I looked back at Victoria and got out of the car. Marcus had my gloves and Victoria was walking behind me. We were greeted at the door by Mark the manager. He looked over my shoulder at Victoria, "Well well fresh meat, and I have to say Seeker you brought a fine piece of it." My eyes immediately showed rage at him and he stepped back chuckling with his hands in a surrender position. I held my hand out behind me and felt Victoria intertwine our fingers. I pulled her closer to me and we walked inside. On the way to the ring there was loads of catcalls directed at Victoria. She held my hand tighter and walked closer behind me.

Marcus stayed close behind us until we were in front of the ring. I turned to look at Victoria behind me and whispered the best I could with my mouth guard in, "Stay with Marcus he'll protect you. Everyone here knows better than to mess with me." She nodded and I looked over at Marcus. He walked over and put my gloves on sensing my worry, "She'll be fine, worry about yourself." I nodded once and went into the ring. The announcer introduced me like usual and my opponent walked into the ring. She was my height and she looked a little thinner than me muscle wise. I didn't judge if she was going to be easy or not. I learned that it doesn't matter how the person looks, they could be a great fighter and if you miss judge, you could lose the fight. I closed my eyes to get into the zone while the announcer continued to talk. Then the match bell rang and my eyes snapped open. I put my hands up and started to go towards the other girl. We circled each other twice before she threw the first punch which was a left jab. I quickly slapped it out of the way. She's a lefty. That's a first. I quickly turned so I was to the right of her. I threw a right jab and hit her on the side. She stumbled away and put her hands back up. The crowd was going crazy like they usually do. The girl threw a right hook at me and I dodged it again and threw a right hook into her ribs. She stumbled back again and held her side for a bit. I just kept circling her until she put her hands back up. I attacked her with a 1 (left jab),2 (right jab),3 (left hook) combo. She fell to the ground and I walked towards my corner because the bell rang signaling the end of the first round. She stumbled to her corner and I sat calmly in mine. Marcus just gave me some water and let me just stare at her knowing I was still in my own trance.

She looked like she was in pain but wasn't going to give up. I like her, she doesn't give up easily. Then the bell rang again saying round 2 has started. We both started going towards each other and circled until I was facing my corner while she was facing hers. From the corner of my eye I could see Victoria and how concerned she looked. And out of those 2 seconds that I was distracted she nailed me with a hard left hook that sent me to the ground. I held my left cheek and said to myself dang she has a good hook. The crowd went silent, it was shocking to everyone, usually no one could ever hit me. While I was still on the ground she could have kicked me but instead she waited until I was back up on my feet. And she's a fair fighter as well. Alright I have to end this now. We started circling again she she went for a combo but it sent her straight into my left hand jab that made her stumble back and I ended the fight with a right upper cut that sent her to the ground for good. She rolled onto her side and the ring leader started counting. "1!" She rolled onto her stomach trying to get up but fell again. "2!" I dropped my hands while she groaned. "3!" She lifted her hands to push herself up. "4!" She fell back down again. "5!" I could see the blood coming out of her mouth. "6!" She spit out the blood onto the floor. "7!" She wiped her mouth with the back of her glove. "8!" She looked to her corner who were telling her to get up. "9!" She rolled onto her back and looked at me. "10!" She nodded once to me and laid her head back down to look at the ceiling. DING, DING, DING the ring leader walked over and held my arm up, "Our winner tonight, Seeker!" The crowd went crazy and her mentors went into the ring to help her. I walked over to my corner and Marcus looked at my cheek, "You're for sure going to get a bruise there. But congrats you won. Now come on lets go get our money." I nodded and Marcus took my gloves off. I looked back at my opponent and we locked eyes. I nodded once and she did the same. She was very much a worthy opponent.

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