Chapter 23

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Everyone cheered and I lifted an arm. Marcus came into the ring with Victoria next to him. I quickly pulled her into a hug and whispered to her, "What are you doing here?" She hugged me back and said, "I saw when you left and I knew that you were going to start fighting again. I had to see you." I nodded against her shoulder and then a shout was aimed to me from the bleachers. "I bet I can take Seeker! She's nothing but a little girl!" He smirked and the girl was in her trainers arms still unconscious. I made a gesture for him to leave which he bowed and then left the ring with the girl. The guy started getting closer and so Marcus stepped in front stopping the guy. At this point the whole crowd was looking at us. He looked around and said, "See, Seeker isn't as tough as she looks to be. Her trainer needs to protect her." Once he said that he made me think back to Lexy and how she needs her followers to back her up. I am nothing like her. Rage started to fill me making me clench my fists in my gloves. Victoria seemed to notice my mood and held my arm. I looked over at her and saw that she was scared. I put my glove on top if her hand and started walking towards the man and put my hand on Marcus's back. He looked down and over at me to see what I was doing. He seemed to get the message and asked me, "Are you sure?" I didn't look at him all I did was look at the man with a cold death stare. Marcus got the hint and walked away from the man. The man smirked and said, "The names Jayson. I want you to know it so you can beg for mercy." He then put his hands up and the crowd eagerly watched to see what would happen. I put my hands up and let his ego go high.  A full grown man, this is going to be fun.

I used my speed as an advantage by charging at him and hitting him with a combo and moving back to circling him. He couldn't even process what had happened until I was back in front of him. Everytime I would hit him he would grunt or let out a breath. Seeing him give up slowly only fueled me to go harder. He then threw a right jab at my face which I easily dodged and hit him with a hard right hook to the ribs. He winced and held his side for a second. The crowd was loving this, they continued to cheer. Jayson said through gritted teeth, "You little bitch." Now that was a trigger it made me think of my parents before they would start hitting me. No more playing around that was the last straw. I lunged at him hitting him multiple times before he stumbled back. He came back to me with fire in his eyes. Reminding me of my dad coming at me. For a second I was afraid but I quickly regained my concentration. I quickly got out of his way and punched his sides while his back was to me. He spun around which I was ready for and gave him a hard right uppercut. He was stunned and started to wobble. I put my arms down and backed up. He took a step forward and then fell. He was out cold and the crowd went silent. All of a sudden they erupted with cheers. I smirked and walked to my corner were Victoria and Marcus were standing. Marcus was clapping and I shook my head. He took off my gloves and quietly said, "Come on let's go." The ref came into the ring to move Jayson who was out cold. I put my arm around Victoria and we made our way out of the ring. On the walk out I got high-fives and whistles. At the exit Mark was clapping and laughing. Marcus walked in front of us shaking Mark's hand. "Now that was a show Seeker. That's why you're my favorite fighter." I nodded once and brought Victoria closer. The guys who were around us were eye balling her which I wasn't comfortable with. I was personally used to it so it didn't bother me. Mark then pulled out a wad of cash and gave it Marcus.

He looked shocked, "Whoah Mark." Mark chuckled and simply said, "For the extra performance after the fight." He looked at me and winked. I nodded and then we started to leave. Marcus called out to Mark, "Until next time Mark!" He waved at us and we got into Marcus's car. I sat in the front while Victoria was in the back in the middle. Once we were far enough away I took off my mask and took out my mouth guard. "Wow now that was something. This is why I joined." I smiled while I put my mask and mouth guard in the glove compartment. I got my contact case and started taking them out. And that's when Marcus said, "We got extra tonight. That's great to hear." I smiled and asked, "How much extra did we exactly get?" He smiled at and said, "$500 extra." I quickly looked over at him, "WHAT!  We already got 2000." He quickly nodded and Victoria freaked out in the back also. "Woah Marcus that's a lot of money." I nodded to what Victoria had said. I can pay her parents now. I smiled to myself and we celebrated in the car until we got back home. It was close to 12 at night by the time Marcus pulled into the driveway. I looked at Victoria in the backseat and said to her, "Hey go inside I'll be right there." She smiled and nodded. Once she was out of the car Marcus started counting the money to split it evenly. Once he finished he gave me my share and leaned over to hug me. I hugged him back and pulled away saying, "Now go and treat Stephanie." I winked at him and he started laughing. I got out of the car and with one last wave he drove away. I sighed and hid the money in the back of my spandex so Victoria wouldn't see it. I quietly went inside and to my room to get ready to sleep. I quickly hid the money in my drawer for it to be sorted in the morning. I changed into my pjs planning on taking a shower early in the morning tomorrow. I got into my bed and quickly fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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