Chapter 29

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Tony met me at the front doors and Jonathan walked towards us. He wasn't happy either it looked like his shine was gone. I had told him yesterday during my crying fit to the best of my abilities at the time. Even through text I could tell he was upset. I hugged him and whispered, "She'll come back Jonathan. It's Vic." I felt him nod against my shoulder and we let go. Tony wrapped an arm around me for reassurance. On the drive to school I had called Tony and told him everything. We talked the whole way to school and he said Victoria would be just fine. Everyone looked at me when we walked in. Probably still in shock from yesterday. I ignored all the looks and the 3 of us walked to our spot we always hang out before class. I got my books out of my locker and leaned against it. Tony leaned on the locker next to me so I put my head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me while Jonathan looked around. Jonathan locked eyes with someone and hit my arm, "Hey look who it is." I took my head off Tony's chest but not leaving his arms I looked behind him. Lexy had a bandage on her nose while her followers were behind her. We locked eyes and Lexy motioned for the corner. I sighed not wanting to deal with her shit but told the guys that I would be back. Walking over I had the most unimpressed look on my face. Lexy had her arms crossed and was about to speak when I cut her off. "Look Lexy I am in no mood to deal with your shit today. I hope your nose heals and your welcome for not letting you get a concussion in the process. Now if you don't mind I am going to go back to what I was doing so have a good day." I turned around and walked back to Tony and Jonathan not looking back. The bell rang and we all left to our classes. For the rest of the day Lexy left me alone and we still hadn't got anything from the police. I just have to cross my fingers and pray that Victoria was holding up against my parents.

3 days have gone by and still nothing. They called yesterday night telling us about their progress. They said they found some evidence on a road near the edge of town. They are using that as a lead to find Victoria. Victoria's parents and I would pray together for the police to find her. Jonathan and Tony joined the prayer a couple times. My mood hasn't been any better. Marcus now knows about Victoria and he told me I am in no fighting condition. Lexy and her followers have left me alone, not even glancing in my direction. Which brings us to the present time. I am sitting in my class for the day staring out the window. I sighed and looked to the front of the class listening what the teacher was talking about. I wrote the stuff he was talking about then the bell rang. I put my stuff away slowly and went outside. I got into my car and not wanting to go home I figured I would drive around for a bit. After about an hour I parked on the side of the road and rolled down all my windows all the way. I leaned back in the seat and took a deep breath. "I know you're out there Vic. Don't worry we are going to find you." I did a U-turn and headed home. When I got back Victoria's parents were home making dinner. It was quiet like it has been for the past 3 days. Everyone was afraid if they talked we would all start crying. I couldn't take it I needed to let it out somehow. I went into my room and called Marcus. He answered on the first ring.


"Hey Mar let's train."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"Okay pick you up in 5."

"Okay see you soon."

I hung up the phone and started stripping. I changed into a tank-top and basketball shorts. I heard Marcus pull into the driveway so I went to the front door. Marcus came inside and hugged Victoria's parents. I stood at the front door waiting for him. He said to them, "She'll be home before you know it." They sadly nodded and I waved to them. We left and rode in silence. Once we got there Mike immediately knew something was wrong and offered a light smile to us. We smiled back and went straight into training. Marcus had me on the bag while he stood next to me watching me. I kept throwing punches and started to cry. I punched even harder and Marcus stopped me. I fell to the floor crying while Marcus pulled me into a hug. I just kept repeating, "She has to come back, she has to come back." Marcus took me home after that seeing that I still wasn't ready to go back to fighting yet. I ended up watching a movie on my phone to try and distract myself. I fell asleep on the 3rd movie and woke up to a movie playing on my phone. I turned it off and got up to get ready for school. I put on Jean's and one of Tony's hoodies. I grabbed my phone and left for school. I parked my car in the parking lot and got out. I walked inside and straight to my locker. I felt hands on my waist and a head on my left shoulder. I smiled knowing it was Tony. "Hey babe." I grabbed my books and turned around. "Hey baby." He leaned in to kiss me which I kissed back. We pulled away and I put my head on his chest. Jonathan walked over smiling at us. "4 days." Was all he said we all knew it was about Victoria. We sadly nodded and started talking to get our mind off of it. Class is taking forever the teacher assigned us to partners to do a project. I wasn't into the project at all. I felt bad for my partner he tried doing all the work. I told him I'll do my part when I get home. He nodded and class went on.

It was now lunch now and I was sitting at my usual table next to Tony while Jonathan was on the other side. We looked around the cafeteria and saw Lexy and her followers walk in. We locked eyes and she looked away at first then back at me. I was confused and a raised a eyebrow at her. She looked outside and ushered for me to go over. Not being afraid of her I got up without a word and walked towards her. The 4 of us went outside and I leaned against the wall. I crossed my arms and waited for Lexy to start talking. She looked at her followers and said, "Go back inside." They gave her a confused look and asked if she was sure. She told them again and they left the same way we came outside. Once they were gone there was a silence between us. Looking at her I noticed she wasn't as confident as she used to be. She looked almost nervous. I spoke up, "Glad to see that your nose healed nicely." She slowly nodded and started talking, "So..." I turned so I was fully facing her. She refused to look up from her hands and continued, "I've been thinking about everything." She twirled her fingers and looked up at me. "I've been thinking why I even hit you in the first place. At first it was because I was so angry at my parents and needed to release it. Seeing that you never fought back, you were perfect to hit." She took a deep breath and looked back down. "I don't know why I do it anymore." I heard her voice crack as if she was going to cry. Whoah what is going on here. I saw a tear fall and she quietly said, "I'm sorry Faith for all these years of torture for you."

This was new to me. My bully is apologizing. Jeez everything is changing. I shook my head and said, "Well this was surprising nonetheless. But I have to say you did ruin my days. Made me and Victoria go to the hospital. And you're apologizing now?" She started crying a little harder. I can't be sympathetic to her. She hurt me countless of times. Sent me to the fucking hospital. And she says sorry now. I shook my head, "You can't just apologize after doing all that without giving me any sympathy whatsoever. I can't just forgive you like that Lexy. If you really want me to forgive you, you have to earn that. Goodbye." I left her crying but just before I went inside I heard her whisper, "I will." I went to my table and saw the guys stop talking and look at me. I knew I looked distressed but I didn't say anything to them. I sat down and put my head in the crook of Tony's neck. Thoughts were running through my head. Fuck. Now I was driving home with thoughts running through my mind. Noticed Victoria's parents were home and making dinner. No words were said like usual and I sighed. I went to the kitchen and greeted them grabbing a apple. "I'm going to my room." They nodded and I swung my bag back over my shoulder and went to my room. As soon as I opened my door I was tackled to the floor in the hallway. My bag and apple were thrown onto the floor around me. I groaned and looked at who was holding me. "V-vic?" She held onto me tighter and nodded quickly. Shaking out of my shock I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly against me. I heard her start crying and I couldn't help but cry with her as well. My best friend is back. I heard footsteps coming and saw her parents smiling at me. I smiled back a real genuine smile.

I held onto her while she held onto me crying. Her parents went back to the kitchen and we stayed laying on the floor. After a while my back started to hurt a bit so I tapped her back. "Hey let's go inside my room my back is hurting a little." She looked up at me and as if remembering something she looked away quickly. She got off of me and looked at the floor. I stood up and asked, "Vic what are you hiding from me." I put my hand on her cheek and had her look at me. I then noticed what she was hiding. Her eyes were dark like she hadn't slept, it looks like she had a black eye but it was almost healed, and she had a cut scar on her left cheek and right side of her neck. "My parents did this to you." I said that as a statement to myself knowing well enough they did that. Victoria looked back down and I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my room. She sat on my bed and I went back to the hallway to get the stuff I dropped. I put my bag in the corner and my apple on my dresser. I walked over to the bed and laid back with my arms open. Victoria cuddled into me and I told her, "I am so happy you're back. You don't know what has happened without you." She held me tighter and I whispered, "I'm happy you're here with me." I ran my hand through her hair and closed my eyes. I felt her breathing even out saying she fell asleep. I smiled and continued to run my hand through her hair. I whispered, "I am so happy you're back."

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