Chapter 14

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Lexy slammed me into the wall making my head hit. I groaned at the dull throbbing that was starting. I have experienced a head injury before so the hit wasn't as painful. I looked over at Victoria who the followers still had in their arms. Lexy said, "Go take her to the back of the school I want to deal with Faith alone." The followers nodded and dragged Victoria away. I watched them take her and a wave of relief passed over me. At least they aren't doing anything to her. Lexy then slapped me saying, "Look at me bitch!" She slapped me again and grabbed my face. "You flaked out yesterday. This your fault. You brought this upon yourself. Now you're going to pay for it." She immediately pulled my body down and kneed me in the ribs. I gasped for air not expecting the hard knee to my chest. I fell to the ground on all fours trying to catch my breath. She kicked me in the stomach making me fall on my side. Another blow to my chest and I rolled onto my other side. I started coughing up blood when she kicked me again on my back.

"You are a worthless piece of shit. No wonder no one cares about you. Now you're on the ground like you should be." She kicked me again harder this time making me flip over. I was lying on my back looking up at the sky. I continued to cough up blood and tried to move but couldn't. She stomped on my arm and leg making me immediately move them closer to me. I groaned and Lexy continued to kick me.  I had suddenly felt other legs and I figured her followers were back. I tried covering my face with my good arm but failed. I got kicked in the head and felt blood starting to drip. What felt like hours was probably only 20 minutes of being kicked they stopped. I groaned and let my head fall to the right. Lexy kneeled next to me while I opened my unswollen eye the best I could. "Don't skip again, next time we might not stop. Have a nice day bitch." She stood up and I heard her and her followers walk away. I looked back up at the sky and groaned. Everything started hurting at once. I tried rolling onto my side but didn't even get halfway before the pain was too much. Vic where is she? She could be hurting. I need to get to her. I groaned in pain and got all the strength I had left to move. I rolled onto my side and jumped up onto my left leg.

I held my right arm and hopped on my only good leg. I winced and fell again to my knees. No get up she might need your help. I fought the pain and stood back up again. I remember seeing Lexy's followers take her around the corner. I quickly hopped over to the corner of the building and fell as soon as I reached the corner. I knocked the wind out of myself and groaned from the pain. I looked over to my left and saw Victoria's back facing me. I grunted and started slowly moving closer to her. It stung and hurt like crazy but I had to fight against it. What was concerning me was that she wasn't moving. I reached down and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I texted Jonathan and threw my phone closer to her. When I got to Victoria I rolled her onto her back and her head rolled looking at me while her eyes were closed. She was out cold with blood running down her forehead. I noticed she had some bruises forming on her arms and one on the side of her head. The throbbing in my head was getting worse and I was feeling more and more tired. I noticed she was breathing a lot slower then she usually did. I started to fall on her losing my strength to keep myself propped up. I heard running coming and then everything was black.

Beep, beep, beep, beep I groaned and tried opening my eyes. It didn't work the first time. It felt like my eyes were glued shut. I felt something warm in my hand. It kind of felt like someone was holding it. I tried opening my eyes again but could only open it a bit. I could see a sliver of what was happening and where I was. It was a really bright room and I moved my head to my left to see why my hand was warm. Luna was there looking around the room while our fingers were intertwined. That's why my hand is warm. I opened my eyes a little more and whispered with a groggy/raspy voice, "Hey no gloomy faces here." She looked confused but looked up at me realizing that I was looking at her. She quickly got up from the chair and hugged me. I then winced at the pain coming from my chest and right arm. She quickly let go and held my hand again. "I'm sorry, Faith I am just happy to see you." She smiled at me and I squeezed her hand. I looked around in the room and Luna said, "Everyone is downstairs getting food if that's who you're looking for." I slowly nodded and realized I was in fact in a hospital. Then I heard the room door open and talking. Luna said, "Hey guys guess what." They all looked over and I noticed Victoria was limping on her left leg. I smiled at them and they all froze for a second to process. When they snapped out of it they ran over to me wrapping me in a hug. I wheezed out a breath because someone in the process had hit my chest. They all let go and apologized. I waved it off and said, "So how long?"

Luna looked at me and said, "2 days. They put you in a small coma so you could heal." I shook my head then Victoria said, "Marcus came by yesterday. He wanted to check in on you. He also met everyone else." I smiled and everyone nodded. I asked, "So can I leave?" As soon as I had said that the doctor walked into the room. It was a lady she looked like she was in her early 20s. "Oh you're up well that's fantastic. Hello Faith my name is doctor Perry. I have been looking after you and your friends for the past 2 days." She walked closer and at the same time Marcus had rushed in. Victoria spoke up, "I texted him while you guys were talking." I smiled at him and he walked over. "So sorry for the barge in..." He had lost his train of thought when he looked at doctor Perry. Vic and I had then looked at each other and smirked. "Hey Mar nice to see you." He snapped out of his trance and went to hug me. When he let go I looked back at doctor Perry and said, "You were saying doctor Perry?" She shook her head and cleared her throat, "Yes, you have 2 cracked ribs both on your left and right side so your chest is wrapped. Your right arm and leg are badly bruised so we wrapped those as well in a cast kind of way, you'll be needing a wheelchair to move around. You also had cut your forehead which made you lose blood, enough to make you pass out. You had a busted lip but from what I can see it's pretty much gone." I nodded my head and asked, "So when am I able to leave then?" She chuckled and said, "I figured you would ask that. You can actually leave in a couple of hours today after we check you." I nodded and said, "Thank you doctor Perry." She nodded, looked at Marcus, then left the room. "So Mar has a crush now huh." He quickly looked at me and shook his head. Victoria and I started laughing and she said, "Oh you totally like her."

Marcus rolled his eyes and looked away. For the next couple of hours while waiting for doctor Perry to come and do the final check-in, the group was talking about what I had missed at school. Lexy and her followers had stayed at school and acted like nothing happened. Jonathan had ran out of the school immediately after he got my text. When he found us both unconscious he picked us up and took us to his car so we could go to the hospital. He had texted everyone else once the medical team had taken us. Which lead to the group splitting so they could see us both. Victoria was released yesterday and currently her parents were in the lobby waiting for me. Doctor Perry had shown up to do my last check up. Everyone else had went downstairs to wait. "Faith can you stand up for me?" Is what she asked after taking off some of the wires that were on me. I tried pushing myself up but was met with a sharp pain in my chest. It made me fall back into the bed and groan out. She walked closer to me and held out her hand. I grabbed her hand with my left hand since I really hurt to use my right arm and she slowly sat me up. I winced and took a deep breath when I was sitting upright. "Alright that's one step. I need you to try and stand for me." I nodded and slowly slid myself off the edge of the bed. I landed on my right leg more then I wanted to which made me buckle and fall. Doctor Perry caught me before I hit the floor,  "You're going to need a wheelchair for a while.  I would of gave you crutches but since your arm isn't in the best shape it wouldn't work."  I nodded and she helped me walk around the room.  "Since you're responsive and clear of everything else it seems like you can go home."  As if one cue a nurse came into the room with a wheelchair.  The nurse left again and doctor Perry helped me get dressed into my old clothes.  They were dirty from the ground and had blood on them.  She scrunched up her nose and said, "Well these need to be washed badly."  I nodded my head and slowly sat onto the wheelchair.  I then had an idea, "Hey doctor Perry do you have a piece of paper and a pen I can use?"  She checked her pockets and found a pen and notepad.  She wheeled me out of the room while I was writing.  Once I was cleared and Luna was behind me ready to push I gave the notepad and pen back saying, "Use it wisely."  Doctor Perry gave me a confused look and then Luna started to push me out of the hospital.

I know how you two looked at each other.  I think you guys should keep in touch.  And please don't hurt him he's like a brother to me.  Marcus's number (209) 328-2820

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