Chapter 3

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I slowly moved Victoria off of me so I could go and get ready for my fight. Grabbing my black spandex shorts and my red sports bra I quickly changed and grabbed anything else I needed. From the corner of my eye I saw Marcus's car coming down the street. I made my way to my window and looked back at Victoria before climbing out.  Running to his car I quickly jumped in and sat in the passenger seat. I leaned over the console and hugged him. "Hey Mar." He hugged me back tighter and forgetting about my stomach I winced. He immediately pulled away and looked at me. "Lexy wasn't it." I slowly nodded my head to his statement. I had told him when I first started fighting about the whole Lexy and her followers and he immediately understood why I wanted to fight. He shook his head and started to drive away from Victoria's house. On the way there no words were spoken. I was continuing to get ready by putting my white contacts in and grabbing my mouth guard and mask from the glovebox.  I put my hair into a high ponytail and started to fix my mask. I started wrapping both my hands and made sure I wrapped extra around my knuckles.

Marcus said to me while continuing to watch the road, "Alright we are about a block or so away from the building." I nodded my head and tied the back of my mask. When we pulled up and parked Marcus turned to me and asked me, "Are you sure you want to fight tonight? We can still go back you know." I looked at the door and saw people crowding in. I shook my head and said, "We are already here. I'm not backing out of the fight. The Seeker nevers does." I put my mouth guard in and got out of the car. I heard Marcus get out and we walked side by side. I was immediately crowded and was getting pats on the back. I was by far the best female boxer they had and was a favorite to them. I made my way to the ring with a serious expression. Immediately I had seen my opponent already starting to stare me down. I looked right back at her showing that I wasn't afraid. Marcus opened the ropes for me and I walked in. The ring announcer walked in and started to rally everyone up. "Hellooo everyone! Are you ready to witness a fight tonight!" Everyone started yelling and I scanned the crowd. "Alright lets get this fight started! In this corner we have the new comer, Secret!" A few people cheered and clapped for her. I smirked while she kept staring me down. "And in this corner we have your favorite boxer!  And current holder of her title! Everyone give it up for Seeker!" Everyone in the building went insane. I was always surprised that no one heard them from outside and then we get all busted from the cops. I turned around and Marcus put my gloves on while looking over my shoulder.

Marcus was saying to me, "She may be bigger then you but you for sure can knock her out quick. They usually never know how properly use their body weight in fights. Just make sure to hit and dodge her punches, since she's big it'll hurt." I chuckled a slight bit and started jumping to warm up. When I was going to turn around Marcus grabbed my arm turning me back, "Hey be careful alright?" He had sincerity in his eyes. I nodded my head and quickly went into my zone and made my way to the middle of the ring. The ref went over the rules and the other girl and I tapped gloves. Then the bell went off signaling that the first round has started. I quickly put my hands up to block my face. My legs were in position so I wouldn't fall easily and so I could move quickly when I need to. The other girl slowly started moving towards me and each time I would back up. I needed to move otherwise I would be backed into a corner, when you are in a fight that's the worst thing that can happen to you. I quickly threw a punch at her and she dodged it. I need her to throw a punch before I get to the corner otherwise I am done for. I threw another punch and hit her on the arm. I did a quick uppercut and nailed her below her jaw.

When I could see the anger in her eyes I knew my plan worked. She started throwing punches at me while I dodged all of them. When my back leg touched the ropes I knew it was my time to move. She swung a right hook and I quickly ducked under her arm running behind her. She whipped around and I quickly punched her squared in the face making her stumble back and lean against the ropes. The crowd went wild and the announcer yelled out "Will the Seeker end the fight on the first round?!" The crowd started chanting and I made my way to her. I saw that she was afraid but I knew I couldn't show weakness no matter now much it hurt myself. I quickly snapped my right arm into a hook hitting the bottom of her jaw effectively knocking her out cold. I caught her before she hit the floor and lowered her down whispering "I'm sorry." The ref came over and I stepped back. He didn't push me out of the way because they know I wouldn't hit a knocked out person. I calmly walked to my corner while Marcus put his hand on my shoulder. The ref crossed his arms saying that the opponent has been knocked out. I walked back to the middle of the ring and the ref held my arm up showing that I had won the fight. I had a stern look on my face to keep up the show and the announcer walked next to me. "The undefeated champion, Seeker!" Everyone started cheering and the ref dropped my arm. I walked over to my corner and Marcus said, "Come on lets get the money and leave."

Marcus helped take off my gloves and I climbed through the ropes. Marcus and I walked to the manger who held our payment for tonight. Marcus took the money from him and the manger said to me, "It was a good fight as always Seeker." They know I never talk so a simple nod works as a response. Marcus shook hands with him and said, "Until next time Mark." After they shook hands we both left to go back home. Once we got into the car I took out my mouth guard and put it in my case. Marcus pulled out of the building and I started unwrapping my hands. Marcus said to me, "Another win for you tonight. You really are unstoppable." He smiled at me then the smile fell when he realized I didn't say anything back. I started to untie my mask and Marcus asked, "What's wrong?" I took off the mask and shook my head. Marcus wasn't going to take no as an answer so he pulled over. He turned to me while I was taking my contacts out so you could see my hazel eyes again instead of the white. I looked down at my hands while saying, "You know what I saw in her eyes before I knocked her out Mar. I saw fear and it made me realize that people are afraid of me. Just like fucking Lexy and her followers." I met his gaze with my teary eyes, "In that ring I am no different then them." With that said I opened my door and walked out to the front of his car. I heard his door open and he walked out in front of me. He lifted my head up and put his hands on my shoulders. "You are nothing like them Faith don't let yourself believe that. You know why?  Because you showed respect after you helped that girl even though she was knocked out. You could have made her suffer but you didn't. You made as quick and as easy as you could Faith. You are nothing like Lexy and her followers. Don't you ever compare yourself to them okay." He pulled me into a tight hug and I let myself cry.

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