Chapter 30

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It was Friday morning and I woke up with Victoria still sleeping on me. I smiled and saw that she was still out cold. I carefully moved her so I could get up to go to the bathroom. I put my blanket over her and ran a hand through my hair. I walked out of the room and to the bathroom to do my business. When I was done I walked out and ran into Victoria's mom. "Oh hey." She smiled and put her hand on my shoulder. "Enjoy the day with her we are going to head to work. Make sure she is okay for school on Monday." I nodded and hugged her and went back to my room. I saw Victoria was still asleep and I went to get clean clothes to change into. I changed into shorts and a tight fitted T-shirt. I figured I would let her sleep since she looks like she hadn't been getting very much. I went to make us some breakfast. I started cooking some eggs and bacon for us. I hummed 'tetris by derek king' while I cooked. Once I finished I put them on plates and went to get Victoria. When I walked into the room I looked at the time. It was already 10:15am I then looked at Victoria who had her back to me still asleep. I smiled at her and moved to sit at the edge of my bed. I rubbed my hand on her back and she moved slightly. I shook her lightly and she groaned I laughed and said, "Come on Vic I have food ready." She rolled over so she was on her back looking at me sleepily. I smiled at her and got off the bed holding my hand out. "Come on let's go eat." She groaned but reached out for my hand. I helped her out of bed and noticed her black eye was almost gone. She wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her head in my neck. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her neck. "Vic come on." She shook her head and held onto me tighter. I sighed and said,
"Jump." She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I carried her to the dining table and set her down. "Now eat before it gets more cold." She smiled and quickly went to eating.

After we had finished I put the dishes in the sink and asked her what she wanted to do. "I'm not sure, how about a movie now then go to the park for a bit?" I nodded and we went to the couch. I grabbed the remote and asked, "What type of genre do you want to watch?" She thought about it for a second and said action. I went into the action category. We settled on the movie 'fast and furious' and Victoria snuggled into me. About halfway into the movie I really had to go to the bathroom. The only problem was that Victoria was still cuddled into me. "Vic you need to let go of me I really have to pee." She chuckled and let go of me and I ran to the bathroom. After I finished I went back. Victoria was into the movie so I decided to scare her. I creeped across the room and behind the couch. I counted to 3 and jumped up, "ROAR!" Victoria jumped and fell off the couch. I stood there laughing while holding my stomach. "O-oh m-my gosh y-you jumped so h-high." She stood up and glared at me. "Don't you laugh at me Faith." I couldn't stop laughing my eyes were tearing up. I stopped laughing and saw her smirk and I new what she was thinking. I should run. She jumped over the couch and started running at me. I quickly reacted and jumped back over the couch. "Get back over here Faith." I shook my head and stuck my tongue out at her. She growled and ran around the couch to me. I ran to the kitchen and we just kept going in circles until I went down the hall. I said to myself, "Why did I go over here it's a dead end." Seeing that she was going to catch me, I went into my room and stood in front of my bed. She ran into my room and tackled me full force onto my bed. We landed with a thud and I couldn't help but laugh and say, "Jeez you should play for the school's powderpuff team. You would knock the wind out of every girl on the team." She started laughing and slapped my arm.

She then moved off of me and I could tell she was thinking about telling me something. I sat up and asked her, "Hey what are you thinking?" She was playing with her fingers looking down. I grabbed her hand and said, "You tell me if you want to." She then took a deep breath and started to tell me what happened when she was taken. "I had followed you that day because I knew something was wrong. When you had left the house later and walked back to the school I knew something wasn't right. I saw you walk to the football field and I slowly followed you watching from behind the bleachers. When I saw your parents there I was going to go after you but then that guy got a hold of me. He dragged me over to you guys and when he started to drag me away from you I fought harder. It was no use he was way stronger then me. I saw you get knocked out from your dad and they threw me in the back of their car. They took me to your house for a bit before we left again. We drove for hours until we got to this old abandoned house. The guy tied me to a chair in one of the rooms while your parents talked to each other. I tried freeing my hands but then your parents caught me. They tortured me until they got bored or I was close to dying. For days they would leave for basically the whole day and I would sit there alone. I was too weak to try and escape and they knew that. They would feed me small portions if they felt like it and gave me some water. The only reason I was found because there was a group of kids exploring. I was too weak to call out so I waited until they reached the room I was in. When they found me they helped untie me. They helped me walk to one of their houses where the they called the police. One of their parents took me to the hospital so I was there for a couple of hours. My parents went there and I was disappointed when I didn't see you with them but they said they wanted to surprise you. Once I was released from the hospital we went home and I stayed in your room until you came home. Which leads to when I tackled you on the floor because I couldn't hold my excitement." I smiled at the end of the story but frowned in the beginning. I asked her, "My parents?" She shook her head, "They haven't been found yet." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I guess we'll have to wait until they are found." I pulled her towards me so I could hug her. She wrapped her arms around me and I just held onto her. I whispered to her, "I'm just glad you are home." I felt her smile and said, "I am too." I pulled back and said, "Walk around the park?" She nodded and said, "Yeah just let me get dressed." She got off my bed and left my room. I got up and got socks from my dresser to put on. My phone dinged and I checked to see it was from Jonathan and Tony. I looked at Jonathan's message first after.

Jonathan: "How come you're not at school today?"

I thought about what I wanted to say back to him. Do I want to tell him Victoria's back or do I want to let Victoria do that herself. I ignored his message and went to Tony's.

Tony: "Hey babe I miss you. I know you still feel down about Victoria being gone but don't worry everything is going to be just fine."

I smiled and got out of his messages. Victoria walked into the room and she motioned for us to go. I smiled at her and quickly put on my shoes. We both walked out to the park talking about how we were going to tell everyone that she was back. "Maybe you should invite everyone over and then I just appear?" I started laughing and she hit my arm. We then got to the park and we both looked at each other. "Race you to the swings. 3, 2, 1 Go!" We both took off for the swings and I made it there first. "How rude." I laughed at Victoria and she got onto the swing. We both were swinging for a while before our butts starting hurting. We settled with walking around the park and talking. I looked over at her and asked, "So you ready for college?" She thought about it for a second and answered, "I mean I guess? What about you?" I shrugged and said, "I mean it's like a advanced version of high school soo." She nodded and we noticed it was getting late. I held my hand out and said, "Come on it's getting late let's go home." She smiled and took my hand. On the walk there I had texted everyone saying to come over. They would all be over in 5 minutes so Victoria and I walked faster home. We figured Victoria would hide behind the kitchen counter and pop up when I would say surprise. We both agreed and I waited until everyone was here. Tony showed up first and he noticed my mood. "You look happy babe." I nodded and leaned in to kiss him which was stopped by Luna and Delilah walking in hand and hand. I smiled at them and they pulled me into a hug.  Next to show was Marcus and Dr Perry and they walked over and I hugged them both. The last one was Jonathan which we hugged and I closed the front door.  Walking over to the kitchen I stood behind the counter next to where Victoria was squatting and started talking, "Alright everyone! I told you all to come over because I had a surprise." I then moved a bit so I could give Victoria space and said, "Surprise!" Victoria jumped up and everyone was shocked.

Jonathan was the first to react. He ran over and lifted her off the ground and spun her. She was laughing and when he put her back down he kissed her. I smiled at them and Tony walked over hugging her. Everyone hugged Victoria saying they were happy that she was back. They all talked while I watched from the kitchen. I then felt arms around my waist from behind. I leaned back into them because I knew it was Tony. He kissed the side of my head and asked, "Why aren't you talking to anyone babe?" I sighed and said, "It's not about me I want her to have fun. Which she is and I am happy." I looked up at him and kissed the bottom of his jaw. He held me tighter and said, "Come on babe let's go join them." Giving in, I agreed and we walked over to everyone else. Quickly getting into the conversation we all hung out until Victoria's parents came home. We ate dinner together talking about old memories and what's to come for us. We all talked until they had to leave. We hugged everyone and they started leaving. Once everyone was gone Victoria and I went to her room. We both laid back on her bed and looked at the ceiling. She was the first to speak up. "Wow that was something." I chuckled and agreed with her. She looked over at me said, "Thank you Faith for everything. It means a lot." I looked over at her and smiled, "Of course Vic." All of a sudden both of Victoria's parents walked into the room. We both sat up and looked at them. "Faith we got a call from the police about your parents." I tensed up a bit and nodded for them to continue. "They were both um..." Mrs. Grayson hesitated on continuing her sentence. Mr. Grayson stood up and finished, "They were shot and killed for fighting back against the police at your old house. We both figured you should know." I nodded slowly and they both left the room. I was shocked but it felt like a weight got lifted off my shoulders. Yes it hurt, they were my parents but I am glad they can't hurt anyone anymore. Victoria put her hand on my shoulder and brought me into a hug saying, "They can't hurt you anymore Faith. You are finally free." I wrapped my arms around her and repeated "I'm free."

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