Chapter 20

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Marcus quickly drove me to her house following my directions. I looked and saw that all the lights were off in the house. I forgot she has a two story house. And I bet you that's her room right there. There was a window facing the street. I need to climb to her. I looked over at Marcus and said, "Alright I need to climb up to her room. Text Victoria and tell her why I might not be coming home. I left my phone on my bed when I changed." He nodded and I went to get out. I was stopped when I felt a cold hand on my wrist. I looked back over and Marcus said, "Be careful." I nodded and said, "I'll see you on Monday alright. We can get straight back into training." He nodded and let go. I ran straight for the house and started climbing up. When I reached the window I turned around and gave Marcus a thumbs up. He gave me one back and started to drive away. I walked closer to the window and looked inside. It was dark and I couldn't see much inside but very faintly I saw something on the floor. What is that? It's too dark to really make it out. My eyes slowly started to adjust to the darkness and I could make out what it was. Luna! I reached for the window and prayed that it was unlocked. I lifted it Thank you God and then I climbed inside. I was quick to move to her on the floor. Good she's breathing. That's a start. I rolled her onto my legs to get a better look at her. Her cheek was busted open and so was her bottom lip. She had bruises forming on her arms and left eyebrow. I quietly whispered to myself, "My God Luna what happened to you." I noticed she still had her phone in her hand so I slowly pushed it out and felt her grab it. Shocked I looked back down at her face and her eyes were barely open. She was taking deep breaths and I couldn't help but squeeze her hand. She intertwined our fingers and I gave her a small smile. I then whispered, "Come on we need to clean you up." I slowly lifted her into bridal style and she whimpered in pain. I felt horrible but I needed to clean her up.

To my luck she had a bathroom connected to her room. I walked over to her sink counter and slowly sat her down. She winced but took a deep breath. I whispered to her, "I'll go and get you clean clothes. Be right back." I winked at her and she gave me a small smile. Better then nothing. I turned around and went back into her room to get her new clothes. The ones she has on had some blood on it. I was just going to get her a shirt because the shorts she was wearing were fine. I went to her dresser and guessed that her shirts where in the second drawer. I opened it and smiled, Ha I was right. I grabbed a baby blue shirt and walked back over to the bathroom. Luna was looking at the floor while swinging her legs. "I think this will work." She looked up and I set the shirt next to her. I grabbed a small hand towel that was hanging on the towel rack. I wet it enough to where it was damp. I lifted Luna's chin to make her look up and cleaned her cheek first. She flinched at first contact but I was quick to say, "Lu I know it hurts but I need to clean it." She slowly nodded and I went back to cleaning the wound. When I was done with her cheek I went to her lip. "Almost done." I wiped it a couple more times and stepped back "All done. Do you have bandaids?" She nodded and pointed to her left and up. There was a cabinet that had multiple doors. I opened the top one which was just my height. Sure enough, the bandaids were right there. I grabbed them and set them next to her on the counter.

I took one out and put the rest back. I opened it and said, "Look to your right." She turned her head and I placed the bandaid on her cheek. "There now you need to change your shirt. Want me to step outside?" She shook her head and grabbed the end of her shirt. Pour Luna she's not even talking to me. What happened to you. I was so zoned out I hadn't realized that Luna was stuck. "Faith I need help." Her voice barely came out above a whisper. I walked closer to her, "I got you." I helped take off her shirt and put on the new one.  Setting the dirty shirt off to the side and put the clean one on. "There all better." Luna then lunged forward and brought me into a tight hug. She made me stumble back a bit but I wrapped my arms around her. All of a sudden my shoulder felt wet. "Hey Luna don't cry." I hugged her tighter and she cried more. I then said, "Here come on lets take you to your bed." She wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her to her bed. I sat down and continued to hold her until she stopped crying. I ran my hand through her hair saying, "Hey you are okay I am right here. I'm not going anywhere." She started to breathe better telling me she was slowly starting to stop crying. Her breathing evened out about 20 minutes later so I moved and held her to lay her correctly on her bed. I lifted the sheets and slowly lowered her down. When she was laid down I covered her and walked back to the bathroom. I started to clean up everything and put stuff back in place. I found Luna's hamper and put her dirty shirt in. After looking around again to make sure everything was clean I made my way to the window to leave. I got as far as opening it before I heard my name being called. I looked over at Luna who was fighting to stay awake. I walked over and whispered, "Lu go back to sleep. You need rest." She reached out for my hand and whispered, "I don't want to be alone. Stay please."

I sighed and looked back at the window which was now propped open. Vic will be okay. Marcus should of told her what happened. I can't leave her looking like this. I nodded my head and quietly said, "Let me close the window alright." She nodded and laid back down.  I closed and locked the window and walked to her door and locked it. You never know. I walked over to the bed and took off my shoes and got under the blanket in the space that Luna made. She rolled over and half laid on top of me. I wrapped an arm around her and looked at the ceiling. She quickly fell back asleep and I soon did after as well.  The next morning there was shouting coming from down stairs.  I woke up to a bang and looked to my left to see Luna death gripping my shirt.  I quickly sat up and looked at the door.  "I AM TELLING YOU SHE DIDN'T GET ENOUGH LAST NIGHT.  I BET YOU SHE IS STILL GOING TO BE THAT SAME DYKE!"  That's when the line was drawn for me.  I looked over at Luna who had a look of pure fear.  "Come on we're leaving."  She quickly nodded and got out of the bed.  She winced and almost fell but caught herself in time.  I ran to her side and asked, "Hey are you okay?  Are you going to be able to walk?"  She put her hand on mine that was held out to her.  She slowly nodded and I said, "Alright go change."  She nodded and went to her dresser to get clothes out.  I waited by the window while she got ready.  I listened to the argument that was happening downstairs. 

From what I could hear I could make out that the state that Luna is in is from them.  They resulted to beating to make their child not like girls.  I was knocked out of my thoughts when she came out of the bathroom dressed and fixed up.  I walked over to her and helped her go through her window.  I said to her once she was outside, "Go head on down I'll be right behind you."  She seemed hesitant but nodded.  When I saw her start to go down I quickly turned around looking for a piece of paper and a pen.  Knowing this could be worse, leaving something will ease it off to what it could be.  Once I found one I quickly wrote on it, put it on her bed, and ran to the door to unlock it.  I ran to the window and started climbing out.  When I saw her on the sidewalk I quickly made my way down.  Once my feet it the floor I ran to her and grabbed her hand.  "Time to go."  We both started running towards the park direction.

I will be back.  I just needed to clear my head.  See you both soon.

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