Chapter 21

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We stopped running once we reached the park. Luna was struggling to get her breath back. I put my hand on her back and moved her to where she was standing up straight. "Hands over your head, it makes it easier to breathe." She put her hands on top of her head and continued to try and slow her breathing. "Deep breaths Lu. I don't want you passing out on me." She lightly chuckled and I smiled at her. Once she got her breath back I held out my hand. "Come on let go find somewhere to sit." She smiled and took my hand and intertwined our fingers. While I looked around for a spot for us to sit Luna didn't say a word. I would look over at her occasionally and she would be looking at the ground. I frowned a bit and saw a tree in the corner of the park. The tree was huge and had nice green grass around it. I started to pull her over to it and sat down. The grass was colder then I thought it would be. It touched my legs and that's when I realized I was wearing basically nothing. I was wearing really short shorts and a tank-top that just covered my bikini that I was wearing under it. Wow I have never dressed like this in public. I am way too exposed. Luna sitting next to me shook me out of my thoughts and I looked over. She looked really upset which I figured. It was until she started crying is when I pulled her into me. I wrapped her as tightly as I could into a hug while she sobbed into my shoulder. I ran my hand through her hair while she continued to cry. It hurt me seeing her like this but I felt what she was going through. After a couple of minutes she had stopped crying but continued to hold onto me. I kept running my hand through her hair. She hummed and said, "If you keep doing that I'm going to fall asleep." We both chuckled and she leaned back. I moved hair out of her face and asked, "Are you okay?" She looked away and then back at me, "I mean better because you came to me. But before I was broken. It hurts that I can't be who I am with my family. They beat me trying to make me not like girls anymore. I had lied to get them to stop. That's when I had called you." She looked like she was going to cry. I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "They just don't understand. You did absolutely nothing wrong. I don't ever want you to believe otherwise okay." She looked skeptical but nodded and hugged me again. I hugged her back and said, "Hey lets go to my place. I am getting these looks from guys and I don't like it." She nodded and we both got up.

On the walk back home she told me about how she is going to have to create space between her and Delilah. I could tell that it really hurt her to say that. She looked over to me and said, "It's for the best right?" It was more of a question to herself then me. She whispered to herself, "It's for the best... Right?" I sighed and we reached the house. Immediately I heard the front door unlock and saw a running Victoria. She was running so fast that when she jumped up to hug me she basically tackled me to the ground. We fell on the grass with her hugging me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her holding tightly. "Nice to see you too Vic." She chuckled and got off of me. She offered her hand to help me up and I took it. She then looked to my left and saw Luna, quickly pulling her into a hug. She smiled and started to pull her inside. Once we were inside I quickly went to my room to change. I grabbed a hoodie and some capris to change into. Once I was done I went to the livingroom to see Victoria and Luna in deep conversation. I smiled at them and went into the kitchen to eat something. I checked the time and saw it was 1 pm. Wow it's been that long. I ran a hand through my hair and walked back to the living room. I jumped onto the couch and groaned, "Guyssssss I'm bored." They laughed at me and they both started poking me. "Hey stop it guys." They chuckled and stopped. After about an hour I had gotten a text from Marcus.

Marcus: "Hey want to head to the gym?"

My eyes lit up and I smiled quickly typing up a response.

Me: "Hell yes. I miss the ring so badly."

Marcus: "Be there in 2."

I hopped off the couch and ran to my room to get ready. I changed into a sports bra and a tank-top that had huge underarm holes. I was debating if I had wanted to wear basketball shorts or short shorts. I grabbed the basketball shorts and heard a honk outside. I smiled and ran back. I heard a whistle come to my right and saw Luna and Victoria smiling at me. Victoria then said "Dang Faith looking good." I chuckled and looked at Luna, "Hey let me know when you are going to head on home alright." She nodded and I made a peace sign to them. "See you guys in an hour or 2." They waved and I went outside. I ran to Marcus's car and smiled at him. I eagerly buckled myself in and said, "Alright lets go." He laughed and backed out going to our normal place that we train. As soon as we both went inside we were greeted by everyone. We happily said hi back and Marcus and I got ready to train. About an hour in Marcus and I took a short break. Man I missed this so much. I shook out my shoulders and legs. I cracked my neck and looked at Marcus who was waiting for me. He smiled and asked, "How much did you miss this?" I smiled and answered, "You have no idea how much." I started walking towards him in my stance and he said, "Good because I got you a fight tomorrow." I smiled widely and hugged Marcus. He pulled back and said, "Here we need to train now come on. Time to focus." I nodded and quickly got back into the zone. After we had finished training which was another hour and a half Marcus drove me back home. When we were in the driveway he looked over at me, "Alright sleep well I need you awake tomorrow for the fight." I nodded and hugged him one last time and went inside. Victoria's parents were on the couch and before I had control of what I was saying, "Hey mom, hey dad... Whoah." They both went wide eyed and smiled. I scratched my head and smiled nervously at them. "I haven't said that in a long time." They both got up and walked to me giving me a hug. "It's alright that just means you are comfortable saying it again." I hugged them back and pulled away. "If you don't mind I am going to take a quick shower and then head off to sleep." They both smiled and backed away.

I walked to my room and saw a sleeping Luna on my bed. She's still here. I'll let her sleep while I shower. I checked the time and it read 10:15pm. Seeing that I had school and I fight tomorrow I really needed to sleep. I took a quick shower and walked back out to my room. Luna was sound asleep on my bed I smiled at her. I should take her home. I put a hoodie and some shoes on and walked over to Luna. I moved her to the edge of the bed and she groaned but didn't wake up. Good she's a deep sleeper. I then put my left arm under her legs while my right went under her back. I lifted her to my chest and she limply laid there. She stayed asleep and I chuckled slightly. I then walked out and went to the key hanger to get my keys. Once I had my keys I looked over at Victoria's parents who were still on the couch watching T.V. I whispered to them, "I'm going to take her home since we have school tomorrow." They both nodded and Mr. Grayson whispered back, "Okay be careful out there." Luna then moved and leaned her head against my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled at her and nodded once to them and as soon as I was going to open the front door Victoria came down the hall. She gave me a confused look so I whispered to her, "I'm taking her home want to come?" She nodded and whispered, "I'll go put on shoes." She didn't need to change seeing that she had a pair of sweats on with a T-Shirt. I walked out and went to my car unlocking it and climbing in the backseat so I could lay Luna down. Once she was laid out I got out and went into the drivers seat. As soon as I had started the car Victoria had come outside and I waited until she was buckled before I pulled out of the driveway. On the way there Victoria and I quietly listened to the radio. I pulled up in front of her house and saw the lights were off. I figured no one would be up it's already 11pm. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. I looked over at Victoria and asked her, "You ready?" She nodded and yawned saying, "Yeah I want to sleep." I agreed and we both got out of the car. I went into the back to wake up Luna which took sometime but when she was awake enough we all climbed up to her room. Once she was inside Victoria made her way back down to go to the car. When I was going to turn around Luna grabbed my wrist and brought me into a hug through her window. She said to me, "Thank you Faith. For everything." I smiled and hugged her back, "No problem Lu. I am glad I helped you off the floor on your first day." She chuckled and I pulled away saying, "Goodnight Lu. I'll see you at school tomorrow." She smiled and said, "Goodnight Faith. See you tomorrow." With that said I made my way down to the ground and to my car.

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