Two: The Meeting

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(Warning: Contains vomit)

A/N: This part of the story has been edited once, sorry earlier readers.

Your Pov:

I was tired of being loose of my emotions so I tried keeping to myself, considering it was lunchtime now and that I needed a place to retreat to. Looking around I try finding an empty spot to sit and release my hunger deep in the pit of my stomach. Luckily I spotted a table that wasn't filled with anyone and moved towards it, hoping nobody would call my name out like earlier. My legs have never moved quicker before just to get to one place. Carefully, I set my bagged lunch on the wooden surface as I took a seat. Making sure that nothing fell out of it. What else worse could happen? I sigh again not wanting to take in any of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich in my mouth, the bread was stale and the deep guilt inside me grew. The feeling of the reminder felt uncomfortable to the point where I stepped out of the lunchroom just to get some air, alone at last. I look around making sure nobody was following me to my room and started to head up the first flight of stairs. I felt heavier for each stair that passed, more and more I felt my ears start to ring. I shake it off leaning to the side of the railing, nausea hitting my throat and stomach. It was impossible to escape, the feeling of guilt, the feeling of eating something distasteful. "Y/N?" A familiar voice comes from behind me, it was Edd. I look to the side, seeing him at the corner of my eye. "Y/N you doing alright?" I force smile going forward another stair, "D-doing just fine.." My body finally gave out of me, forcing all the liquids out of me and onto the stairs. There was no chance I could lie about how I felt now. I fall to the ground, vomiting more in disgust. My hands scraping the concrete. "Oh my gosh Y/N!! We got to get you to a nurse.. stay right here, I'll go find one." Edd scrambled down the stairs in a hurry to find somebody to help me. "I don't need help.." I say trying to push myself up but then everything goes black.

I wake up to a swinging fan above me, my first reflex to ask where I was but it was no use since my throat hurt. "Boss, she's awake!" An officer called out making my eyes blur as they tried to focus. I sit up trying to analyze everything around me, the room was hot and humid feeling, tiny & small like a patient room, and plain. It didn't even have posters like a check up room would. Before I could move off the bed and onto the floor the door opened carefully, only leaving me to be met with a tall handsome man in uniform. It was him.

Tord's Pov:

"Stand comrade", I demand loudly making sure irritation was found in my voice towards her. She stands immediately once I call her, giving all the power I could possibly need in the moment. Besides those intolerant girls Christina, Julia, and that poor Ariel who's deaf. She hasn't an idea what she is up for to a task. My eyes harden at Y/N once more, she looked completely harmless to me, despite the bruises on her cheek she was upon most delicate and fragile. I would even say very, very small. "You may sit now", I straighten my back as I step further into the room, past the doctor, who seemed as nervous as she did. "Why are you here L/N?" I ask causing fear to show on this poor woman's face. She looked around and put her hands to her sides, trying to calm herself. "I.. I believe it was the food.." She looked away guiltily and heavily embarrassed. I laugh at her excuse and run a sharp finger up to my jacket. Her head bobs up in confusion at me. Her eyes big.

I stood there, firm, still wearing the same face I had come in with. If I was to respect her with all of myself and her wishes I wouldn't be the leader, I had to keep up this figure somehow. "Thank you for your honesty.." I stepped forward. "But that is not what we do here.. We are an army," I paused taking in a breath, "Whether the choice was made for you or not to come here, you will deal with your guilt in a appropriate way next time.." I lifted up her face, tears starting to form, but only with a neutral state. She was spaced up now and I had tied the string of reality around her neck finally. "Am I understood L/N?" I ask in a softer tone to her, wanting to break the peak of all aggression. She swallows and looks into me fully, and like any other she says, "Yes Sir." I let go of her face and it falls down to her knees. "Make sure she is in fine condition before she leaves this room. And tell her that she needs to meet me at 8 p.m tomorrow night", I say to the doctor as I stroll out only to find Edd tapping the waiting chair nervously. He then looks up and stands at my presence. "There's no need to stand Edd.." I say letting my voice be carried away as he steps forward to me, almost in my face. "What did you do Tord?" He whispers harshly, a glare worn down on his face.Without answering I pass him and go down a random hall, just wanting to get away from him for a while. I felt guilty for embarrassing her and as it was and I certainly did not need somebody asking what happened.

Your Pov:

I sat in shock for quite some time, my legs dangling off the edge. He truly had a way with persuading.. I had to be better, I can be better than what I am. I need to be a soilder not a wimp in my leader's eyes. Suddenly Edd stepped in, his gruff facial hair sticking out like an angry cat's whiskers, "What did he say?" I shake my head, blush spreading across my face. I felt my eyelids lower at him, tiredly. I wish I could honestly tell the truth to him. But he'd think I was stupid for being embarrassed.

Edd seemed to be a nice guy, obviously close to Tord. He had never explained how or why he was friends with Tord but deep inside I could see sorrow in their friendship. How? Just by the way Edd talked about him, described him, on the bus ride here to the camp. His expressions seemed to be lost, close to the boundaries of hurt. And his anger seemed to be expressed in the same way.

"He didn't hurt me..,just embarrassed me." I laugh slightly rubbing my cheek. Edd smiles slightly back. He looks to the side of himself, almost looking unsure to tell me something. I squint my eyes at him, pulling my legs to my chest. "What's wrong Edd?" He strokes his leather jacket unsure again, his eyebrows knitting together. Sweat trickling down his face. I wait patiently for an answer but all he does is sit down on a patient chair besides my bed. And then I got it, Tord has destroyed something of his. It was quite obvious and I couldn't understand why I hadn't gotten clueless hints through his bittersweet actions. "What did Tor-- the Red Leader do to you..?" I ask quietly, trying to force my most comforting smile on my face. Edd looks at me, answering with hurt in his voice. "You know.. Tord wasn't always like this.." His raspy British accent is hardly understood until he clears his throat, "He was at a time more gentle with those around him until he did something to me and two other men that he couldn't take back.." He paused taking a stress filled breath to finish his sentence. "Their names were Tom and Matt.. Tord said he was going to make it up to us, refurnish our friendship from the last time he had left us but all he did was make it worse. He destroyed our house.. and most of all destroyed our friendship.."

"But... you're still friends.."

"Well that's because I was the only friend to him a third shot.. Matt refused because of his selfish admiration and Tom.. well he had already given up on Tord. Once I told them I was hanging out with Tord again they both disowned me, most likely scared for their safety.. But I just ask of you.. please don't give up on his leader sense abilities. He's a good guy once you get to know him and well just by walking out I can tell he cares about you.. It may not seem like it but he really does. He care about everybody that works for him..."

I nod, smiling at Edd. "I'm sure he's going to warm back up to you Edd.. just like you said, give him time." He then grabs my hand and squeezes it twice, 'thank you'.

(1564 words :3 )

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