Thirty: Movie Night

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Tord's Pov:

The copies Y/N had made for me turned out perfect for what I needed to make. It was mostly a project for fun, but also to show off that I had much power even without being a leader. It was a second giant robot, who I had named Maxis 2.0. Edd, hated the idea of this project mostly out of fear and didn't do his best on the sketches purposely. This made me annoyed but I had to keep in mind I did blow up his house.. And well that he didn't trust me with this idea. But at the same time I didn't hold a strong line of trust in him either. But no matter what.. He was my best friend.

A week in a half had passed since me and Y/N had talked face to face and I cursed myself being stuck in an office 24 hours a day. I wanted to see her again, so I planned to have Paul come in for me eventually. Currently I sat in my chair, looking over interviews for the army base's front desk security. I fired him, due to that he was late three days in a row. I didn't even give him time to explain, which was rude but I have to insure that those I hire are responsible..

As I looked out of my screened window I bit down on a cigar. It wasn't good, much like myself, but had flavor to it, eventually covering over it's bitter taste. What was taking Paul so long to get here? Groaning I rose off my chair, stretching with a short lived yawn and then looked to my robotic arm. I wiggled my fingers and then looked into the creases of it, was it worth it? I shook my head and the thoughts away, I just wanted to be near Y/N.

Your Pov:

I was cooking spaghetti tonight for myself but there was a lot more than I wanted. I stirred the noodles in which they replied with a loud hiss and smiled to myself, I felt at home in a way. Sure I missed my parents but sometimes their company was annoying. They'd critique me often, even if I was cooking. But now I liked being alone, thanks be to Tord who rented me a room for me at the army base. 

Suddenly there was a knock and I stopped pouring in a can of sauce in a pan by my side. The last time somebody knocked on my door it was David. I shuttered at the memories of him and put the can down, walking to the door and opening it. I wish these doors had peep holes or something to look through. Thank gosh it wasn't David but somebody better, it was Tord. I smiled and jumped slightly in my excitement to see the man, "Tord!" I wrapped my arms around him tightly and he returned my action with some soft back rubs, "Heh, hello Y/N. Glad for see me?" 

"Boy am I ever, it's been like almost a week since I've seen you. Uh please come in.."

I stepped back and allowed him to step into the small area. I can't help turning back to him and study at how giant he really was, pure muscle and man all over. "I wasn't expecting company so sorry if the place is a mess.." I turn back around and towards the stove once again, seeing that the noodles are ready to be put in a draining bowl. Moving around on my toes, I know that Tord is watching my every movement. "No, it's quite alright. It's a lot cleaner than my office.. What are you making love?" I hear him plop onto my mattress behind me but what caught me off guard was him calling me love. I blushed and tried to focus on the task I had in hand. "Just spaghetti but I made too much.. Have you eaten at all?" He replies with a no and asks to share, I of course say yes. Who could eat all these carbs alone? 

We sit in a comfortable silence and I can't help but feel grateful to be in his presence. Even if I did have a little sauce on my lips from the spaghetti. I hoped he was able to stay longer, considering that he was at work and I wasn't able to see him almost all week. "So are you off for the night?" I ask and take another bite of noodles from my fork. He looks up at me, his eye looking up and then to his food. "Pretty much, yeah. Paul was supposed to come in and sub for me but he never showed so I just left." I nearly do spit out my food when he said this.

To my knowledge of the Red Army, the leader was never suppossed to leave office. Ever. Unless of a special occasion, business,  or meeting that was. I stuttered a what towards him and he laughed, leaning in his head towards me. "It's fine, really. I needed to get out of the office anyways." I shook my head at him, "Tord! You're only suppossed to go out for special occasions.. Will you get in trouble?" He scoffed and smirked widely, "Honey please. I'm the leader, if anything I decide when I'll get in trouble. Besides," He added and pulled away from my personal face bubble, "This is a special occasion. Seeing you." 

Blushing with flattered feelings I looked away, "Oh stop that.." He chuckled deeply and slipped off his big coat, revealing a Zombie Pirates From Hell t-shirt. I gasped slightly, thinking back to David, and then to my liking fot the movies. "You like the movies?" I gestured to his shirt, wanting to change the topic. He nodded and went along, "Oh yeah, I'm a fan big time. When I was a freshman in high school me and Edd snuck out to see the first one. We got caught but hey, what can I say? It was a great movie." I giggled at the thought of two teenage boys snickering to get away with their crime.

I washed pur plates off and was still hooked on all these nicknames he was giving me. "Honey", "Sweetheart", "love", apart of me wished for him to call me babe but these nicknames were only apart of Tord's friendliness. We continued tall Zombie Pirates and then it came to me that I owned all the movies, except fpr the 5th one. I turned my attention to him and wiped my wet hands on a towel besides me, "So how late are you planning to stay? You look mighty comfortable on my couch." Tord laughs and snuggles deeper into the cushion, "Just a little while more, why do you ask?" I smile and plop myself on my bed, "I have the Zombie Pirate movies.. Would you wanna watch them?" Tord sits up and looks me dead in the eye, "Heck yes!"

"I'll make some popcorn real quick then, the dvds are in my suitcase." I directed him to my half unpacked suitcase and then went directly to the microwave. He shuffled through it and I noticed he held a few of my shirts and other pieces of clothing in his hands. "Tord the movies," I remided him and he jerked away from the suitcase with the movies, smiling big time. I shook my head at how perverted he was and took the popcorn out, shaking it into a bowl and carrying into towards the TV. Tord had put one of my blankets out and waited, the screen illuminating his face when the lights inside the small living area were dimmed. "Ready?" He asked and I sat by him, "Of course."

The movie wasn't as cheesy as I remembered it to be and I certainly thought they needed to remake it. But nevertheless it was still a good movie, especially to watch with Tord. He jumped, then leaned in to the gore scenes, he would squeal and say "This is my favorite part." He was just too exciting. As the movie continued to play I started getting sucked into the horror jumpscare scene, I knew it was coming but I was still scared. Finally a zombie appeared on the screen and I let out a loud scream. Tord turned to me laughing in amusement, "Ha!! Y/N you okay??" He pulled me to his side and I leaned into him laughing a "yes" out. Once I caught my breath I glanced to Tord, who was actually looking back at me. My smile soon met his and while an explosion of screams happened at the back of my head Tord leaned into my face. We took a short moment, studying one another in the eyes and then to our lips.

When my mouth finally touched his and all I could hear was my heart and body saying was "yes!" It hadn't even been a minute and I felt Tord deepen the kiss and make it more aggressive than before, I enjoyed this experimentation and put my hands on the sides of his face roughly. He returned this with pinning his hands on my sides and straddling me, I let out a small squeak of surprise and he pulled away softly. I panted for air and smiled like an idiot at him. He returned his famous grin and touched my face, "So.. Are we going to try this again?" I blushed and kept in mind of the consequences behind trying out our relationship again and I frowned for a moment but hid it quickly with a smile. I wanted to try again and I was going to make it work. "Yes sir."

And with that he kissed me again, each second getting notably more affectionate.

(1659 words :3)

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