Nineteen: Once Again

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(A/N: Heyyyy I know this is going to,be a HUGE timeskip but trust me, It'll be worth the storyline. Thanks readers!)
*timeskip is two years later and you are now 22, Tord would be 27? Or however old you want him to be. Doesn't really matter.

Third Person View:
Y/N lay on her bed spread out and writing essays for college applications. Since her parents accepted the fact she wasn't going into the Red Army they wanted her to continue school. Since she came home and was there for a while now, they were ready to "kick" her out. Talk about loving parents she thought to herself, but then again when they first welcomed her back home when she was heart broken from her own leader figure. But that was two years ago, Y/N would tell herself, and she had somewhat moved on. She hated to bring the fact up that she caused her parents so much drama, it was truly embarrassing.

She finished her first essay and shut her laptop in need for a coffee. Her parents were out so she had the house to herself today. She held boredom in her left hand while studying was held in her right. But perhaps she wouldn't do either, she might even procrastinate. She made her way down a familiar hallway and then down several stairs. She held on the railing, skipping towards the coffee pot. Her mouth watered as she started the coffee and prepared it but this stopped when the doorbell rang. She groaned and put down the mug which she finally poured in, "Coming!" She put a strand of hair behind her ear and unlocked the door, it was her father. "Hey dad.." She awkwardly opened the door wider to him but he seemed agitated. Y/N wondered what was going on but couldn't put her finger on it, "Dad aren't you supposed to be at work?" He raised an eyebrow at Y/N and sighed, "Yes, but I received a letter at work from The Red Army. Have you been planning on going back there?" Y/N, in disbelief from the words spoken from her dad, shook her head, "No.. No I haven't been there or applied. Nothing." Her dad sighed in relief and gave her the unopened letter. Y/N took it with precaution and looked to her dad, "Are you home for the day?" Her dad chuckled and smelled fresh coffee inside the house, "I wish but why don't we open the letter together and sit for a cup of Joe?" Y/N smiled at her father and nodded, if there was anything she wanted she would like to have a cup with somebody.

Once the two reviewed their days they opened the letter. Y/N was nervous and wanted nothing to do with it, but her father was anxious to know. He was protective over his daughter from the Red Leader himself but loved The Red Army, mostly due to the fact he participated in it in the past. He opened the letter reading over it with numerous expressions, Y/N saw confusion and then happiness. He left her confused and worried, the last thing she thought about it was Tord. He looked to her and smiled, "The Red Army saw how well you worked in the office with.. well.."

"Tord dad. Tord." Y/N replied awkwardly.

"Right, sorry honey. But the point is the army base, not the camp, wants you to be their manager of staff and written reports! How awesome is that??" He grinned at Y/N and she smiled back, this truly was good news. Y/N became happy with the whole situation, she loved working in the office! Organizing was what she was good at (if you aren't let's just pretend you are for the sake of this story!!!) and she couldn't imagine herself in control of everything, well in the office that is. It would look good for a college resume too... "Where does it say to contact them back??" She asked and grabbed the letter from her dad's hands. She searched the paper and then smiled, "It says I have to just call Patryk's number." Her dad looked strangely at her and she clarified, "Patryk is or.. per say was one of The Red Leader's main assistants when I was still going to the camp." Her dad awed and nodded, standing up. "Well, I'm heading out again. Don't do anything crazy, your mother will be here in two hours." Y/N nodded and said her goodbyes to her dad, she was so excited to get this job opportunity.

The Next Day...

Your Pov:

I wondered why December had to be so cold, my fingers hurt and begged silently for mercy as I approached the Red army base. Apart of me didn't believe that I was still willing to work for the red army. Sure another thing was that I was nervous but I had to do this. Even if that means seeing Tord. I just had to remind myself he was just a man who used to be in my life right? Right. Before entering the black sealed window doors I checked my hair and makeup, not that it mattered but I wanted to be professional. Besides this was a job for somebody, who they saw and assumed was mature, I'd have to show and prove to them I was what I looked like. I entered the doors pushing through them with ease and was welcomed with warmth. The main entrance had a security lane and since it was early there wasn't a line. I sighed in relief. The security guard, asking me to take off my shoes and such was very nice. And he knew who I was... Calling me by Ms. L/N. I didn't think much of it so I awkwardly continued off to the numbered room which Patryk told me to go for the interview. But then I was stopped by a familiar voice, "Y/N?" I turned around to see Edd and smiled. He came closer and offered a friendly hug, which I took and pulled away. "What are you doing here?" He asks and chuckles which sends me to blush in pride. "I'm here for an interview, the base wants me to be their manager in charge of the office of reports, what are you doing here? I mean.. weren't you helping with the army base camp?" Edd frowns at my question and shrugs, "Eh well.. The Red Leader shut down the camp and burned all the property down so now we are just sending out generals to recruit comrades and bring them here into the base." I felt my eyebrows raise, Tord burned what he was most proud of? I had so many questions but I had to get to this interview, "I have to go but... but maybe we could catch up sometime when I'm free?" Edd seemed complied with this and nodded his head, "Yeah well see ya." I stopped him and wrote down my number quickly, "Here you little derp, gotta have my number first." He took it from me and smiled like an idiot, "Right, right."

I finally found the office and let my hand grab the doorknob. This was it, this was the place. I took in a breath and walked in only to see Tord.

(1214 words :3) 

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