Ten: The knight and his Dronning

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Tord's Pov:

I was looking to Y/N feeling happy that she was now willing to be close to me again. Going into town was a big step to be looked at regardless of the reason why.. Going to town showed that she was wanting to be around people again after Christina had damaged her, so it was a sign of healing. Going to town with her also made me step out of my comfort zone, although she was right about me being concerned on what people thought I needed to be public with her. To improve our relationship outside this dim living area. And going into town also meant taking the risk bumping into Tom and Matt... I shivered at the thought of them. I hadn't seen them for four years but anger always outlasts more than a couple of decades. And the fact that Edd became my friend again probably gave them another reason to hate me. But I can't blame them, I was reckless to think my stupid robot and I would take over the world, hand in hand. That's what made me devoted to build an army instead. A strong and more developed plan would make this world surrender, not only by intimidation but possibly a war. I never liked the idea of war however, considering I was violent in the head. I wanted all control first, the war was just a common second thought in mind.

I shook my thoughts away mumbling to myself not to worry. Besides today was about her, not about me and my problems. I pulled up my pants and slipped my belt through the loops, making sure it was hooked afterwards. Then I reached for a button up flannel. With ease I slipped it off the hanger and onto myself, I didn't bother to button it up because now I had to find my wallet. Where was that nifty thing? "Tord are you ready to go?" Y/N's tiny voice caught my attention. I couldn't help but simply react so quickly, it was an instinct, she was an instinct. She was dressed in one of the few red hoodies I had, it went past her hips and was big on her. My eyes traveled down her, black skinny jeans seemed to be her favorite along with red converse I'd never seen before. She mimicked my style without knowing, the angel. "Hey where'd you get that ya sneak?" I asked her maneuvering my way to her. She giggled at me and waved her hands in the air, "Well.. I was just going through your drawers that's all.. Can I wear it pleassseee???" She begged with big innocent eyes and I gave in easily, "Of course you can babe." She blushed at my remark and her grin widened, "But one thing.." I raised my eyebrows at her, letting my hands meet her waist. "Hm?" 

"Your buttons, gotta button up that shirt.. I'd hate to let others see what I own." 

"Ah yes, all yours.. I almost mm.. forgot.."

She hit my arm hardly, "Jerk!" I laughed and caught her by her wrist before she could throw another playful hit. "Oh am I now?" I leaned into her face with another yet welcoming kiss. She laughed against me and I rocked her somewhat back and forth before letting go. Pulling away she nudges me, "You better not forget that mister Larsson.." Chuckles escaped my mouth, "Ah, søt, jeg kunne ikke." (Ah sweetie I couldn't) I kissed her cheek before continuing to button up my shirt and she stepped into the living room, peering down onto her phone. Oh no! I'd forgotten about my wallet, yes I must find it. 

Third Person View:

Now that Tord had found his wallet he was ready to go. He checked to see if he had all his common cards, cash, and his license. It had been a while since he'd gone out and he needed to be prepared for the day, the last thing he needed was to look stupid in front of his girlfriend. Y/N sat on the couch watching him as he then grabbed his jacket. She smiled as he looked her way, "Ready?" He returned the grin and shrugged his shoulders, "Only when you are my dronning." Y/N blushed at him and swatted her hands at him, she had said she wanted to hear more Norwegian from him but whenever he did she was always embarrassed because she never understood what came from his lips. It was simply like looking at a well done portrait, asking more from the artist, but instead the artist lowers you in by more and more detail. Tord noticed how awkward he made her feel and couldn't help but laugh. While caught up in her uncomfortable state he takes her hand, "Dronning means queen. So don't worry, I'm a knight that protects you at all times." She seems persuaded by this so she nods lightly, taking his hand and squeezing it. "Then great, lovely, knight.. Lead the way.."

Tord and Y/N went down an elevator. He knew people would see him and Y/N together, ofically, for the first time. He was nervous and became remotely protective inside himself.  Goosebumps climbed up his arms as he exited the large metal doors. People filled the hallways, his employees, his cadets, his generals, everyone. Their heels clicked against the floor, their eyes and then their mumbles carrying through the air,

"Is that Y/N?!"

"Hey I heard that's the leader, salute!"

"I'm so happy for her, she's proved herself for him.. I mean hasn't she?"

Y/N clutched onto his hand, her heart rate increasing. The voices continued,

"Ew what a--"


"Woah that's different."

Tord tightened the grip on her hand, she blushed and squeezed a response back. This is what she wanted after all isn't it? What she had said she wanted, "I love you and that's all that matters to me." She doubted this only for a moment but then she looked to Tord, and only him the whole way out. She wanted him, he wanted her, and he was doing this for her. "Tord.." She spoke as they entered through another large door.

She had a hard time finding the right words to say to him. She was sensitive from all the eye contact she had made while walking down the hallways. Tord looked at her in confusion but in patience. He was willing to listen to her no matter how she was feeling, he slipped his arm around her for comfort. She leaned in and took a silent breath of air, she found what she was looking for, "Jeg elsker deg Tord.." His face went scarlet and his breath was taken away, "I.. I love-- Jeg elsker deg Y/N." He finally let loose the mouth watering words. She smiled softly and leaned into him more, finally, she told herself, I feel complete.

Your Pov:

We reached the car, still remaining hand in hand, and I believe this was the most I've smiled in years. Besides having a first crush who actually noticed me in third grade, this was truly a happy moment. And I hoped we would stay like this.. My heart wanted nothing more than to be happy with him.

His car was a middle aged red, faded from it's color from natural cause. It hung closely to the ground, the wheels being fairly unmatched. I simply smiled, remembering my first car (you are 20 in this xReader). I was 17 and I'd already had a permit to license. My parents were sensitive letting me drive at first but developed a trust in me, that is until I let a friend borrow it and well.. Crash it. I felt Tord leave my side and in front of me. He opens the passenger car door and steps aside, "My lady." I blinked and pretended to do a curtsy, "Why thank you my knight."

(1324 words :3)

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